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Maintaining Work-Life Balance Essay

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Maintaining a work-life balance is an issue in today's modern society. The essay may be used as a topic or the prompts for pupils of the 10th and 11th forms as well as students. Topics under consideration: Youth and Society, Lifestyle, Health

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«Maintaining Work-Life Balance Essay»

It is acknowledged, that work often occupies a privileged position in the life of modern society. But, apart from pursuing certain recognition it is important to fulfill other identities such as being decent family members, loyal friends as well as other roles associated with human well- being nowadays. The question is how to master every area of life in order to maintain the work-life balance.

Recognition at work perpetuates high self-esteem. However, complete engagement in labor results in a difficulty balancing it with other outside roles. Recent studies show that the problem is a major concern to both employees and employers. Exposing oneself to endurance at work is an inevitable way to stress and burnouts leading nowhere but to depressions and imbalance.

What may help in achieving harmony is time-management. Everyday routine becomes less daunting. Moreover, the advantage of such approach is learning how to plan daily activities evaluating the priority of tasks thus, eliminating the risk of missing deadlines. Also, it is frequently asserted that active use of one’s productivity contributes to health and mental condition which are likelihood of attaining emotional stability and stress resilience providing possibilities to perform other social roles.

It is demonstrably clear that work is the pillar of society though it is obvious that people need to disconnect. There is a variety of methods aiming at people to reach work-life balance. Of the two ways one may opt for the second accounted in the essay. Time management is deemed to be a useful technique as once it was said: ‘Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else’.


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