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Лексико - грамматический тест, 11 класс, блок 6

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Тест для контроля освоения лексико-грамматического материала блока 6,учебника английского языка для 11 класса ( Кузовлев В.П.)

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«Лексико - грамматический тест, 11 класс, блок 6»

Form 11, Unit 6, Vocabulary and Grammar –test

  1. The 20th century is called the century of film (to make).

  2. The (to develop) of cinema brought to life Hollywood.

  3. It is the world capital of filmed (to entertain).

  4. The first colour film (to shoot) in 1939.

  5. S.Spielberg is an American (to produce) whose famous films are “Jaws”, “Jurassic Period” and others.

  6. Since 1908 a lot of people (to come) to Los Angeles.

  7. Vivien Leigh is an English (to act) who appeared on the stage in London and New York.

  8. She won Academy Awards for her (to perform) as Scarlett O’Hara in “Gone with the wind” in 1939.

  9. Disney’s studio made short and feature –length animated films (to include) “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Pinochio” and others.

  10. Eddie Murphy (to know) for his films such as “Trading Places” and “Beverly Hills Cop”.

  11. (Australia) film industry is as old as Hollywood.

  12. (Australia) make a lot of good films.

  13. They are proud of their film industry and the (to govern) gives money to the film companies.

  14. Cinematography in Russia started with the (to demonstrate) of the Lumiere brothers’ film in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

  15. A. Khanzhonkov (to found) the first film studios in Russia.

  16. The (popular) genres of Russian films were historian films and screen versions of famous novels.

  17. Great attention (to pay) to films for children in the 70s-80s of the 20th century in Russia.

  18. A.Rou was the (to create) of fairy-tales.

  19. The cinema in Britain (to regard) as not part of the arts.

  20. Few films (to make) in Britain.

  21. The story line was so (a mystery).

  22. I (to keep) in uncertainty to the end.

  23. The first theatre in London (to build) by a carpenter James Burbage.

  24. His son Richard was the (to lead) actor.

  25. There (to be) no women on the stage at the time of Shakespeare.

  26. Boys specially (to train) to play women’s parts.

  27. As plays were (to value) properties they were kept in manuscripts as long as possible.

  28. Many less known authors (complete) disappeared.

  29. The film is so (bore).

  30. The film is (horror).

  31. Comedies put me in a (joy) mood.

  32. The ballet does make a great (to impress)on me.

  33. Tsar Peter 1 (to build) the first theatre in Russia.

  34. The arts help me develop (to imagine).

  35. Grown-ups think that not all films are (to suit) for children.

  36. I think action films are (danger) for young children.

  37. I have never seen such excellent (to decorate).

  38. The play “Pygmalion” (to write) in 1913.

  39. Action films demonstrate the physical (able) of man.

  40. Each person has a (to prefer) for this or that type of film.

Keys: 1.making 2.development 3.entertainment 4.was shot 5.producer 6.have been coming 7.actor 8.performance 9.including 10.is known

11. Australian 12.Australians 13.government 14.demonstration 15.founded 16.most popular 17.was paid 18.creator 19.is regarded 20.are made 21.mysterious 22.was kept 23.was built 24.leading 25.were 26.were trained

27.valuable 28.completely 29.boring 30.horrible 31.joyful 32.impression

33.built 34.imagination 35.suitable 36.dangerous 37.decorations 38.was written 39.ability 40. preference


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