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Контрольная работа за 3 четверть для 9х классов английский язык УМК Rainbow English (Радужной английский) О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой

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«Контрольная работа за 3 четверть для 9х классов английский язык УМК Rainbow English (Радужной английский) О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой»

Unit 3

Science and Technology.

Test Yourself

1 Listen and match the names of the speakers with the names of the devices they are describing. There is one name of a device you don’t have to use.
1) Katy a) fridge
2) Alex b) mobile phone
3) Don c) television
4) Patricia d) computer
5) John e) dishwasher
6) Emma f) washing machine
g) vacuum cleaner

2 Read the text “Going Underground” and say which of the “metros” is mentioned in paragraphs 1—5.
a) the oldest of them
b) the most comfortable
c) the one which carries the biggest number of passengers
d) the one which shows the style of decoration matching the capital
e) the one which has the longest lines
Going Underground
1. Moscow underground is the largest in terms of passenger numbers, with more than a billion passenger journeys a year. Some underground stations are very beautiful and include sculptures, mosaic pictures in the ceilings, beautiful decorations. The first line was open in the thirties of the 20th century. It ran through the city centre and had just ten stations.

2. The New York underground is the largest in terms of kilometres covered. It is often called the “Subway” and is one of the world’s cheapest, with a single journey to and from any station costing just $2. It is characterized by the fact that its lines are named by numbers and letters (like 1, 3 and A, D).

3. The Paris Metro was built at the turn of the 20th century and has 368 stations covering 15 lines and transporting around six million people daily. Some stations are designed in a very artistic way characterized by flower and leaf motifs. The architect Hector Guimard decorated this mass transit system in tune with the city.

4. London was the first city to get the underground. The London Underground (The Metropolitan Railway) was opened in 1863 and Londoners at once began speaking about it as a fashionable way to travel. The Metropolitan Railway grew and began to be called the Tube because of the narrow tunnels that characterize the older parts of the system. Today the London Underground covers most of Greater London with 11 different lines and 97 million passenger journeys every year.

5. The Tokyo subway became infamous in 1995 when Aum Shinri Kyo cultused Sarin gas on a train, killing 12 people. However, it is one of the safest underground systems and generally people characterize it as the world’s best in terms of ease of use and comfort.

3 Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right.
(civilize, science, act, equip, magnet ,distance)
Our (1)_________________ is not the only life form in the universe. Some (2) _______________ believe that UFOs are real and try to prove it. Ufologists all over the world have become very (3) __________. They use hi-tech (4) _______________ to measure (5)______________effect which comes from UFOs. They think these objects fly from (6)______________ galaxies. Human science and technology are not yet advanced enough to contact with them.

4 Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the verbs on the right.( Open, take,cost,begin,tell,late,dig,stop,continue,late,run,close,little,travel)
The Channel Tunnel
The Channel Tunnel (1) ______________in May 1994 with a big formal ceremony. It (2)___________ 13, 000 engineers and 170 million hours to construct it. It (3)_______________ about 21 billion dollars to build it. The history of the Channel Tunnel (4)_____________ in 1802 when Albert Mathieu, a French engineer, (5)_____________ Napoleon about his idea of an underwater channel. Seventy-three years (6)__________________ the Channel Tunnel Company Limited began (7)______________ near Dover in England but in 1882 the work (8) ________________ as the British were afraid of a foreign attack through the tunnel. In 1986 the French and the UK agreed (9)_______________________ the project, and a few years (10)__________________ the first trains (11)_______________along the tunnel. After all these years it is quite clear that the tunnel is a success. Europe is (12)________________ than ever to the British Isles. It takes (13) __________________ than three hours (14) ____________________ from London to Paris by train.

5 Write the following in English.
1) Запустить космический корабль в космос;_________________________________________

2) лук и стрелы; _________________________________________________________________

3) простые приспособления и инструменты; __________________________________________

4) искусный рабочий; ______________________________________________________________

5) исследовать вселенную; __________________________________________________________

6) наука и техника;_________________________________________________________________

7) опасное ядерное оружие; _________________________________________________________

8) памятный рейс; __________________________________________________________________

9) бесполезно спорить; ______________________________________________________________

10) способный изобретатель.__________________________________________________________


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