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Местоимения when,who,which,where,whose

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Местоимения when,who,which,where,whose довольно часто вызывают затруднения у изучающих английский язык, поскольку все они употребляются в похожих ситуациях. Использвать в качестве раздаточног материала

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«Местоимения when,who,which,where,whose»

Fill in:when,who,which,where,whose.

1)Jonh,________ brother is a clown ,is throwing a costume party next week.

2)December 25th,_______Christmas takes place ,is also my paraents anniversary.

3)Perugia,_________the Eurochocolate Festival is held every year,is a city in central Italy.

4)Lyn in the girl___________is having the party on Friday.

5)The costume____________George has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny.

Fill in:when,who,which,where,whose.

1)Jonh,________ brother is a clown ,is throwing a costume party next week.

2)December 25th,_______Christmas takes place ,is also my paraents anniversary.

3)Perugia,_________the Eurochocolate Festival is held every year,is a city in central Italy.

4)Lyn in the girl___________is having the party on Friday.

5)The costume____________George has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny.


Fill in:when,who,which,where,whose.

1)Jonh,________ brother is a clown ,is throwing a costume party next week.

2)December 25th,_______Christmas takes place ,is also my paraents anniversary.

3)Perugia,_________the Eurochocolate Festival is held every year,is a city in central Italy.

4)Lyn in the girl___________is having the party on Friday.

5)The costume____________George has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny.


Fill in:when,who,which,where,whose.

1)Jonh,________ brother is a clown ,is throwing a costume party next week.

2)December 25th,_______Christmas takes place ,is also my paraents anniversary.

3)Perugia,_________the Eurochocolate Festival is held every year,is a city in central Italy.

4)Lyn in the girl___________is having the party on Friday.

5)The costume____________George has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny.

9 класс

Fill in:when,who,which,where,whose.

1)Jonh,________ brother is a clown ,is throwing a costume party next week.

2)December 25th,_______Christmas takes place ,is also my paraents anniversary.

3)Perugia,_________the Eurochocolate Festival is held every year,is a city in central Italy.

4)Lyn in the girl___________is having the party on Friday.

5)The costume____________George has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny.


1) whose

2) when

3) where

4) who

5) which



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