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Maslenitsa (Shrovetide)

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«Maslenitsa (Shrovetide)»

Maslenitsa (Shrovetide)

There are a lot of good customs and traditions in Russia. People like to celebrate them and follow some good traditions. One of the most popular traditions is Maslenitsa. It always comes at the end of winter, in February. It lasts over a week. As a rule the weather of this time is cold and frosty. It's a week of different national food. People cook such tasty things as pancakes and eat them with caviar butter or cream. People start celebrating it in the morning. One of the most popular customs is to swim in the ice hole. Some people like to do it.

Another good tradition is to burn a scarescrow in the bonfire. Boys and girls go around the bonfire. They sing songs that the winter will go away and the spring will come. After that they jump above the fire. It is very exсiting. As for my family we spend Maslenitsa in Olympic. It is very funny. There are a lot of people there. They ski, skate and climb the pillar to take some presents. I enjoy Maslenitsa.


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