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Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку для учеников 9 класса (Spotlight 9 - Module 1)

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Данный тест отличается краткостью и лаконичностью, позволяет проверить грамматические навыки, которые учащиеся отрабатывают в первом модуле учебника Spotlight: придаточные определительные, времена группы Present, предлоги

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«Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку для учеников 9 класса (Spotlight 9 - Module 1)»

Test 1, module 1


1/Buenol, …….. La Tomatina festival holds every year, is the tiny Spanish town.

a) when

b) where

c) which

2/La Tomatina, ……. is the strong tradition, has been since 1945.

a) when

b) where

c) which

3/The people, …… throw around 100. 000 kg of tomatoes during the festival, can do it for one hour.

a) which

b) who

c) whose

4/We have visited Georgtown, …… landed in the Caiman Islands, ……the Pirates Week festival is held every year, in November.

a) which, where

b) where, which

c) whose, where

5/The most bright festival in Russia, ….. you can eat pancakes and see the bonfire, is named Maslenitsa.

a) which

b) when

c) where

6/“a belief in things or events that bring good or bad lick that is not logical or has no scientific explanations” is

a) superstition

b) horoscope


7/ The parade ……….at 12 o`clock.

a) is starting

b) starts

c) will start

8/The film starts at 15 o`clock, so we …….at half past two.

a) are meeting

b) meet

c) will meet

9/ You look exhausted. What……? – I have been in the garden since the morning.

a) have you done

b) have you been doing

c)are you doing

10/ It has been raining…..the evening.

a) since

b) for

c) in

11/ John has known Sally …..six years.

a) since

b) for

c) about

12/ We haven`t seen Kelly …….a long time.

a) since

b) for

c) in

13/ Sally looks terribly worried. She ……… the mirror.

a) has been breaking

b) has just broken


14/ Jane is dancing well. Choose the right exclamations

a) How well she dances!

b) What a nice girl!

c) What a nice dance!

15/ The travel was success/ Everybody were ………….

a) thrilled

b) thrilling

16/Imagine how …….it would be to visit Paris in winter

a) excited

b) exciting

17/ It was a really ……… party. Nobody liked it.

a) bored

b) boring

18/ If you broke a mirror,

a) you will have a bad luck

b) you have a bad luck

c) you would have a bad luck

19/ Turn ….the radio. I`m going to sleep.

a) up

b) down

c) to

20/Don`t forget to turn the lights….. .

a) into

b) off

c) back


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