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Little Red Riding Hood kids drama script

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«Little Red Riding Hood kids drama script»

Little Red Riding Hood


Little Red Riding Hood – Emily

Mom – Leonie

Wolf – Jasper

Grandma – Zoe

Rabbit – Lucas

2 Hunters – Alex and Eric

By teacher Lucy

Ningbo, China, 2021

Scene 1 “At home” (Mom, Little Red Riding Hood (Little H))

Mom: Good morning, darling! Look outside! Today is so sunny!

Little H: Good morning, mom! Yeah, it’s too sunny! I miss rain!

Mom: Do you miss your grandma?

Little H: Of course!

Mom: She is very sick and hungry now. Go and bring her this food basket (giving her a basket with food)

Little H: What’s inside the basket?

Mom: There’s milk, cookies, meat and fruits (showing the food)

Little H: ok, mommy (taking the basket, looking what’s inside, eating 1 cookie and leaving the house)

Scene 2 “In the forest” (Little H, Rabbit)

(Litlle H is walking in the forest and picking up some flowers, singing)

(Rabbit is passing by, hiding behind the tree and looking at the girl)

Rabbit: Hello, girl. What’s your name?

Little H: Hello, my name’s Little Red Riding Hood. What’s your name?

Rabbit: I’m Mr Rabbit. Where are you going?

Litlle H: I’m going to my grandma, she’s sick and hungry, here’s some food for her. Look! (showing him the basket)

Rabbit: Wow! I also like meat and cookies, but I don’t like milk and fruits/bananas (taking the food from the basket, showing to the audience)

Little H: Sorry, Rabbit, I’m in a hurry, bye-bye

Rabbit: Of course! But, please, take care, there’s a Big Bad Wolf in the forest

Little H: I’m not scared of anything (1 sec pause) but myself HAHAHA (walking away)

Rabbit: See ya!

Scene 3 “Two hunters” (Hunter 1, Hunter 2, Little H)

(Little H is posting on douyin app is on the background)

Hunter 1: Nice day, isn’t it?

Hunter 2: Yes, but I’m so hungry!

Hunter 1: Oh look! What’s there?

Hunter 2: McDonalds? HAHAHA

Hunter 1: Let’s go! (H1 and H1 going closer to her)

Hunter 2: Hi, girl, where’s McDonalds?

Little H: I don’t know, meituan is not working here.

Little H: Are you hungry? Help yourself (pointing to her basket)

(All eating cookies from the basket)

Hunter 1,2: Thank you!

Hunter 1: So where are you going?

Little H: I’m going to my grandma, she’s sick and hungry.

Hunter 2: What’s there? (pointing to her basket)

Little H: That’s food. Look!

(Hunter 2 is looking at the food and licking his lips, he’s so hungry!)

Hunter 1: Be careful! It’s dangerous in the forest!

Hunter 2: Big Bad Wolf is here! (showing big ears and scared face)

Hunter 1: If you need help, here’s my wechat (QR code on the screen)

Hunter 2: Bye-bye

Scene 4 “Hungry Wolf” (Wolf, Little H)

(Little H is eating some cookies from her basket

Wolf is coming over)

Wolf: Hello, girl, what’s your name?

Little H: I’m Little Red Riding Hood

Wolf: Where are going?

Little H: I’m going to my grandma, she’s sick and hungry.

Wolf: sick? (sly face, rubbing his belly) Where does she live?

Little H: She lives over there (pointing somewhere far) in a forest house.

Wolf: Ok, be careful, it’s dangerous in the forest (blinking his eye)

Little H: ok, thank you. Take some cookies, Wolf.

Wolf: Thank you so much (eating the cookies together, walking away)

Scene 5 “At Grandma’s home” (Wolf, Grandma, hunters, Little H)

(Grandma is in her bed, reading a book)

Wolf coming over to the house, wearing a red hoodie, knocking on the door)

Grandma: Who’s there?

Wolf: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood (girly voice)

Grandma: Coming! (walking slowly to the door, opening the door)

Wolf: Hello, grandma!

Grandma: Where are my glasses? I can’t see anything.

Wolf: It’s so sunny today, I like it!

Grandma: What? You are not Little Red Riding Hood! She hates sunny weather!

And where are my cookies? (getting angry, found her glasses on the chair, hitting the wolf on his back)

Wolf: AAAAA! Help! Help! Grandma is angry now!

(2 Hunters heard the voice, running to the house)

Hunter 1: What happened? Do you want to eat grandma? (asking the wolf)

Hunter 2: Big Bad Wolf, oh no! (pointing to the wolf, scared)

Wolf: No! No! I’m kind! Grandma is angry!

(Grandma is hitting the wolf again)

Hunter 1: Where’s Little Red Riding Hood?

Little H (entering the house): What happened? Why grandma is so angry?

Grandma: Where are my cookies?

Little H: (looking at the basket) Oh, sorry, grandma, no more cookies.

Grandma: What do you have? Hungry Grandma = Angry Grandma

Little H: Look: there’s milk, meat and fruits.

Grandma: Don’t eat my cookies anymore! (eating some fruits, smiling now, happy face)

Grandma: I’m so happy now! We are all friends, let’s drink tea!

(opening the cupboard, taking a huge box of cookies, there’s a big teapot and cups on the table)

All sit down at the round table, laughing and drinking tea

Happy End

Stand Up, Dance by “Big Bad Wolf” song

Take above

The End


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