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Main priorities and directions of modern education

Категория: Всем учителям

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The object in this scientific article is actual problems  of modern educations

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«Main priorities and directions of modern education»

Main priorities and directions of modern education

Khаlikova Mokhira Kundibayevna

PhD, associate professor (Uzbekistan)

Keywords: modern education, сompetence, sustainable development, lifelong learning.

The object of this scientific article is actual problems of modern education as priority in education, lifelong learning, sustainable development.

Today more than ever before,

life must be characterized

by a sense of Universal responsibility,

not only nation to nation, and human to human,

but also human to other forms of life.

The Dalai Lama

Education up to the present time engaged in the generalization of the history of past achievements in all areas of human thought, trying to answer such basic questions of human existence as

How is a world in which we live?

Who is the man?

What form of society is the ideal of human progress?

Social and cultural realities of the third millennium, the essence of which is globalization, computerization and technological progress, social and moral change, the processes of formation of civil society, environmental issues - demand a new relationship between man and the world of strategy, the formation of a different aesthetic outlook, search for a new paradigm of education.

What should be the education that meets the challenges of the modern world?

Today, in the face of new requirements on the content knowledge in all countries is the reform of education. Here are its main areas:

continuity (continuity of study Theoretical ideas formed the basis of many national education systems (Uzbekistan, Japan, Germany));

humanization (humanistic theory in pedagogy, focus on the intrinsic value of human personality, education and comprehensive human development through education, increased attention to the problems of global concern, the moral responsibility of specialists for the consequences of their professional activities, adapting curriculum content to the socio-economic realities of society);

realization of creative potential (At the present stage of development of society and the education system is increasing the need for professionals with a creative mind, capable of finding new alternative ways and methods in science, education, engineering and economics. The solution is possible only through systematic work on the development and the formation of creative thinking person);

democratization (That education should equip people with the skills needed for life in a free society, responsibility, active citizenship, develop competencies related to the orientation of the world's information, adaptability to dynamic changes, allow each person to find their place in society).

formation of key competences(to achieve success in the modern world is not enough knowledge, it is necessary to form basic life skills).

All carried out innovative changes are intended to form in person the following core competences, which are necessary for life in the twenty-first century:

  • Tolerance

  • Leadership

  • The responsibility for their actions

  • Ecological Culture

  • Active citizenship

  • Legal and political consciousness

  • Willingness and ability to learn throughout life

  • Creativity and originality of thought

  • Openness to new and diverse perspectives

  • Flexibility and adaptability

  • Critical thinking

  • Ability to solve problems

  • The ability to find innovative solutions

  • Cooperation skills

  • Formulation of the substantive issues in order to clarify the different positions, so you can make better decisions

  • Proper use of digital technology

  • The ability to quickly and efficiently search for information

  • The ability to critically evaluate information and competently

  • Ability to use data properly and creatively to solve problems

  • Basic understanding of the ethical issues associated with the use of information

  • Skillful responsible mindset that allows you to formulate a reliable judgment to determine, analyze and solve problems.

  • The correct formulation of thoughts and ideas

  • Willingness to compromise in order to implement the common objectives

  • Taking responsibility for the results

  • An understanding of, awareness of the role of effective communication

  • Efficient use of time

  • Use problem-solving skills to influence others and maintaining their goal to

  • Use the strengths of others to achieve a common goal

  • Respect for the individual

  • Respect for Human Rights

  • Respect the cultural heritage of the peoples of the world

  • Ability to take initiative

  • Ability to understand their role and purpose in the world

  • Possession of a variety of social roles in the field of civil and public and social - work

  • The spiritual self-development

  • The intellectual self-development

  • Emotional self-regulation

  • Self-sufficiency

The situation today requires treatment for the individual, the account in the process of training and education of the individual and personal characteristics and abilities, the optimum ratio of the spiritual and technocratic principles.

An important indicator of the quality of education is to turn to spirituality, to universal values and development of system thought.

These innovation processes must be carried out today in all educational systems throughout the world to achieve sustainable development.

Currently, the global problems that concern mankind and dangers (religious extremism, terrorism, dogmatism, ecological decline, environmental degradation) do not have any borders; they are the tasks that require joint solutions to all mankind.

Notice that in a last few decades, the land, downpours, water floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, mudslides have been increasing. It has been observed that global sea level have risen for a few degrees. According to experts, salts dissolve Arctic glaciers at the North Pole are the main causes of these problems…

Vladimir Vernadsky, far ahead of his time, put forward the concept of the noosphere (the sphere of reason), which is based on the idea of harmonizing the interaction of society and nature. He said that "humanity, taken as a whole, becomes a powerful geological force that determines a new geological evolutionary change in the biosphere" and warned about the dangers hidden in the formation of the noosphere.

In the thought of human, technocrats approach, global problems: political, economical which are torturing the world community.

High lighting the moral risks in the upbringing, education, review the moral priorities. To save and protect the commencement, to learn living agreeable under the ideas like: kindness, noble deed, humanity, tolerance.

The global consciousness put these priorities in the main task: ecological culture, social intellect, sense of responsibility for own actions, altruism, humanism, tolerance.

There is a need for developing the methodology of upbringing, building the new aesthetics wordlook. Indigo children, appearance of virtual thought are the proof of our opinion.

In this regard, United Nation, in the sustainable development, global consciousness, the ideas and concepts of Vladimir Vernadskiy, Dimitriy Likhachev, Vladimir Bekhterov, Abraham Maslou, Cen Robbinson are about common attention to the problems, human ecology, they are the culmination.

There is a need for creative, unconventional thinking specialists who can find new ways in the science & the production. The solution to the problem: to improve the opportunities constantly, master the skills of living in a democratic society, all of these first of all go back to the issue of constant education.

And that’s why, there appeared the conception “lifelong learning”.

The city of Stockholm, in the 1972, United Nation had international conference on the environment by laying the cornerstone of sustainable development. 26 principles were adapted by the participants of the conference, also a declaration by the development of a new paradigm of human recognition.

Sustainable development of the current generation to satisfy their desire is not contrary to the interests of future generations need case based on the development of definitions.

The education based on sustainable development that is the most effective means of improving the quality of life, tolerance, tolerance, and peacefulness.

Such an education system meets the requirements of a developing society, allows working for the future, takes into account possible changes of tomorrow, the needs of future generations.

It serves to develop positive personal qualities, improve the quality of education, promptly respond to emerging political, spiritual, environmental challenges and threats of regional, state and global scale.

Sustainable development - is not only economic development.

This is also the stability of the political, social, spiritual, ethical and other areas of society.

Moreover, it is progress, in harmony with nature. Globally, the implementation of the conceptual foundations of sustainable development paradigm is to build the concept of transition to educated, dynamically developing world, which is characterized by a high level of spiritual, legal, professional, ecological culture.

This means skillful, responsible use of natural resources and civilization achievements for economic growth, improving the welfare of citizens and nations as a whole.

The main purpose of education is not limited to the preparation of professionals with the latest knowledge.

The more significant to society becomes a competent person capable of taking the right decision in a situation of moral and professional choices, able to predict the possible consequences of their choices, the ability to cooperate, which has social skills, flexibility, self-sufficiency, constructive, responsible not only for the fate of the state, but and all mankind.

Modernization of education on the basis of sustainable development is setting a number of educational performances. This includes advanced development and education.

We should speak about advanced education on the basis of prediction future needs of the individual, society and state.

The formation of core competencies provides an important, long-term basis for the development of education.

Today it is needed an account of global political, economic, social, moral world trends. It is important to focus on holistic perception and development of the child as an individual.

At the time, the great scientist Albert Einstein deplored the materialistic attitude to life, which is pushing to excessive selfishness.

Humanity must take the knowledge of the nature and combine them into a coherent system of principles for the development of a picture of the world, through which a person could read nature because nature is worthy of worship.

We believe that the basic concept of sustainable development, can serve as a conceptual basis for the construction of the model of development of educational systems in the world.

All educational programs today are available to review on the basis of this conceptual ideas and principles.

Education programs and conceptual issues to come out of the person and of society must form a 21- st century knowledge and skills in the following:

  • global thought;

  • environmental culture;

  • a sense of responsibility for their actions;

  • to accept and comprehend the principles of sustainable development;

  • creative thinking;

  • the idea of working with information technology management, data collection, analysis, summarized the necessary;

  • tolerance, and the relations of different social groups, be sociable, to find a fair solution to the problem of social skills;

  • the ecology of the person.

This is possible through an integrated approach, since the concept of sustainable development removes the boundaries between political, economic, scientific and cultural systems.


  1. Materials of the World Education Forum. UNESCO, 2000.

  2. www.un.org

  3. Education for sustainable development strategy. UNESCO. 2009.


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