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Контрольные задания для 8 класса к учебной ситуации «Sports and Outdoor Activities» (Unit 1) ВАРИАНТ 1 (обычный уровень сложности)

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Контрольные задания для 8 класса по теме «Sports and Outdoor Activities» (Unit 1)

ВАРИАНТ 1 (обычный уровень сложности)

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«Контрольные задания для 8 класса к учебной ситуации «Sports and Outdoor Activities» (Unit 1) ВАРИАНТ 1 (обычный уровень сложности)»

Контрольные задания для 8 класса к учебной ситуации «Sports and Outdoor Activities» (Unit 1)

ВАРИАНТ 1 (обычный уровень сложности)

1. Прочитайте тексты (1—5), установите соответствия между ними и утверждениями (a—f), отметьте каждый текст соответствующей буквой. В списке имеется одно лишнее утверждение.

a) The text is about a person whose relative is a sportsman.

b) The text is about a person who is not an athlete.

c) The text is about a person who tries to find information about sports in different books.

d) The text is about a person who gets information about sports from TV programmes.

e) The text is about a person who is not a very good skier.

f) The text is about a person who likes ball games.

1. I’m a writer. I write books about history. I’ve come to Britain to visit some famous historic places and I will certainly visit the famous football match which is going to take place here. I can’t miss it. You know I’m a football fan and enjoy watching football though I don’t go in for sport myself.

2. I’m not a great athlete, but I do some sports. I often play volleyball or basketball, sometimes football too. In winter I practically never go in for sports outdoors. I can’t stand cold. So no cross country skiing or ice hockey for me. I prefer games played in a gym.

3. I like cross country skiing very much. This sport has lately become very popular. I think it is not so difficult as downhill skiing. But to tell you the truth, I’m not very good at my favourite sport. I usually ski rather slowly, I often watch birds and admire trees in the snow.

4. I really like sports. I think going in for any sport is very important for people. The more active people are, the healthier they become. Take my cousin Steve, who is a footballer, for example. He does several summer sports, in winter he plays hockey. And he is in very good form.

5. I like sports and I try to read about them to get more information. I’m very much interested in the history of skiing. Some books say that probably people in Sweden invented it. But those who lived in Norway first used skis for sport in 1843. And the first downhill race was in Switzerland in 1911.

2. Выберите лексически и грамматически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.

1. When we lived in a sports camp we (used to swim/had swum) a lot.

2. He said he had worn a different (sport/sports) suit before.

3. Their team joined (—/in) the competition a bit later.

4. John has been (doing/going) sports for ten years.

5. The (more/less) you speak English, the better you do it.

6. The new office (team/crew) has been working successfully.

7. The ancient Olympics had only one competition — a running (race/sport).

8. I had done my flat (at/by) 5 o’clock.

9. The game ended (in/with) a draw.

3. Используя суффиксы -an, -al, -er, -ic, -ly, -tion и приставку un-, образуйте производные от слов из правой колонки и впишите их в предложения.

1. You can see a lot of_________ artifacts in the museums of Greece. HISTORY

2. What is the way to the_______ square of the city? CENTRE

3. Oscar didn’t tell you the truth. All his answers were_______. TRUE

4. He spoke____, but we understood he wasn’t glad to see us. POLITE

5. Raisa Kulakova is a great Russian_______. SKI

6. The style of_____ is very important and not only in a museum. PRESENT

7. You can buy________ sportswear here. COLOUR

8. What_____cities can you name? INDIA

4. Выберите грамматически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.

1. By the time we (arrived/had arrived), our friends (did/had done) all the job.

2. The Robinsons (drove/had driven) home by bed time.

3. The teenagers (washed/had washed) their bikes by the time their class (began/had begun).

4. At 3 o’clock yesterday Kelly (was doing/had done) her shopping.

5. When we returned, they (disappeared/had disappeared).

6. Willy (had/had had) lunch when I came into the dining room.

7. I (knew/had known) everything before she (called/had called) me.

8. The soup was tasteless and Jack (was still eating/had already eaten) it when Rose ran into the kitchen.

ВАРИАНТ 2 (обычный уровень сложности)

1. Прочитайте тексты (1—5), установите соответствия между ними и утверждениями (a—f), отметьте каждый текст соответствующей буквой. В списке имеется одно лишнее утверждение.

a) The text is about a person who didn’t like his/her training.

b) The text is about sports equipment.

c) The text is about some summer sport.

d) The text is about a person who is fond of some winter sport.

e) The text is about a person who doesn’t do any sport.

f) The text is about how things used to be in sports.

1. A lot of things have changed in sports. Nowadays women often play football, but in the middle of the last century only men did it. These days athletes prefer metal tennis rackets, but they used only wooden rackets before. Modern footballers get a lot of money now, things were different before.

2. When you play chess, you move chessmen on a chessboard. But if you are a badminton player, you use a racket and a shuttlecock. Athletes in gyms use horses, rings, and bars. While boxing people wear boxing gloves. And certainly sportsmen and sportswomen use balls in all ball games.

3.I like sports. I mean to say that I like to watch different competitions and games on TV, but I don’t do any sport myself. I think you get a lot more excitement when you watch and see all the details than when you take part in the event but miss many things.

4.Last winter I spent a week at a skiing school. It was not much fun really. First of all, we had to get up at 6.30 every morning. That was terrible. Then we had to make our beds ourselves. At 8.30 the skiing began and it didn’t stop until 10.30, then we had a little break and skied till lunchtime. I was always tired.

5.The sport I like is skiing. I think it is the best sport of all. It is certainly more interesting and more fun to go skiing than to go swimming or do anything else. I also think that it’s great to do cross-country skiing. I’m not fond of downhill racing. It’s very dangerous.

2. Выберите лексически и грамматически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.

1. There were Russian people and foreigners in the spaceship (crew/team).

2. There were a lot of bluebells (in/on) the field.

3. I’m sure he will join (—/in) our club in the end.

4. Vlad has been (doing/going) karate for some months.

5. I didn’t feel comfortable on the plane because I (had never flown/didn’t use to fly) before.

6. I like the (sport/sports) uniform the members of our team wear.

7. The (more/longer) fruit we eat, the healthier we become.

8. Everybody could hardly sleep because of the (excited/excitement) they felt.

9. We visited Paris, Bonn, Munich and ended (up/with) in Berlin.

3. Используя суффиксы -an, -ical, -er, -ic, -ly, -tion, -ful и приставку un-, образуйте производные от слов из правой колонки и впишите их в предложения.

1. The wind has changed its________ . DIRECT

2. Albert’s ________marks in biology surprised me. SATISFACTORY

3. Mr Greenwood is an expert in______ studies. PHILOLOGY

4. An ______is someone who is from one of the countries in Asia. ASIA

5. Aristotle is a famous Ancient Greek_______. PHILOSOPHY

6. Such ______changes can be dangerous. CLIMATE

7. The Volga is a ______river in Russia. POWER

8. Suddenly, _______coloured birds appeared in the sky. BRILLIANT

4. Выберите грамматически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.

1. By the time we (returned/had returned), the competition (began/had begun).

2. During our summer holidays we (played/had played) different sports games.

3. James (finished/had finished) reading the book by bedtime.

4. They (left/had left) for Scotland the other day.

5. Beatrice (was having/had had) a swimming class at 3 o’clock yesterday.

6. We had received all the information about them before they (appeared/had appeared) in our club.

7. Jane (was cooking/had cooked) supper by the time they arrived.

8. The tradition of the Olympic Games (reappeared/had reappeared) only in the 19th century.


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