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Методическая разработка к уроку английского языка "Изучение исторического и культурного наследия. Музей-заповедник Пустозерск".

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Знакомство с историческим и культурным наследием малой родины.

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«Методическая разработка к уроку английского языка "Изучение исторического и культурного наследия. Музей-заповедник Пустозерск".»

Методическая разработка к уроку английского языка «Изучение исторического и культурного наследия. Музей-заповедник Пустозерск».

Spotlight on Russia. Cultural exchange.


There are a number of historical monuments in Russia. One of the most remarkable shows how first people settled in the remote parts of the Arctic region of Russia.

Spotlight on Russia looks at the world heritage site of Pustozersk.

The first Russian city in the Arctic is a wonderful cultural experience. Visitors can see what life was like hundreds of years ago.

Pustozersk is the remains of an ancient Russian settlement from the 15th century.

It was an outpost of the Moscow state on its northeastern outskirts, founded in 1499 by decree of Tsar Ivan III. In the XVI-XVII centuries Pustozersk was the administrative, economic and cultural center of the Pechora region.

In the XVI century Pustozersk became the main stronghold in the Russian advance to the northeast and played a significant role in the development of the Far North and Siberia. Its inhabitants have considerable merit in opening the ways to the Arctic islands of Novaya Zemlya, Svalbard, to the mouths of Siberian rivers. The first searches and extraction of copper and silver ores in the Russian North and the first attempts to develop the oil business in Russia are connected with Pustozersk.

Since the second half of the XVII century it became a place of exile. The ideologist of the early Old Believers and the Russian writer Protopop Avvakum and his followers, disgraced courtiers Artamon Matveev, Semyon Shcherbatov, Ivan Dolgoruky, participants of the "Solovetsky sitting" K. Bulavin and S. Razin uprisings served their sentences here.

To date, more than 40 archaeological heritage sites have been found. The earliest sites date back to the II millennium BC. According to archaeology, long before the appearance of Pustozersk, it was a place of barter and transit routes connecting Russia with Siberia.

Today Pustozersk is a famous tourist attraction because of the beautiful unspoiled by human activities nature and the opportunity to see a ghost town which doesn’t exist anymore.

The Museum-Reserve is engaged in the research and popularization of the historical, natural and cultural heritage of Pustozersk, the first Russian city in the Arctic and a place of pilgrimage for Old Believers around the world. They protect spectacular wildlife and landscapes, including many rare species and habitats.

Visitors can join excursions on the territory of the disappeared city. In the House of the Shevelevs, you can learn about the five-hundred-year history of the city on the basis of archaeological finds, as well as with the life of the inhabitants of Pustozersk of the XIX – early XX centuries. They have a display of the tools and household objects that people would have used in the past.

Come to Pustozersk and experience an amazing life of ancient brave people.


Find out what life was like for your great-grandparents.

Where did they live?

What utensils did they use?

What was their house like?


Have you ever visited Pustozerks?

Do you think it is important to save sites like this? Why (not)?

What can Pustozersk teach about life in the past?


1.Тунгусов А.А. «Пустозерск. Поездка в прошлое», Архангельск; 2019.







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