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Lesson plan 8-grade

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«Lesson plan 8-grade»

English lesson 7-form. Date:

Theme:How much do you remember!

The aim of the lesson:

1)Educational - teach to express information about yourself in writing: repeat the ordinal and quantitative spelling and pronunciation of dates. Modal and planning verbs.

2) Developing- develop the skills of writing, introspection and self-assessment of the comparative analysis of introductory and exploratory reading, oral speech.

3) Bringing –up- an educated life and loves English.

The main competently

  • Informational competent (M/C1)

  • The social communication(M/C2)

  • The self-organization and solve problem(M/C3)

In subject competently

  1. (S/C1)

  2. (S/C2)

3. (S/C3)

Objectives:SWBA- to express information about yourself in writing,to say ordinal and quantitative spelling and pronunciation of dates.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : Indiv.work , Pair work, Group work ,

Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board

Prosedure of the lesson




Teacher`s activity

Student `s activity





Warm-up activ.

Check-up home work


New theme

Practice Production


Home work

Evaluating of pupils:

The end of the lesson.

Motivate students to preparing for the lesson. Good morning, dear my children! How are you ?Are you o’key? I'm glad to see you! I hope you're fine. Take your sits, please.


Checking-up homework.

Hello, my friends! I’m so happy to meet you again! Are you ready to start our new trip to the Language learning country? I’m ready,too. I’m sure we’re going to discover lots of interesting things together!But before we start our adventure,let’s get prepared and see how much we remember from our last experience.Look at the tasks I’ve prepared for you. Can you do all of them? Good luck!

Exercise 1.a)How well do you remember the numbers?Let’s check.Write the following numbers in words.

F.e:31-thirty one

a)26 c)366 e)1,440 g)4,739

b)30 d)206 f)6,693 h)1,738,000 i)17,098,246

b)Now look at the language box and check your answers.Compare your answers with a partner.

Answers 1-a,1-b: twenty-six; b) thirty; c) three hundred and sixty-six; d) two hundred and six: e) one thousand, four hundred and forty: f) six thousand, six hundred and ninety-three g) seven thousand, four hundred and thirty-nine; h) one million, seven hundred and thirty eight thousand; i) seventeen million, ninety-eight thousand, two hundred and forty-six

c)Answer the questions using the numbers from ex.1a.Compare your answers with a partner,then check with the teacher.

Answers: 1 – (h) 1,738,000 m'; 2 – (g) 7,439 m; 3-(b) 30 m (Wealthy Kyrgyz women used twenty-five-thirty meters of snow-white fabric Middle class women settled for tive – seven meters of cloth); 4 – (a) 26; 5 – (d) 206; 6 – (f) 6,693 km: 7 – (i) 17,098,246 km²; 8 – (e)1,440 min: 9 – (c) 366

d)Work with a partner and ask some questions about numbers.

a)What’s the population of your country? B)How many students are there in your class? c)How much does a hamburger cost? d)What’s the last thing you bought?How much did you pay?

Exercise 3.a) p-8





Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

Good morning,teacher! We`re fine, thank you. Glad to see you too!

Students’own answers.

a)Textbooks are open .The teacher draws attention to the photo of Aigul and asks what students remember about her The teacher asks to read Aigul's appeal and explains that the students will complete tasks that will help them remember the material passed in the past year. The teacher writes a number on the board and explains that they need to write it in words. The students perform the exercise individually, and end of the completion they compare answers in pairs.

b)The teacher draws attention to Language box and asks the students to check their answers. As a check, the teacher can write out numbers from exercise on the blackboard and individually call the students to check the spelling of the numbers. If difficulties arise, the teacher gives explanations.

c)The teacher asks to read the questions to make sure the students know the vocabulary. In case of difficulty, the teacher explains unfamiliar words using a variety of techniques. Afterwards, students work individually and answer questions using their knowledge or ideas. At the end of the work, the teacher draws attention to the example of the dialogue offered at the beginning of the exercise. The teacher can also recall other phrases that students can use when discussing the answers; (I agree,I don't agree: I have the same ideo; I'm not sure, etc.). At the end of the work, the teacher checks the answers with the class. Alternatively, the teacher can organize a competition between couples who receive a point for each correct answer.

d)The teacher pays attention to the questions to make sure the students know the vocabulary. In case of difficulty, the teacher explains unfamiliar words using a variety of techniques. Afterwards, students work in pairs: answering questions using knowledge or ideas. It is recommended that students be reminded to use the phrases they need to use for the discussion in the exercise. 1a. At the end of the work, the teacher asks some of the students to voice ideas that they had in the discussion .

Answers: students own answers.













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