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Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 11 классе по теме "Вера и суеверие"

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Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 11 классе по теме "Вера и суеверие"

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«Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 11 классе по теме "Вера и суеверие"»

Вера и суеверие.

Тема: Вера и суеверие

Цель урока: отработать навыки  чтения на понимание текста и его реконструкцию , отработать навыки аудирования, совершенствовать навыки монологической речи и развивать навыки  письменной речи на основе изученной лексики и текста.

Ссылка на видеоурок:

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Конспект урока

Exercise 1. Listen to the second part of the interview with Mr. Phillips(6), and decide which of the facts below are true (T),false(F) or not stated(NS).

Ссылка на аудиоурок:


1.The modern Mexican culture is a mixture of the tribal Indian cultures and the Spanish culture.

2. Modern Mexicans think of themselves as Indians

3.The bread modern Mexicans eat reminds in shape the bread

of their ancestors.

4.Modern Mexicans keep up the old Spanish traditions.

5. Each evening young people who live in big Mexican cities visit the central plaza.

6.There are no traces of American culture in modern Mexican habits.

7. The majority of the Mexican population live in cities.

Exercise 2. Read the text and complete it with the appropriate phrases (a-g). Thereis one you don’t have to use(Student’s book p.66 ex.2).

a) make their choices and decisionsb) will argue with them and sayc) treat diverse beliefs with respectd) and the world can’t be explained scientificallye) and are connected with our valuesf) all over the worldg) might call themselvesfatalists

Exercise 3. There are four main religions in the world. Match the names of the religions with the names of their sacred books, sacred symbols, sacred buildings. Write them in the appropriate places of the table.

The Bible, the star of David, a pagoda, a church, Tripitaka, a mosque, the cross,

 a synagogue, the wheel of life, the Torah, the crescent and the star, the Koran






















Exercise 4. Read through the list and say which of these things you believe/don’t believe in and why.(Student’s book p.67 ex.4)

-the world progress                                                                   

-the postulate “Beauty will save the world”-reincarnation (the belief that after you die you can be born again as a different person ,animal or thing)                                                                                                  

-life after death                                                                                                                             

-the idea that all events are predetermined                                                                                    

-the idea that love conquers everything                                                                                            

-love at first sight                                                                                                                       

-ill luck brought by black cats-the postulate that money and power cannot make you happy                                                        

-the postulate that every new generation is wiser than the previous one                                      

-ghosts and wishes                                                                                                              

-UFO’s (unidentified flying objects)                                                                                              





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