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Курение-опасно для нашего здоровья

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«Курение-опасно для нашего здоровья»


« Курение-опасно для нашего здоровья»

Цели: Дидактическая: Активизировать новую лексику.

Развивающая: творческие способности учащихся, память ,мыслительную деятельность учащихся.

Воспитательная: Воспитание бережного отношение к здоровью.


1) компьютер .
2) мультимедийный проектор;
3) наглядный материал;
4) аудиомагнитофон;

Ход урока.

I-Организационный момент.

T. Everyone of you has encounted the problem of smoking. First of all, we are often “passive smokes” Then many of our relatives , classmates smoke. So we have to face this problem. We’ ll discuss it now.

II Речевая зарядка.

Smoking is a bad habit. And I want you to be in good health.. But what makes us healthy?

Look at the list of ideas and say what is useful or harmful for your health.

  1. Swimming

  2. Eating fast food

  3. sunbathing;

  4. smoking cigarettes;

  5. going to the gym;

  6. laughing a lot;

  7. running every day;

  8. not having breakfast;

  9. playing computer games.;

  10. learning new things;

eg: Smoking cigarettes is harmful for my health.


Tobacco is the single biggest cause of cancer Many types of cancer are caused by smoking Lung cancer risk increases dramatically among smokers Even light or occasional smoking damages health Stopping smoking can reduce the risk Cutting down is a good start, but the big benefits come from quitting Tobacco smoke contains many dangerous chemicals Chemicals in smoke damage the body in many ways Nicotine is a highly addictive drug Filtered or ‘low-tar’ cigarettes also cause cancer Alcohol worsens the effect of smoking Passive smoking causes cancer and other diseases Pipes, cigars, bidis and shisha also cause cancer Smokeless tobacco can cause cancer E-cigarettes are almost certainly far safer than smoking Using Stop Smoking Services is the most effective way to quit

IV. while-listening tasks.

  • – You see that smoking is a serious problem in our country.

  • – You are going to listen to two letters. Written by a seventh-former who started smoking , and another letter is from a mother who says that she does to make her son stop smoking.

– Now listen to the tape again and answer the questions:

Where did the pupils smoke at school?

Why did Nick give up smoking?

What does Nick do when she wants a cigarette?

Do you think smoking is a problem of our school?

Why do people start smoking? Add your ideas.

V. Watching the anti-smoking film.

– Now please watch a short video about smoking.

– You know that smoking damages different parts of our bodies. Take your paper people. While watching cross those body parts that are mentioned in the film.

– Now say: “Every cigarette damages…”

– Use: brain, lungs, blood, liver, kidneys, heart, stomach, colon.

VI) Post-listening and watching task.

a).- Дискуссия.

  1. Why is smoking dangerous?

  2. The reason of smooking.

  3. We can’t stop producing tobacco goods. Why?

  4. How to solve this problem?

  5. What advice can you give to a smoker?

b)– Imagine that you are taking part in an anti-smoking campaign.

– Complete the slogans for the campaign using the words:

Bad, clever, cool, glamorous, good, optimistic, nasty, nice, right, stupid, useful, dangerous.

  1. Smoking is a very ____ habit.

  2. Smoking isn’t ____ or ____.

  3. Smoking is very ____ for you.

  4. Chewing gum is ____ to help you stop smoking.

  5. Smokers are ____ to give up.

c)-Explaine these sentences:

To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did; I ought to know because I've done it a thousand times.

The best way to stop smoking is to carry wet matches.


VII. Заключительная часть урока.

So you’ve worked hard today.

Now let’s see what we have done today.

Complete the sentences:

Today at the lesson I’ve read…

listened to …

At home you are to make up 5-7 sentences about smoking using the information from the lesson.

The lesson is over. Goodbye


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