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«Методическая разработка "Срез знаний по английскому языку за 3 четверть "»

Контрольная работа 8 класс Unit 3


  1. Write this in English.(4 points) 

Трогательная история, важная идея, великие достижения, быстро расти.

  1. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. (7 points)

1.Jane bought the (latest/last) copy of today’s paper. There were no more in the Shop.

2.I’ve just known that Kate’s (older/elder) sister is a teacher.

3.His (last/latest) words before he died were: “Forgive me”.

4. Does he know the name of his (nearest/next)-door neighbor?

5. Excuse me, where is the (nearest/next) telephone box?

6. What is your (nearest/next) question?

7. Jane lives (nearest/next) to the school of all of us.

  1. Report the following sentences. (3 points)

1) Ken: I will see a great film at the weekend.

2) Sue: I will go to the cinema at night.

3) John: Kate will buy tickets for The Ballet.

4. Choose suitable prepositions (at, by, from, in, for, with, around, off, through, to) where necessary. (9 points)

1.Matilda borrowed several books ____ the Library.

2. He knew her well enough to see ___ her behaviour

3.Have you read any novels___ Ivan Turgenev?

4. Will you see ___my daughter while I ’m away?

5.What’s thematter ___ her?

6. She knows him very well and sees … all his tricks.

7. We shall come to the airport to see you … .

8. Will you see my pets … while I’m away?

9. I’ll see you … soon.

  1. Translate these sentences into English. (3 points)

  1. Этот фильм оставил глубокое впечатление.

  2. Фильм «Матильда» пользуется успехом у молодой аудитории.

  3. Аудитория аплодировала актерам очень громко.

6.* Make your own sentences with the words from ex.1 (1*2 points)

Контрольная работа в 8 классе Unit 3


  1. Write this in English.(4 points)  

Широкий экран; игра актера; пустая трата времени;захватывающие события.

  1. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.(7points)  

1.I’m afraid of her (elder/older) brother.

2.That film (older/elder) than this one.

3. We haven’t read her (last/latest) book, but I know what she is working on now.

4. What is your (nearest/next) question?

5. Jane lives (nearest/next) to the school of all of us.

6. Does he know the name of his (nearest/next)-door neighbor?

7. Excuse me, where is the (nearest/next) telephone box?

  1. Report the following sentences.(3points)  

1) Robert: We will have our seats in the balcony.

2) Jane: I am sure your sister will enjoy this film.

3) Mary: I will play in this comedy.

  1. Choose suitable prepositions (at, by, from, in, for, with, around, off, through, to) where necessary. (9 points)

1. John saw his relatives___ at the bus station

2. I was punished ___these words.

3. I see him______every day.

4. I don’t think she deserves ... your love.

5. Sue is very gifted ... the art of drawing.

6. Mum can see all our lies … .

7. Dad will see our luggage … .

8. I will move to your city, so I hope we’ll see … more often.

9. Where have you been? I’ve seen my friends … . They left for London.

  1. Translate these sentences into English.(3points)  

1.Мне кажется, фильм провалился.

2.Билеты на этот фильм очень дорогие.

3.Режиссер фильма это известный Стивен Спилберг.

6*. Make your own sentences with the words from ex.1(1*2 points)


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