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Методическая разработка "Внеклассное мероприятие "Путешествие в страну Уолта Диснея"

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Внеклассное мероприятие "Путешествие в страну Уолта Диснея" 3 – 5 классы это итоговое мероприятие, которое  учитель может повести на уроке или как отдельное внекслассное мероприятие.



Цель и задачи:  

     1.создавать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка и радостное

настроение на уроке;

     2.повторить и закрепить изученный материал;

     3.научить детей видеть результаты коллективной деятельности;

     4.развивать индивидуальные и  художественные способности у детей;

     5. воспитывать  интерес к традициям и фольклору народа Англии.

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«Методическая разработка "Внеклассное мероприятие "Путешествие в страну Уолта Диснея"»

Путешествие в страну Уолта Диснея 3 – 5 классы

Нехорошева Наталья Владимировна учитель английского языка, Г.о. Подольск

Цель и задачи:

1.создавать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка и радостное

настроение на уроке;

2.повторить и закрепить изученный материал;

3.научить детей видеть результаты коллективной деятельности;

4.развивать индивидуальные и художественные способности у детей;

5. воспитывать интерес к традициям и фольклору народа Англии.


1. Сказочница - Magician

2. Белоснежка - Snow – White

3. Первый гном - First Dwarf

4. Второй гном - Second Dwarf

5. Третий гном - Third Dwarf

6. Четвертый гном - Fourth Dwarf

7. Пятый гном - Fifth Dwarf

8. Шестой гном - Sixth Dwarf

9. Седьмой гном - Seventh Dwarf

10. Королева - Queen

11. Зеркало - Mirror

12. Мальвиан - Malvina

13. Пиноккио - Pinocchio

14. Первый поросенок - First pig Naff – Naff

15. Второй поросенок - Second pig Snuff – Snuff

16. Третий поросенок - Third pig Niff – Niff

17. Золушка - Cinderella

18. Мачеха - Stepmother

19. Первая сестра - First sister

20. Вторая сестра - Second sister

Материал и оборудование:

1. Презентация « История Уолта Диснея»

2. Выставка рисунка « Любимые герои мультфильмов Уолта Диснея»: Белоснежка и 7 гномов, Мальвина, Пиноккио, 3 поросенка, Золушка, Чип и Дейл, Роки, Гаечка, Скрудж Магдак и его племянники, Русалочка, волшебница и др.

3. Презентация с фотографиями героев мультфильмов.

4. Презентация с декорациями: лес, зал дворца, лесная полянка, цветущий сад, портрет Уолта Диснея .

5.Стул, зеркало, рисунки для считалочки.

Звучит музыка. На сцену выходит ведущая – Волшебница.

Magician: Good morning dear parents and teachers, dear girls and boys.

Pupils: Good morning.

На экране презентация «« История Уолта Диснея»

Magician: I think you know the name of Walt Disney. To many people in our country his name means the world of cartoon. W. Disney has created a lot of short cartoons and many longer films. His name is very famous, and not only in America.

Walt Disney was born in Chicago on December 5, 1901. Then his family left that city in the north of America for a place in the South. When Walt Disney grew up, he began to draw pictures and create cartoons, and one day he had an idea to make a mouse the main character of the cartoons.

He told his wife, Lillian, about this. He saw this mouse character as a friendly little thing, who could speak, dance and sing and who, in fact, could live like a man. “That’s a good idea,” Lillian said. “Call him Mickey.” So that is what Disney called him. In 1928 the audience saw Mickey Mouse on the screen for the first time. Mickey became very popular and soon Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse were famous stars.

Then came other characters: Donald Duck, Pluto, and many, many more. Some of they are bright, some are not, but all of them are usually kind and friendly. And Disney’s main characters are always clever. In fact Disney has created a special animal world full of optimism and success.

Disney’s stories end happily. All this films are easy and nice to watch. The audience always feels comfortable and enjoys his cartoons very much.

He built Disneyland. Disneyland is in California near Los Angeles. It is a place for children of all ages.

Звучит музыка. На экране « Лесная полянка»

На сцену выбегают гномы, выстраиваются в линию, поют и делают зарядку.

Тихо выходит Белоснежка, садится на стул и засыпает.

Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips

Sit down.

Stand up,

Hands to the sides,

Bend left,

Bend right,

Hands on hips.

One, two, three hop

One, two, three stop

Stand still.

Глубоко вздыхают, выдыхают и падают на пол.

Звучит музыка. На экране « Зал дворца»

Выходит королева с зеркалом. Королева садится на стуле, в руках зеркало.

Queen: Magic Mirror in my hands,

Who’s the fairest in my land?

Magic Mirror: You, who hold me in your hand,

You are the fairest in the land.

Story – teller: The Queen was pleased. But Snow White was growing up and

becoming prettier and prettier with every day.

Queen: Magic Mirror in my hand,

Who’s the fairest in the land?

Magic Mirror: You, who hold me in your hand.

You were the prettiest in the land,

But today I tell you true,

Snow White is more fair than you!

Story – teller: And what did the Queen do with Snow White?

Дети отвечают на вопросы.

Story – teller: Yes, the Huntsman took Snow White deep into the forest. But he

didn’t kill her, he left the poor girl alone in the dark forest. She ran

and ran and suddenly saw a little house in front of her.

Who lived in the house?

What did Snow White see when she went into the house?

You remember, boys and girls, that she fell asleep. And late in the

evening seven dwarfs came home. Here they are.

The first Dwarf: Who has been sitting on my stool?

The second Dwarf: Who has been eating from my plate?

The third Dwarf: Who has been nibbing my bread?

The fourth Dwarf: Who has been eating my porridge?

The fifth Dwarf: Who has been using my fork?

The sixth Dwarf: Who has been cutting with my knife?

The seventh Dwarf: Who has been drinking out of my cup?

The first Dwarf: Who has been lying on my bed?

All the dwarfs (together): Someone has been lying on my bed.

What a beautiful сhild she is!

Белоснежка проснулась и испуганно смотрит на гномов.

The first Dwarf: Dear girl, what is your name? Tell us why you have come to our house.

Snow White: I’m a Princess, the King’s daughter. My name is Snow White. My mother passed away (died) and my stepmother wanted to kill me. I have nowhere to go. May I stay with you,

dear friends?

The first Dwarf: If you stay with us, will you look after us? Will you cook for us, make the beds, wash, sew and keep everything clean? And we shall take good care of you.

Snow White: Yes, I agree with all my heart.

Story – teller: What happed to Snow White then?

Who gave her a poisoned apple?

Who saved her?

How does the story end?

Звучит музыка песни из кинофильма «Буратино». На экране « Лесная полянка»

На сцену выбегает Пиноккио, музыка звучит тише.

Magician: Good morning, boy!

Pinocchio: Good morning.

Magician: What is your name?

Pinocchio: I am Pinocchio. My nose is too long, my mouth is too big, my arms and legs are thin and I look funny. I made of wood.

Magician: What can you do?

Pinocchio: I can read, write and draw.

Звучит музыка тихо. Пиноккио читает считалочку и показывает рисунки.

One, one, one – I can see the sun

Two, two, two – look at my nose

Three, three, three – money in the tree

Four, four, four – open the book

Five, five, five – let’s go to the cinema

Six, six, six – I like sweets

Seven, seven, seven – my friend is Pero

Eight, eight, eight – I made from a tree

Nine, nine, nine – I want to go to school

Ten, ten, ten – my teacher is Malvina.

Pinocchio: Children! Where is the girl with long blue hair, big blue eyes and a blue bow?

Из зала звучит голос Мальвины.

Malvina: I am here.

Magician: Good morning, girl.

Malvina: Good morning, Magician, dear girls and boys.

Magician: What is your name?

Malvina: My name is Malvina.

Magician: Where are you from?

Malvina: I am from the cartoon “Pinocchio” or from the late “The Little Golden Key”.

Malvina: Dwarfs! Let’s stand round! And repeat all movements together.

Звучит музыка песни, гномы встают в круг.

Мальвина поет и показывает мальчикам части лица, гномы повторяют.

1. Alouetta, little Alouetta,

Alouetta, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your head,

Put your finger on your head,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouet’. Oh!

2. Alouetta, little Alouetta,

Alouetta, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your nose,

Put your finger on your nose,

On your nose, on your nose,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouet’. Oh!

3. Alouetta, little Alouetta,

Alouetta, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your mouth,

Put your finger on your mouth,

On your mouth, on your mouth,

On your nose, on your nose,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouet’. Oh!

4. Alouetta, little Alouetta,

Alouetta, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your chin,

Put your finger on your chin,

On your chin, on your chin,

On your mouth, on your mouth,

On your nose, on your nose,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouet’. Oh!

Тихо звучит музыка «Пение птиц в лесу» На экране цветущий сад.

На сцену выходит, плача, Золушка.

Magician: What is your name?

Cinderella: My name is Cinderella.

Magician: Why are you crying, my dear girl?

Cinderella: I have so much work to do. My stepmother and sisters are going to the ball at

the King’s palace.

Выходят мачеха и 2 дочери. Сестры громко ссорятся:

The first sister: I am the first.

The second sister: No, I am the first.

The first sister: Cinderella, give me my white dress.

Cinderella: Please, here it is.

The second sister: Bring me my hat and the mirror.

Stepmother: Give me my fan, Cinderella.

The first sister: Tell us, Cinderella, would you like to go to the ball?

Cinderella: Oh, don’t make fun of me, sisters. Nobody will let me in.

The first sister: Of course, not. You have no beautiful dress.

The second sister: You are too dirty, Cinderella, to go there.

Story – teller: Who helped Cinderella to go to the ball?

Did her sisters and stepmother recognize her?

Who danced with Cinderella?

How did the Prince Find Cinderella?

Звучит музыка и на сцену выбегают три поросенка. На экране «Лес»

Magician: Good morning, pigs!

The pigs (together): Good morning!

Magician: What are your names?

The first pig: My name is Naff – Naff.

The second pig: My name is Snuff – Snuff.

The third pig: My name is Niff – Niff.

Поросята читают стихотворение.

Naff – Naff: We are not afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf.

Snuff – Snuff: Our house is made of bricks,

Made of bricks,

Made of bricks.

Niff – Niff: We are not afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, no!

Поросята поют песню и из кубиков строят дом.

Building blocks,

Building blocks,

What can I build?

Building blocks,

Building blocks,

What can I build?

I can build an English town

English town, English town

I can build an English town,

Come and help me please.

Magician: Let’s make a circle round and dance and sing together and sing a song “Clap, clap, clap”.

Звучит музыка, дети строятся в полукруг и поют песню с движениями.

На экране портрет Уолта Диснея.

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet

Stamp your feet together.

Nod, nod, nod your heads,

Nod your heads together!

Dance, dance, dance a dance

Dance a dance together.

All together: Good bye!

Используемая литература:

1. Биография Уолта Диснея.

2. Праздники и будни с английским: песни – игры, песни, пьесы, юмор, 68 поздравлений. Составитель Н. И. Красюк.

3. “Sing and Learn English” 28 most popular English and American folk songs.

Д. Броерсма.

4. “Here I am”. Л. В. Компанийцева.


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