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Лексико - Грамматический Практикум Rainbow 10 класс

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«Лексико - Грамматический Практикум Rainbow 10 класс»

Put the verbs in proper forms: №10

  1. I know that your country house (not sell)_____ yet. I (do) ____ my best to sell it and I hope it (sell)_____ soon.

  2. Fine for parking, sir. You (choose)_____ the wrong side of the road.

  3. I can’t understand why our plan (not suit)_____ you.

  4. If Alec (pass)_____ his English exam successfully, he (be)____ very happy.

  5. I looked out of the window. A group of teenagers (play)____ football on the sports ground.

  6. I don’t know when Lizzie (begin)______ doing her room.

  7. I think Bob (come)__ down with a cold. He constantly (cough, sneeze)___ and __. If I were you, I’d call the doctor.

  8. They said they (not appeal)_____ for help yet, but they (may)____ do it in the near future.

  9. Sally (wash)____ her car for more than an hour. When (think)___ you (finish) ___ it?

  10. I saw a very expensive car (drive)____ to our cottage and (stop)___ at the gates.

  11. Yesterday Jill (make)___ to vacuum the carpet sin the sitting-room by her mom.

  12. I want you (understand)____ a good child always finds some time to spend with their parents. Put the words in proper forms: Sally went shopping with 300 pounds. She (know)___ she (need)_____ some more presents for the members of (she)____ family. the ones she (buy)____ the week before were not enough. Sally’s (one)___ purchase was a pretty coffee-set. She (think)___ it (make)____ a nice birthday present for her (old)_____ sister. The retail price was 30£, but Sally (get)___ it on sale with 10% off. Then a skirt and matching blouse (buy)_____ for (she)____ at the price of 43£ and a pair of shoes which (cost)____ Sally 25£. On another sale she (see)____ watch (reduce)____ from 50£ to 40£ and decided (buy)____ it for her father. Then she got a leather for 20 % less than the usual price of 80£ and a bit later a dozen CDs at 5 £ each for her brother Dan. She finished her shopping with 3 notepads she (require)_____ for her college. Each pad was 3£ . She also (have)___ a light meal at the food court, which was 5£ . After the long day in a shopping center she (go)____ home in the taxi and (give)____ the driver 10£ (include)____ the tip. How much money did Sally have after she had been to the shops? Sally had ______ pounds. Too Late to Stop Andrew Smith liked the novels of a writer (call)____ David Lamborn. Andrew’s wife Sarah, the manager of a big bookshop, always (bring)____ Andrew the latest works by his favourite writer. then one day Sarah said to her husband, “In a few days David LAmbourn (come)___ to our bookshop (sign)___ copies of his new book for his admirers . isn’t that good news? A big party (organize)____ for him at the Grand Hotel and you (invite)____ as my husband.” Andrew got very happy (look)____ forward to the day when he (meet)____ David Lambourn. On the great day at 6 p. m. Andrew (stand)____ at the door of the hotel room where the party just (begin)____ . He hoped he (recognize)___ the writer whose photograph he (have)___ for a long time. And he really did. The great writer (talk)____ to his wife Sarah! What luck! Andrew (introduce)____ to the writer immediately. He wanted the great man (tell)____ him about his early days as a writer. From their talk Andrew learnt that David’s real name was David Lamb but his agent (advise)____ him to change it. Then Andrew saw David Lambourn (smile)____ . “Would you like to know my little secret?” he asked. “ When I (write)____ for twelve years already, I (find)____ out that I had no talent as a writer! Andrew was surprised and asked why he (give not)____ up writing. “By that time I had become too famous to stop,” answers the writer. Match the words in two columns to make new word combinations:

1.Sign 2. Exports 3. Renew 4. Treat 5. Give 6. Inherit 7. Experience 8. Pay 9. Establish 10. Increase a) medals b) the property c) lots of problems d) his debts e) trade links f) the documents g) the prices h) tea i) their friendship j) the disease

  1. The president decided to ______________________ after the agreement was made.

  2. China is the country that ________________________ all over the world.

  3. After a long quarrel the boys decided to ______________________.

  4. In this medical center the doctors started to ______________________.

5.Last year the committee decided to ___________________________ to all the participants of the race.

6. Nobody will ___________________________as it will go for charity, said the judge. 7. Before getting wealthy they had to work hard and to ______________________________. 8. As Mr Don was unable to ___________________ he made up his mind to leave secretly.

9. Britain wanted to __________________________ with Japan.

10. To avoid further strikes the government couldn’ afford to _______________________ on essential goods.


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