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Лексико-грамматический тест для 9 класса

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«Лексико-грамматический тест для 9 класса»

Лексико-грамматический тест для 9 класса

  1. Выберите нужный вариант:

  1. Mary ___ in a village.

  1. Live b) is living c) lives d) are living

  1. The students ___ a lecture at the moment.

  1. Attend b) are attending c) have been attending d) have attending

3. I ___read any books by this writer yet.

a) haven’t b) didn’t c) hadn’t d) don’t

4. What shall I do? I ___ my passport.

a) lost b) have lost c) had lost d) has lost

5. St. Paul’s Cathedral ___ destroyed in the Great Fire of London.

a) is b) has c) had been d) was

6. We ___ that we should get there by bus.

a) say b) said c) says d) had said

7. ___ many shops near your house?

a) are b) is there c) are there d) was there

8. Please give me ___ interesting to read.

a) anything b) everything c) nothing d) something

9. Excuse me, is it your book? - No, it’s ___

a) him b) his c) my d) their

10. Everest is ___ mountain in the world.

a) higher b) the highest c) a high d) the most high

11. She speaks___ English.

a) perfectly b) perfect c) more perfect d) most perfect

12. Can you play ___the guitar?

a) on b) at c) - d) in

13. He couldn’t do his homework ___ help.

a) with b) without c) instead d) because of

14. Do you often ___ TV?

a) see b) look c) watch d) observe

15. “Low” is the opposite of “___”.

a) high b) hate c) hay d) hight

16. ___ louder. We can’t hear you.

a) talk b) tell c) speak d) say

17. The capital of Britain is ___

a) Glasgow b) Washington D.C. c) London d) Ottawa

18. Закончите вопрос

The English people often talk about the weather, ___ they?

  1. Didn’t b) don’t c) aren’t d) do

19. Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому.

They learn German.

  1. What language they learn? b) What language did they learn? c) What language do they learn? d) What language learn they?

20. Выберите правильный вопрос к предложению.

The car belongs to Michael.

  1. Does the car belongs to Michael? b)Do the car belong to Michael? c) Does the car belong to Michael? d) Belongs the car to Michael?

21. Напомните о чем-либо приятелю.

a) Don’t mention it. b) Don’t forget. c) I’ve forgotten it.

d) Don’t be so nervous.

22. Выскажите озабоченность родственникам.

a) I’m at a loss. b) It’s a very good idea. c) I’m anxious about it. d) I don’t care.

Работа с текстом.

The great painter Sir James Thornhill was employed for decorating the interior of the dome of St. Paul’s in London. One day he stepped back on the scaffolding to see how his work looked at a distance. His servant, who was standing near, was terrified to see him within some inches of the edge of the scaffolding. At the last movement backwards he would be thrown and dashed to pieces on the pavement. How could he be warned of this danger? If the servant cried out, he would probably in his alarm take a fatal step.

So the man threw a pot of paint over of work the painter was just admiring. Sir James, in a rage, rushed forward to punish him. Thus his life was saved. On finding out why the servant had spoilt his painting. Sir James was glad to reward him instead of punishing him.

23. Определите тему текста и закончите предложение.

The text is about…

  1. St. Paul’s Cathedral and how it was build.

  2. The way Sir Christopher Wren decorated the cathedral.

  3. The servant who saved the life of his master.

  4. The servant who spoilt his master’s painting.

24. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста.

a) Sir James Thornhill decorated the interior of St. Paul’s Cathedral.

b) St. Paul’s Cathedral is the City’s greatest palace.

c) The painter fell off the scaffolding.

d) Sir James Thornhill punished his servant.

25. Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

Why did the servant throw the port of paint over the painting?

  1. He did not like the painting.

  2. He was afraid of his master.

  3. He wanted to warm his master.

  4. He wanted to prevent his master’s falling down.


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