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Контрольная работа за 4 четверть для 8 класса (Rainbow English)

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Контрольная работа предназначена для проверки уровня знаний учащихся 8 класса по английскому языку за 4 четверть

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«Контрольная работа за 4 четверть для 8 класса (Rainbow English)»

Контрольная работа за 4 четверть

8 класс

(Rainbow English)

  1. Прочитайте текст и соотнесите утверждение с подходящим именем. Одно утверждение лишнее. (3 балла)

James Cook was a famous English navigator, discov- erer and mapmaker. He was born in a small village in the north of England. At the age of seventeen he was sent to learn to sail on ships. He became very interest- ed in sea voyages and made a lot of them. He was at the head of the three expeditions round the world which made the knowledge about our planet deeper and wid- er. The maps he made were very good for those times. He discovered many islands in the Pacific Ocean and was killed on one of them by the native people.

Vasco da Gamma was born in Portugal. He was a fa- mous sea traveller and lived in the 15th century. He was the first to make a voyage from Europe to India which was very important for his country as it got new markets. The voyage was rather difficult and not very successful because the people in India were not very much interested in Portuguese goods and didn’t want to buy them. But the way to India by sea was discovered and that was a great success.

Francis Drake was born in 1540 in England. The Drake family was rather large. Francis’s parents had 12 children. Francis loved sea and left his native town fairly young. He got a ship as a gift from his friend, an old captain and made some far-away voyages. In 1577 Queen Elizabeth I sent Drake on an expedition against the Spanish ships. He took part in the war between En- gland and Spain in 1585 and destroyed the ships of the enemy. He died in 1596 at the age of 56 and was buried at sea. He was considered a hero by the English and just a pirate by the Spanish.

1. James Cook

a) traveller’s voyages were difficult.

2. Vasco da Gama

b) wasn't loved by one nation but was admired by another.

3. Francis Drake

c) wasn't born in England.

d) didn't die in his native country.

  1. Выберите лишнее слово (1 балл)

a. law

b. lead

c. bury

d. admire

  1. Выберите лишнее слово (1 балл)

a. novel

b. western

c. musical

d. thriller

  1. Выберите лишнее слово (1 балл)

a. brilliant

b. caring

c. gifted

d. village

  1. Выберите правильный вариант (1 балл)

"Mona Lisa" ... painted in 1503.

 a. are

 b. were

 c. is

 d. was

 e. will be

  1. Выберите правильный вариант (1 балл)

A lot of skyscrapers ... built in New York last year.

 a. were

 b. will be

 c. is

 d. was

 e. are

  1. Выберите правильный вариант (1 балл)

Books ... usually made of cardboard and paper.

 a. will be

 b. were

 c. are

 d. was

 e. is

  1. Выберите правильный вариант (1 балл)

This tasty cocktail is made ... milk, ice cream and fruit juice.

 a. from

 b. of

  1. Выберите правильный вариант (1 балл)

In Asia they often use tables and chairs made ... bamboo.

 a. from

 b. of

  1. Выберите правильный вариант (1 балл)

This shirt is made of ...

 a. rubber

 b. brick

 c. cotton

 d. glass

  1. Выберите правильный вариант (1 балл)

This game is played ... a ball and a racket.

 a. with

 b. by

  1. Напишите глагол в страдательном залоге (1 балл)

The letter (sent) yesterday.

  1. Напишите глагол в страдательном залоге (1 балл)

He often (laugh) at.

  1. Напишите предложение в страдательном залоге (2 балла)

James gave me a book.

  1. Напишите предложение в страдательном залоге (2 балла)

Alice cleans the floor every day.

Критерии оценки:

Max – 19 баллов

17-19 б – 5

13-16 б – 4

9-12 б – 3

меньше 12 б – 2


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