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Лексико - Грамматический Практикум Rainbow 10 класс

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«Лексико - Грамматический Практикум Rainbow 10 класс»

Put the words in proper forms: №6

  1. The (WIDE) of the Lena River in some places is up to 10 kilometres.

  2. Ray Bradbury writes that his (FAME)____novel Farewell Summer began (ROUGH) when he was very young and had no (know) ____ of novels.

  3. The boys (quiet)____ climbed up the staircase.

  4. It is absolutely rude and (polite)_____ to offend people.

  5. Our (friend)_____ began when we were little children.

  6. The (origin)_____ title of the novel was “Summer Morning, Summer Night”.

  7. What (instruct)_____ s did the maid get?

  8. His adventures, as he says, are incredible and (forgettable)_____.

  9. The writer possesses a fanciful (imagine)____ , and mature (understand)____ of human character.

  10. How much you can learn from the (wise)___ of older people!

  11. Most (Europe)___ languages have an equivalent for mushrooming or mushroom hunting. Everywhere it means the same thing – going to the woods to gather mushrooms. Some people regard it as a kind of sport, some regard it as a hobby. A lot of (Russia)___ s believe that people from other countries do not have a taste for mushrooms, they think that (foreign)___ s do not know how to gather them. However, (nation)____ mushroom dishes are rather famous in Europe . They are Czech mushroom soups and (Finn)___ popular roasted porcini. They are (tradition)____ dishes and very (taste)____ . So many mushroom (love)___s hunt for mushrooms in the woods all over Europe. In 1932 an (exhibit)___ of mushrooms was held in one of the cities in Normandy. Since 1953 the festival has been held (annual)___ and in the 1990’s it acquired an international status.

Put the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect:

  1. Helen (borrow)_____ 10, 000 roubles from Amanda to buy a new washing machine. She is going to buy it tomorrow.

  2. The pupils (do)_____ the sights of St Petersburg the other day.

  3. Elizabeth I (reign)____ the country for more than forty years.

  4. Mum (give)____ Peter more pocket money this week as he buy a present for Kate.

  5. The Greens (establish)____ a new family firm lately.

  6. The president (sign)____ a new tax law just now.

  7. People (experience) _____ a lot of race discrimination in the USA lately.

  8. Laura (just pick)_____ up the toys and put them in the box under the child’s bed.

  9. Jack (remain)____ Nina’s loyal friend all her life. She is sure she can always rely on him.

  10. Len (have)____ a serious disease last month.

Choose the appropriate verbs to complete the sentences:

  1. Bob (has remained/has been remaining) in hospital since the beginning of September.

  2. Tom and Kate (have been/has been) aware of the damage to the building since the beginning of winter.

  3. David (has written/has been writing) his essay for several days.

  4. Some European countries (have stopped/have been stopping) exporting dairy products to Russia.

  5. The vice-president of the hockey federation (has just presented/has been presenting) the main prize to the winners.

  6. The doctor (has treated/has been treating) this disease successfully since the new medicine was discovered.

  7. As far as I know Lulu (have always been making/has always been making) promises she can’t keep.

  8. Dad (has washed/has been washing) his car since he returned from work.

  9. Tom Swift (have always relied/has always relying) on himself in difficult situations.

  10. Mike (has worked/ have been working) with us for many years, but now he is leaving the company.

  11. They (have made/ have been making) up their quarrel already.

  12. I (haven’t begun/have not been beginning) using the recommended treatment yet.

  13. They (have involved/have been involving) lots of people in their movement recently.

  14. We (have been discovering/ have discovered) some more options for spending our holidays lately.


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