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«Методическая разработка урока английского языка с детьми младшего школьного возраста».

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Course- book:  М.V. Verbitskaya “Forward 2”-part 2.

 Unit : №.22

Lesson: №.1

Supplementary book: E.A. Barashkova  'Grammar exercise- book'

Aim:  By the end of the lesson the children will be able to use structures 'I think my favourite animals are elephants', 'Well, I like dogs but my favourite animals are…','I don’t like crocodiles', 'What’s your favourite animal? How many…are there?', ' There are some..' , activating the zero article with nouns in the plural, the word some to express an indefinite number.

Skills:  Development of grammar skills in usage ' The Present Simple Tense' structures.

Revision:  words on topic 'The Safari Park' short answers to general questions.

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««Методическая разработка урока английского языка с детьми младшего школьного возраста».»

«Методическая разработка урока английского языка

с детьми младшего школьного возраста».

автор: Королькова Александра Валентиновна

                                         Lesson plan.

Course- book:  М.V. Verbitskaya “Forward 2”-part 2.

Unit : №.22

Lesson: №.1

Supplementary book: E.A. Barashkova  'Grammar exercise- book'

Aim:  By the end of the lesson the children will be able to use structures 'I think my favourite animals are elephants', 'Well, I like dogs but my favourite animals are…','I don’t like crocodiles', 'What’s your favourite animal? How many…are there?', ' There are some..' , activating the zero article with nouns in the plural, the word some to express an indefinite number.

Skills:  Development of grammar skills in usage ' The Present Simple Tense' structures.

Revision:  words on topic 'The Safari Park' short answers to general questions.


Procedure: Teacher  Does/Says:





5 min.


Good morning!

I am glad to see you!

Нow are you? How is your mum?

We have a very interesting class today. We are going to the safari park again…

Read for transcription of words from the Board.

Look at the screen and name as many animals as you can.

‘O.K. Well done!’

Pupils answer the short questions.

They read the transcription for the writing words.

Pupils look at the board and name the animals

5 min.

Checking the home task

On the Board the teacher writes the correct answers for the ex.С on p.65

The students exchange their notebooks ,then check and put the grade for the homework in it.

This type of checking enables pupils to see each other's mistakes and avoid them next time.

5 min.

Listening skills

Let’s listen to the voices of different animals in the safari park .Look at the pictures at the blackboard, they will help you.

'Be very attentive!',

‘Very good!’

Children listen to the tape   twice if it is necessary and answer Teacher’s question.

This exercise is in pupil’s textbook p.48 №1, but they don’t open the book, as they can see the pictures on the blackboard


Speaking skills

Open your textbooks on p. 50 ex.5. Look at the example and make up your own dialogue.

The teacher discus the illustration with pupils.

The teacher goes around and monitors the progress of the job.

‘That’s all right!’

Children do this exercise in pairs according to the example.

Two of the most advanced student can play the dialogue in front of the class .

Textbook - ex.10 p.52.

This exercise stimulates the creative activity of pupils.

7 min.

Writing   skills

  • The teacher divides the class into groups, (you can use colored cards) informs the students that they will listen to the conversation. Each group gets a table.

  • What do John and Sophie like? Listen and write the words in English.

Pupils listen to the text and write their answers in the table.

Teacher pays pupil’s attention at the correct word writing.

8 min.

Grammar skills

Open your books at page 28, ex. 8. Read the task.

Read the letter and show photos of animals mentioned by Dasha. Where Dasha could do such photos? (In the zoo). Right!

Now read the text and guess the meaning of the underlined unfamiliar words (individual work, problem-search work.)

Front work (on the Board 2 photos from the textbook, which depicts one monkey and two bears).

The teacher asks the questions and writes in the gaps of the figures.

Pupils answer teacher’s questions and then do the exercise in the textbook, using all the revised rules.

Under the photos the pupils see the constructions 'There is' and 'There are'.

Teacher’s questions and pupil’s answers about grammar are in Russian.

These designs will serve as a good example for further replies. Teacher pays attention to the reading of these structures, indicating the continuous reading 'there is'.

8 min.

Reading for information

Read where we can go in the zoo (forming the skills of working with instructions and diagrams).

‘Well done!’

Students work together with the teacher ,they look at the scheme of the zoo in the textbook.

Students read and translate the diagram into Russian language, to ensure understanding for the whole class.

'The lions live here. There are three lions. Look! The tigers. How many tigers are there?'

The teacher explains the signs.

1 min.

Home task

Now, your home task. Look at the blackboard :  (Teacher shows and reads the task: ’Workbook  p. 64, ex.C)  

Open your workbook and have a look! Are there any questions to me?

Pupils put the task down into their diaries.

 Pupils open workbooks to look through the tasks and ask questions if they have some.

The task is in pupil’s workbooks (it is in the package to the Biboletova’s textbook).

The 1-st task is to write the words instead of pictures in the text. The second one is to fill in the prepositions in the gaps.

1 min.

Reflection and rating

                       Post- lesson   reflection note.

  My lesson was based on teaching vocabulary and grammar structures.

  1. I teach a group of 14 pupils. These are mostly eight years old children. Their leading learning style is visual.

 So, I tried to stimulate the children visually, using pictures and other materials on the blackboard and in pupil’s textbooks. I also made attempts to develop weaker sensory channels of children to be successful by listening to the tape, playing role -game ' a dialog in the safari park), talking about grammar aspects, doing exercises in written form.

The pupils’ attitude to studying English is positive, they’re interested in getting new knowledge they want to get good results so, they ask questions and  for help if they don’t understand something.

We have taken the course- book by Verbitskaya., but we also use a supplementary book: E.A. Barashkova’s  grammar exercise- book, which helps to prepare young learners to study grammar deeper and have more practice.

2. At the lesson I worked with the structures ‘there is, there are’ and the words on topic ‘The Safari Park’.

3. I really feel the presentation stage exists in all the activities of the lesson. For example, when we introduce the topic of the lesson, the task of an exercise, ask questions about grammar rules before we start doing exercises, pay pupil’s attention at pictures in the book and on the blackboard .Some warm-up work helps to revise the words of the lesson and is also on the presentation stage.

4. At the practice stage pupils exercised their skills in the structure ‘there are some’ and the topic words, using them in listening, reading, speaking and writing. All these activities had their place at the lesson. I used the ‘role game’, discussion of grammar rules, writing and translating of different sentences, listening to main characters on the tape, reading of the diagram .

5.  I set the problematic issues, created problem situations to enhance students in the classroom. The methods used are adequate to the task, their combination optimally stimulates independent cognitive activity of students, as I took into account individual and age peculiarities of children. I tried creatively using a variety of forms of teaching (individual, group). The independence of students in choosing forms of representation. On the lesson I used the methods of cognition (observation, comparison, information search, thereby creating conditions for the development of cognitive skills. A variety of tools, methods, forms, ways of teaching were used as appropriate in accordance with the subject and aimed at the development of the skills, cognitive self-activity. The children didn’t have time to relax, they were very attentive, as they had to react quickly during the lesson. They were positive and cheerful during the lesson.

6. I’m quite satisfied with my lesson. As learning English pursues a communicative task I’ll pay more attention to speaking: we’ll  talk about our visiting zoos, practice in dialogues and children will have a chance to give their opinion on this theme.


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