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Методическая разработка по теме" Present Simple Present Continuous Tenses".

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Тренировочные упражнения по теме" Present Simple Present Continuous Tenses". Методическая разработка актуальна для отработки навыков употребления времен в речи.

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«Методическая разработка по теме" Present Simple Present Continuous Tenses".»

1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1) Mary sometimes…books. (to read)

2) You never…TV at night. (to watch)

3) Look! Sandy…in the lake. (to swim)

4) My brother usually…in the kitchen. (to help)

5) My sister…breakfast now. (to cook)

6) You often…the kitchen. (to clean)

7) Look! The girls … at home. (to play)

8) Every day his sister…for a walk. (to go)

9) I …with my brother at the moment. (to talk)

10) Rats…mice. (to eat)

2. Put in the correct verb forms and the nouns into the gaps. Use Present Continuous.

1) in the river? (Kate/to swim)

2) your sister? (you/to help)

3) an art gallery? (she/to visit)

4) her dress? (Ann/to wash)

5)to school? (youy/to run)

6) to the story? (Tom/to listen)

7) the bags? (the brothers/to carry)

8) the string of the kite? (she/to hold)

9 )lunch ? (we/ tocook)

10) the computer? (Antony and Fred/to check)

3. Put questions to the words.

1) The dogs like meat.

2) The book is about space travel.

3) We go to the shopping once a week.

4) The books are on the shelf.

5) We know the test key.

6) Your sister cooks well.

7) You get up at 7 a.m. on Sunday.

8) The granny reads fairy-tales to her grandchildren.

9) Our house is quite cheap.

10) The friend like this game because it’s interesting.


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