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Контрольное аудирование (7 класс)

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Контрольное аудирование для 7 класса по УМК "Rainbow English" Афанасьевой

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«Контрольное аудирование (7 класс)»

Контроль аудирования 7 класс

1. Listen and decide what their favourite subjects are.

1) Pauline

2) Mike

3) Ann

4) Denis

2. Listen and complete the sentences

1) How old is Ann? – She is….

a) thirteen

b) twelve

c) twenty

2) Where does Ann live? — She lives in....

a) Oxford

b) London

c) Brighton

3) Is Ann a student? — She is and she goes to ….

a) a primary school

b) college

c) a state school

4) How old is Ann’s school? — It is....

a) very old

b) fairly old

c) quite new

5) How many foreign languages does Ann learn?

a) English and German

b) French and English

c) French and German

6) How does Ann go home? — By....

a) train b) bus c) bike

7) What does Ann say about her uniform in the letter?- She … it to

a) must wear b) mustn’t wear c) likes to wear

8) What is Ann interested in? — She likes....

a) reading and swimming

b) travelling and skating

c) travelling and swimming

3.Listen and say which sentences are true.

A. Nina

1) She is seven.

2) Her father always drives her to school.

3) Nina hates her school.

4) Sport is very important in Nina’s school.

B. Boris

1) He goes to primary school.

2) He is a year five pupil.

3) He has just one teacher.

4) He likes French most of all.

C. Mike

1) He is younger than Boris.

2) He does a few subjects.

3) He enjoys physics and chemistry.

4) His PE classes in autumn are not like PE classes in winter


1) computer studies; (информатика)

2) English; (английский)

3) physics and maths; (физика и математика)

4) physical education. (физкультура)


1 – a, 2 – b, 3 – c, 4 – b, 5 – c, 6 – b,7 – (a, c), 8 – c.


TRUE SENTENCES ARE A – 1, B – 2, C – 4:
A. Nina
1) She is seven.
B. Boris
2) He is a year five pupil.
C. Mike
4) His PE classes in autumn are not like PE classes in winter.

Итого 15 б

14-15 оценка 5

11-13 оценка 4

8-10 оценка 3


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