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Лексико - Грамматический Практикум Rainbow 10 класс

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Pages 14-20 are presented here for the teachers.

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«Лексико - Грамматический Практикум Rainbow 10 класс»

Put questions to sentences: Translate into English: №5

  1. We left Paris for Madrid. Болтливая соседка-, безответственный студент-

  2. The strange lady is sitting in an old armchair. Внимательный ученик-, упрямая лошадь-,

  3. We’ll soon hear this information. Зрелый ученик-, вспыльчивая девушка-,пухленькое дитя-

  4. The hospital is situated on the high bank of the river. Надежная медсестра-, человек с легким характером-

  5. Our neighbors have bought a new car. Высокомерный артист-, скромная служанка-

  6. They spent their holidays in the north of Crimea. Способный доктор-, застенчивый ребенок-

  7. Jack wears his hair loose over shoulders. Вздернутый носик-, неопрятный мальчик-,бледное лицо-

  8. It is snowing in Moscow now. Честолюбивый партнер-, разборчивый покупатель-

  9. You find Maths difficult. Полная женщина-, обычные люди-, стройная леди-

  10. They did it several times a week. Худощавый мальчик-, светлые волосы-, прямой нос Put the words in proper form:

  1. When I entered the room I (see) _________ a lady. She (sit)________________ in the armchair with her elbow resting on the table. She was the (strange) ____________ lady I ever (see)____________. 2. They say people can (shock) ___________ at the number of senior secondary pupils in Britain who cannot distinguish between “their” and “there”. 3. Young people (not write) ______________ letters in the 21st century. 4. Some pupils say that (write) __________ or typing as essay is unusual or difficult for (they) ________. 5. How long you (have)__________ your mobile? 6. The other day we (decide)_____________ to go on with the project, but unfortunately, we (cannot)__________ come to the conclusion who (carry) ___________ it out. 7. More than 20 million people (die)________ from AIDS since the epidemic (begin)__________. 8. If Carl (join)_____________ us, we will be able to win the game, but I am not sure that he (agree)___________ to join us. 9. A tall young lady appeared on the stage. She (wear)_________ a long pale dress. 10. On that day Rose said she (buy)___________ a new outfit for (she)____. She was preparing for her birthday. 11. It was rather dim in the room. An old lady (lie)__________ on the sofa. Another one (sit) __________ in the chair. She (dress)______________ in rich materials – satins, and lace and silks – all white. Some bright jewels (sparkle)______________ on neck and on her hands and some other jewels (lie)_____________ sparkling on the table near the sofa. Put the words in proper forms:

Margaret (work)_______________ as a waitress at a café in Oxford when she first (meet)______________ Chako. It (be) ____________ the summer of his final year at Oxford. (he)_______ rumpled shirt (button)______________ up wrong. His shoe laces (untie)______________. His hair (brush)_______________ carelessly. He was tall. Margaret (can)_______ see he was well-built. He (have)_________ an amused air about (he)______ and a way of narrowing his eyes as though he was trying to read a faraway sign. He looked as if he (forget)________________ to bring his glasses. His ears (stick)_________________ out on either side of his head like teapot handles. There was something contradictory about his athletic build and his disheveled appearance. Witty Mr Winkle

That happened during one of Mr Pickwick’s travels. One morning he found that his companions (rise)__________ and already (wait)____________ for him for two hours (begin)______________ breakfast. They all (sit)_________ down to the meal in a small café and started discussing the way to the Manor Farm which they (plan)__________ to visit the previous day. “We had better ask the waiter “- said Mr Tupman. So the waiter (send)_____________ for and (ask)_______________ what means of travelling could (use)______________ to go to the Manor Farm. The waiter (explain) _______________ that driving to the farm in a four-wheel carriage was the best way out. But the trouble was that the carriage (hold)__________________ only by three people. “What we (do)__________ if there (be not)______________ enough room for all of us?” asked Mr Snodgrass. “Perhaps one of the gentlemen would like to ride,” suggested the waiter (look)_________________ at Mr Wrinkle. The latter was afraid of (ride) _________________ a horse but he wouldn’t show it. At the end of their discussion Mr Pickwick said,” Tomorrow at 11 sharp we (stand) ______________ at the doorway”. The next morning at 11 Mr Pickwick (notice)_________ the carriage (approach)_______________ their hotel. It was a funny little box on four wheels. It (draw)_________ by a large horse. Strangely enough Mr Wrinkle (see)_____________ nowhere and the friends had to spend two hours looking for him. Finally, they (find)____________ him sleeping in the carriage. He was the first to take his place in the carriage not to ride the horse.


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