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«Мечты о моём будущем на корейском языке»

Категория: Искусство

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Про Мечты на корейском языке. Для студентов.

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««Мечты о моём будущем на корейском языке»»


"You are never too old to set another goal or dream of a new dream."

– C.S. Lewis

Every person has an imagination. Thanks to this ability, we can dream. At first our dreams are small and simple. For example, every child dreams of a candy or a small toy as a gift. As people grow up, their desires change, so their dreams change with them. We understand that in order for our dreams to come true, we have to be smart, a little witty, successful and work hard.

So let me tell you how my dreams developed. When I was 4 or 5 years old, I dreamed of riding my own bike. At the age of 8, I dreamed of a kitten. Then my dream was to do ballet. At the age of 14, my greatest dream was to attend a concert of my favorite band. Nowadays my dream is to travel. I would like to see other countries and explore them. I have always been passionate about learning new languages, cultures and traditions. I want to visit South Korea. Seoul is a creative paradise: varied food, fashionable clothes, architecture and art. Here trends are born and full of residents contributing to their creation and development. Here, skyscrapers are built next to ancient temples, and traditional South Korean chefs prepare fusion dishes with kimchi. The capital of South Korea has about 10 million people, but you can easily avoid the crowds if you go further from the center. We offer to diversify walks around the city with Buhansen Park, which is located just 45 minutes from the center of Seoul by subway. There are hiking trails for everyone. The Buhansanseong Road, which will take you to the top of the highest mountain in South Korea, Baegundae, will give you an amazing view. You'll also find some perfect green spaces dotted throughout the city, including the Seoul Forest, which is in excellent cherry blossoms in early April.


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