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Методическая разработка открытого занятия по английскому языку для СПО на тему "Healthy way of life"

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«Методическая разработка открытого занятия по английскому языку для СПО на тему "Healthy way of life"»


Good morning my dear students. I’m glad to see you here at our open lesson. And I’m happy to greet our dear gests today. Now take your seats and let’s get started.

First of all, tell me please, what is the date today? Thanks! Today is Tuesday, the 27th of December. Open please your copybooks and write down the date. (записываю на доске)


Well done. Now let's talk a bit about the weather. What’s the weather like today? Team № 1, pass the ball. (игра с мячом) Well done!

Team № 2, what can you tell us about your English lessons? (игра с мячом)

Well done! Thanks a lot for your sharing with us.


Nice Job!

As you sais that the weather is cool today, let’s warm up.


My dear students, do you remember what were we studying at the previous lessons? Yes, “My body parts”, “At the doctor’s office”, “Sports”.

Now look at the screen and try to guess what will be the theme of our today’s lesson? You are close but not precise. Any other ideas?

Good you are! "Healthy way of life". That’s right! (записываю на доске)

Ok, we have a topic. But do we have any aims? (записываю под диктовку студентов)

- to learn the useful words and expressions to the point and try to use them in our speech;

- to be able to discuss the topic properly;

- to revise and fix grammar.`


(ДИКТАНТ) Now let’s check your home task. We are going to start from dictation.

I pronounce the English words an expressions and you write the translation.

Exchange your copybooks with the partners. You have the right answers at the screen. Evaluation criteria is the following. (читаю с экрана)

(ДИАЛОГИ) Good you are! Here we go to another part of your home task, I mean your dialogues! Who is the volunteer?

Ok, we are listening attentively to the dialogue. Ladies, Комерзан Диана and Середа Екатерина, you are welcome! Thanks a lot. Nice job! Now, Фисенко Анна and Халилова Татьяна, it's your turn! Thanks a lot! Good you are!

(ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИИ) The next step of our lesson is watching at your presentations. Шаинова Нармин will be the first. Come to the board, please. Thanks! Well done!

Unfortunately, we have no enough time to listen to everybody's presentation. that is why you'll have an opportunity to do this next time.


Now stand up everybody in order to have a physical minute. Listen, watch and repeat!


I'd like to draw your attention to the screen. Here you can see the new vocabulary. So, We are going to become acquainted with it. Listen, watch and repeat after me all together in chorus. (читаем слова и выражения)


(ЧТЕНИЕ) Well done! Now your task is to look through the text and try to understand what is it about. I give you few minutes to do this.

Are you over with the task? So, one by one, read and translate the text.

(ПОСЛЕТЕКСТОВОЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЕ) Find the equivalents from the text. Check up your work by yourselves. (Спрашиваю студентов выборочно). Now put the marks! The evaluating criteria is the following: (читаю с экрана)

АУДИРОВАНИЕ Now we go to the next part of our lesson - Audition. I will read a short text about healthy lifestyle and you'll listen to me very attentively. you can also make some notes. After listening you have to choose the right variant during testing. (зачитываю текст и тесты). Now exchange your copybooks and check your partner's work. Put the marks according to the following evaluating criteria.

ВЫВОДЫ. Good you are! Ok, my dear students! Can you make some conclusion? Does our health depend on our habits and attitude? Yes, of course, it does! so name please the Top 8 tips for healthy life. (студенты читают с экрана)


ПЕРВЫЙ РАУНД Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to play! The task is to make up your own Top 8 tips for healthy life. But do not repeat those that have already been mentioned! нельзя повторять те, которые уже были упомянуты. Ready, steady, go!

My congratulations to the team №_____!

ВТОРОЙ РАУНД we go to the second round! Now the winner is the team that gives the most true answers. guess the word! - угадай слово! (читаю с экрана)

My congratulations to the winner! It's the team №_____! Take your present!


In conclusion to our open lesson mach the proverbs! (предпоследний слайд на экране)

Did you enjoy the lesson? Very nice! Me too. Because all of you were active today!


What was the hardest task for you today? So your home task for the next lesson is ______________________

Don't forget to submit your notebooks for review. СДАЕМ ТЕТРАДИ НА ПРОВЕРКУ!

The lesson is over. You may be free! Bye! Have a nice day!


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