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Контрольный тест по английскому языку 5 класс УМК "Rainbow Endlish" Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

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Контрольный тест за первое полугодие для учащихся 5 класса общеобразовательных школ по УМК "Rainbow Endlish" Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

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«Контрольный тест по английскому языку 5 класс УМК "Rainbow Endlish" Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.»

Контрольная работа по итогам 1 полугодия.


Фамилия Имя_________________________________

  1. Vocabulary. Match the English and the Russian variant.

  1. eraser a) перчатки

  2. helmet b) кухня

  3. gloves c) ластик

  4. watch d) холодильник

  5. kitchen e) часы

  6. carpet f) шлем

  7. fridge g) ковер


  1. Betty is Brian’s …

  2. Sarah is Andrew’s …

  3. William is Simon’s …

  4. Paul is Simon’s …

  1. Write the plurals.

  1. doll –

  2. lady –

  3. child –

  4. class –

  5. leaf –

  6. man –

  7. tooth –

  1. Choose the correct item.

  1. Natasha have/has got a cap and gloves.

  2. They have/has got pens and pencils.

  3. There is/are a wardrobe in the bedroom.

  4. There is/are books in the bookcase.

  5. This is easy. You can/can’t do it!

  6. The baby can/can’t walk yet.

  1. Reading. Read the text and answer the questions.

  1. How old is Ann?

  2. What is Ann’s favourite room?

  3. What is on the walls?

  4. What colour are the walls?

  5. Where is her desk?

  6. What is always under her bed?

English Test V 2

  1. Vocabulary. Match the English and the Russian variant.

  1. ruler a) кроссовки

  2. bicycle b) линейка

  3. trainers c) ванная

  4. handbag d)гардеробный щкаф

  5. bathroom e) велосипед

  6. wardrobe f) раковина

  7. sink g) сумка через плечо


  1. Betty is Sarah’s …

  2. Sue is Andrew’s …

  3. Brian is Jane’s …

  4. Brian is Sarah’s …

III.Write the plurals.

  1. ball –

  2. party –

  3. mouse –

  4. dress –

  5. life –

  6. woman –

  7. foot -

  1. Choose the correct item.

  1. Peter have/has got a bicycle.

  2. We have/has got basketballs.

  3. There is/are chairs in the bedroom.

  4. There is/are lamp on the desk.

  5. I can/can’t speak French. I only speak English.

  6. Mark can/can’t play football. He plays on Mondays.

  1. Reading. Read the text and answer the questions.

  1. How old is Ann?

  2. What is Ann’s favourite room?

  3. What is on the walls?

  4. What colour are the walls?

  5. Where is her desk?

  6. What is always under her bed?


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