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Лексико-Грамматический Практикум Rainbow 10 класс

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Pages 4-6 are presented here, it will be useful for teachers anyway. 

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«Лексико-Грамматический Практикум Rainbow 10 класс»

Put the verbs in proper forms: №1

  1. Jane (raise) _____ her voice rarely. She (usually be) _____ very reserved.

  2. Generally Bob (tend)______ to keep his emotions under control.

  3. Where (you keep) _____ the wood for the fire?

  4. How often they (buy) _____ new furniture? They (seem) _____ (be) ___ quite well-to-do.

  5. I (not think)_____ they can buy bare necessities for the family.

  6. Roger often (show) _____ aggression towards animals. It’s shocking.

  7. She (usually feel) _____ absolutely self-confident, but not today.

  8. What (Mr Wilson say) _____ about your research.

  9. The more sums Ray (do) ____, the better results he (get) ___.

  10. Jason is very handy. He (fix) ____ everything in the house. He (have) ____ the appropriate tools to do it.

Put the verbs in Present Progressive:

  1. Why Alex (stand) ____ on the stool? – Oh, he (hang) the new mirror on the wall.

  2. What (granny knit) ___? – a cardigan, I think.

  3. It is so cosy in the room with the wood that (crackle) _____ in the fire.

  4. Where (john phone) _____ from? –He is in Madrid now.

  5. What (you do) _____here, young man?

  6. Sophia (sleep) _____ . Try to be as quiet as you can.

  7. Why have you offended Irene? She (cry) ___ in the next room. –Sorry, I didn’t think she was so touchy.

  8. Why (you cry) _____ ? –I am not! I (laugh) ___.

Put the verbs in Present Simple or Present Progressive:

  1. Kate is Muscovite, she has a flat in Tverskaya street. But now she (live) ____ in Rostov.

  2. I (forget) ____ where we should turn left.

  3. Boris, you (always come) ____ late to our meetings!

  4. We (hear) ____ they have solved the mystery.

  5. Mrs Morrison usually leads a very quiet life, but she (be) __ very busy these days.

  6. At the moment Henry Parker, a writer, (have)___ lunch with his friend Oliver. He asks, “what (you write)__now?

  7. I have got terrific news! Sam (get) ____ married!

  8. We (be told) _____ Robert has admitted his mistake.

  9. Simon (always tell) _____ lies!

  10. Polly is such an active child but today she (be) ___ unusually quiet.

  11. You always (criticize) ____ me, Emma!”- Fiona said in annoyance.

  12. Bob is such a brave boy, but in this situation he (behave) _____ like a coward!

Put the verbs in Past Simple:

  1. When we were students we (have) ___ lots of financial problems.

  2. They (sleep) ___ badly that night.

  3. As soon as she (get)____ home, she remembered everything.

  4. That evening the Parkers (not bring) ____ all the necessary equipment.

  5. What ties (they wear) ___ when they were students?

  6. The young woman raised her arms in the air,(hold) _ her breath, (shut) ___ her eyes and (let)___ herself fall farward.

  7. From time to time the children (wake) ____ up and then they (fall) ___ asleep again.

  8. The young woman thought she (can)____ safely take a short stroll.

  9. Just in front of the porch basking in the sun (lie) ____ a big fat cat.

  10. You (hurt) _____yourself?


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