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Краткосрочный план по английскому языку по теме "Music"

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Краткосрочный план по английскому языку, направленный на повторение и закрепление темы  Музыка, музыкальные инструменты

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«Краткосрочный план по английскому языку по теме "Music"»

Konstantinovka Basic Secondary School

Short-term plan


Music. theme of the lesson)

Sections/Cross-cutting themes:

Unit 6. Entertainment and Media


Leonova N.I.



Grade: 7



Theme of the lesson:


Learning objectives:

7.S8 recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and curricular topics

7.L8 understand supported narratives on a wide range of general and curricular topics

7.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives:

Learners developed listening and speaking skills working creatively and cooperatively in groups while discussing series


Lesson stage/


Teacher’s actions

Pupils’ actions




5 minutes


  • Good morning to all of you, students! How are you today? Good! I am glad to see you! Today we have an open lesson. In addition, we start our lesson with wishes. I’ll give you a balloon, please write down good words.

  • I hope that all the wishes and all the good words will definitely come true both in today's lesson and in your life.

  • Now look at the blackboard we have “A cloud of words”. Therefore, you should find 10 words.

  • What words did you find?

Guitar Instruments Music

Singer Dombra Piano

Drum Song Karaoke


1. ________________________

2._____________________ ____

3. _________________________

4. __________________________

5. ____________________

6.___________________ ____


8. _____________________

9.______________ _____________

10._______ ______________

  • What do you think we are going to talk about today? What the topic of today’s lesson? Right you are! The theme of the lesson is “Music”.

  • Today we will speak about music. We review the words and phrases of this theme, do some exercises, speak, answer the questions and read the text.

  • Answer my questions:

  1. Do you like to listen to music?

  2. What is your favourite type of music?

  3. Can you play any instruments?

  4. Do you like singing?

  • Thanks. Well done!

Write wishes

Learners follow the instructions

Fid the words

Guess the topic of the lesson

Answer the questions

Verbal evaluation

A balloon






35 minutes

  • Let’s begin the main part of our lesson! Firstly, let’s divided into two groups. I’ll give you parts of puzzles you should complete the picture.

  • OK! We have two groups. Let’s begin to do the 1st exercise.

  • Look at the blackboard. We have some maps of countries. Do you know these countries? Of course, I think you know. First you should do exercise on the cards.

Greek, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Russia, Kazakhstan, China, India.

  • I’ll give you cards with the task. You should math the words with the maps. Let’s check! Go to the blackboard and match the words.

  • Let’s evaluate your work.

  • Listen to music and say me where it is from.

“It’s from….”

1. It is from _______________________

2. It is from ___________________________

3. It is from ____________________________

4. It is from _______________________________

5. It is from ______________________________

6. It is from _____________________________

7. It is from ________________________________

8. It is from ______________________________

  • Good for you! Let’s continue! Now do exercises on the cards. You should find the words about musical instruments.

  • Complete the words into 4 groups.

Wind Keyboard String Percussion

Clarinet Accordion Balalaika Drum

Flute Grand-piano Dombra

Saxophone Piano Guitar

Trumpet Synthesizer Harp


  • Well done! Let’s evaluate your work. Watch a video, please! What is about this video? Right! This video is about a Kazakh musical instrument – dombra. I’ll give you cards with texts and give you 1 minute. Read the text.

Musical instrument around the world

Most people learn how to play the guitar, the drums, the piano or maybe the violin. But how many can play the dombra or the tin whistle?

These two musical instruments became popular in the past in very different parts of the world, but they managed to survive through time! Let’s learn a little more about them.

The Dombra.

The dombra is a beautiful string instrument. It is called the queen of Kazakh instruments. It’s got a pear-shaped wooden body with a long neck and two strings. It is play by strumming each string individually, with an occasional tap on the main surface of the instrument. The strings were made from sinew but today nylon ones are used. The dombra is an instrument with a long history. Many Kazakh families have at least one person who can play it. It is usually played on its own or used to accompany traditional songs. It sounds great as part of a band, too. Some bands even use electric dombras to create music.

  • Let’s continue. I’ll give you Russian sentences you should find translation in the text.

1.Большинство людей учатся играть на гитаре, барабанах, фортепиано или, может быть, скрипке.

2.Эти два музыкальных инструмента стали популярными в прошлом в самых разных уголках мира, но им удалось выжить во времени!

3.Домбра - прекрасный струнный инструмент.

4.Ее называют королевой казахских инструментов.

5.У него деревянный корпус грушевидной формы с длинным грифом и двумя струнами.

6. Это игра путем перебирания каждой струны по отдельности, время от времени постукивая по основной поверхности инструмента.

7. Струны были сделаны из сухожилий, но сегодня используются нейлоновые.

8. Домбра - инструмент с долгой историей.

9. Во многих казахских семьях есть по крайней мере один человек, который умеет в нее играть.

10. Некоторые группы даже используют электрическую домбру для создания музыки.

- Good for you. Let’s evaluate your works. I ‘ll dive you some parts of the shape, complete the shape, finding the translation of the words.

  • Perfect work! I hope you review the words and learn more information that is new.

  1. Dombra what kind of musical instrument ?

  2. Do they use an electric domra to create music?

  3. What are strings made of nowadays?

  4. Do you like this musical instruments?

  5. Can you play the dombra?

Complete the pictures

Find the name of the countries.

Each group describes their films with some or no support.

Math the words

Evaluate work

Listen to music, find the country

Find the words and complete them into groups

Watch a video

Read the texts

Translate the sentences

Complete the shape

Individual avaluatio

Mutual avaluatio

Mutual avaluatio

Mutual avaluatio

Mutual avaluatio

Mutual avaluatio


Maps of the countries

Working with students with low motivation - a card or simple questions and tasks. Work with students with increased motivation - a card or difficult questions and tasks. Filling gaps in knowledge is the repetition of topics that caused difficulties, or complex grammatical topics.





A video





5 minutes


Home task: Collect information about famous people who are associated with music (musicians, composers, singers)

  • Let's summarize the results. Evaluate the teams first. now evaluate yourself. I will give you magnets on the ladder of success determining your condition at the moment.

Saying goodbye



Ladder of success



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