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Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку по теме: “Happy Mother’s Day”

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Сценарий праздника «Happy Mother's Day»

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«Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку по теме: “Happy Mother’s Day”»






Подготовила учитель английского языка

I квалификационной категории

Кастуева Залина Тугановна


Сценарий праздника «Happy Mother's Day»

Mother - the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind.

Мама - самое красивое слово на устах человечества.


  • Формировать актерские навыки при исполнении стихов, пьес, песен на анг­лийском языке.

  • Активизировать у учащихся твор­ческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника.

  • Повысить интерес учащихся к изуче­нию английского языка.


  • Обучающая. Научить учащихся пра­вильному употреблению речевых образ­цов в стихах и пьесах.

  • Развивающая. Развивать умения моно­логической и диалогической речи, уме­ние импровизировать; развивать память и логическое мышление.

  • Воспитательная. Создать благопри­ятный эмоционально-психологический климат обучения, атмосферу благожела­тельности, сопереживания героям пьес. Воспитать в детях положительный образ матери, женщины.

Участники: учащиеся 2, 5, 9-11 классов.

Ход мероприятия

  1. Приветствие ведущих.

Ведущий 1: Good morning, dear guests!

Ведущий 2: Dear teachers!

Ведущий 3: Dear mothers!

Ведущий 1: Dear grandmothers!

Ведущий 2: Dear women and girls!

Ведущий 3: We are very glad to see you.

Ведущий 1: Beauty, woman, flowers, Mother! There're not so many days in the year when we pronounce these pleasant words!

Ведущий 2: Today, you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love.

  1. Инсценировка “The name of my Angel”.

A day before the birth a child asked the God:

Child: I don’t know why I go to this world. What should I do?

The God answered:

God: You will meet your Angel who’ll always be nearly you. He will explain all to you.

Child: But how shall I understand him if I don’t know his language?

God: The Angel will teach you the language. He will protect you from all troubles.

Child: How and when should I return to you?

God: Your Angel will tell you.

Child: And what is the name of my Angel?

God: It is not important what his name is, he has a lot of names. You will name your Angel «Mum».

  1. Видео ролик “Mothers day” (озвучен ведущими)

Every time a child is born, so is a mother.

An eternal bond is formed.

As you grow, your mother is there

There to tuck you in … to cheer you up

There to teach...

There to send you off...

and to listen when you call

There to encourage you as you explore

create and dance the night away

There to encourage … to build faith

There by your side, when others have left you

There in good time and hard time

There in the details of daily life

Life doesn't come with a manual - it comes with a Mother.

  1. Акростих “M - O - T - H - ER(учащиеся 5-х классов).

"M" is for the million things she gave me,

"O" means only that she's growing old,

"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,

"H" is for her heart of purest gold;

"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

"R" means right, and right she'll always be,

"M" is for the mercy she possesses. 
"0" means that I owe her all I own. 
"T" is for her tender sweet caresses. 
"H" is for her hands that made a home. 
"E" means everything she's done to help me.
"R" means real and regular, you see.

Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER",

A word that means the world to me.

  1. Цитаты о маме на разных языках.

Pupil 1: Мама! Самое прекрасное слово на земле. Это первое слово, которое 
произносит человек, и звучит оно на всех языках одинаково нежно.

«Вся гордость мира от матерей, без солнца не цветут цветы, без любви нет счастья, без женщины нет любви, без матери нет ни поэта, ни героя. Все прекрасное в человеке от лучей солнца и от молока матери. Вот что насыщает нас любовью к жизни». Это говорю не я, так сказал А.М. Горький.

Pupil 2: Мад, "Ныййарæг мад". Цас уарзондзинад ис ацы цыбыр дзырды. Цал æнæхуыссæг æхсæвы арвиты мад йæ хъæбулы хъомылгæнгæйæ.

Уый фены нæ фыццаг бахудт, нæ фыццаг къахдзæф, нæ фыццаг дæндаг. Мад фехъуысы нæ фыццаг сныхас. Йæ фæлмæн къух у æппæтæй фидардæр æнцой сабийæн.

Мады хъарм, фæлмæн ныхас айсафы нæ маст, байгас кæны зæрдæйы хъæдгæмттæ. Мады зæрдæйы цас уарзондзинад ис, уыйас, æвæццæгæн, никуы ис.

Куыд фæлмæн æмæ алцы æмбарæг у ныййарæг мады зæрдæ, куыд тагъд банкъары йæ сабийы цин æмæ зын. Йæ фæлмæн ныхасæй бауадзы царды ныфс йæ сабийы зæрдæйы.

Ныййарæг мад, дæ кад æмæ намыс,

Сатанайау æнæмæлгæ зæххыл.

Дæ чысыл хуртыл цины тынтæ тауыс,

Дæ фæлмæн æнгас зæрдæйыл лæууы.


 Автор: ЧЕДЖЕМОВ Ахсар

Ирон æфсарм, ирон уæздан хъуыды,

Тæхуды, бавæр фæндыры зæлты!

Ныййарæгæй куыд тынг фидауы зæхх,

Тæхуды, уый ирон зарæгæй зæгъ.

Кæй буц рæвдыдæй байрæзы хъæбул,

Хъæбул кæмæн у йе стыр ныфс, йæ хур

Кæй къухтæй цæуы хæдзары бæркад,

Уый царды цин у, царды фидауц — мад.

Мæ фæлмæн мад у уалдзæджы æнгæс,

Хæххон бæстæйы дидинæгджын фæз.

Зæрдæйы хорзæх, конд æмæ уындæй

Мæ мады хуызæн ацы зæххыл нæй.

Фæриссын мæ нæ бауагъта хъысмæт,

Ды дæ, мæ мад, мæ цин æмæ мæ мæт,

Дæ сыгъдæг ном, дæ намысæй уæлдæр

Зæххон хæрзты ’хсæн ницы ис æндæр.

У мадæй хъæздыг алцæмæй хъæздыг.

Мæ дзæбæх мад — мæ амонды мæсыг,

Дæ уарзт æмæ дæ рухс уды тæмæн

Мæ царды фæндаг срухс кодтой мæнæн.

Ирон æфсарм, ирон уæздан хъуыды,

Тæхуды, бавæр фæндыры зæлты!

Ныййарæгæй куыд тынг фидауы зæхх,

Тæхуды, уый ирон зарæгæй зæгъ.

Pupil 4: Mother is the greatest feminine in this world. She gives her love to her kids for no pay in return. She will always think of her kids when confront with difficulties. What’s more, she cares for her kids whenever it is and wherever she is. Mother Love is the most selfless and great love. We celebrate Mother’s day today! Although we may be occupied with many trifles every day and we do not have time to think of mother who is always considerate to us, Mother’s day reminds us to show respect and love to our mother!

Pupil 5: “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother. I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” This is a quote that was said by Abraham Lincoln. There is no doubt that mother is a person who influences the whole life of us. She influences the characteristics and the behavior of us no matter who we are. May be you are common people. May be you are the people who make a big difference. What we have in common is that we are loved by mother and influenced by her.

  1. Традиции празднования Дня матери.

Ведущий 1: When is Mother's Day?

Ведущий 2: Mother’s Day is celebrated by Americans on the second Sunday in May.

Ведущий 3: Mothering Sunday in the UK is celebrated in March.

Ведущий 1: The Russians do it in November.

Ведущий 2: Grownup people visit their mothers to give them some flowers or other presents.

Ведущий 3: If they can`t do that, they send their mothers a “Mother`s Day Card”.

Ведущий 1: Little children give their mothers presents made by their own hands.

Pupil 6: Look at this woman. She is Anna Jarvis, founder of the modern version of Mother's Day. Jarvis focus the day on children celebrating their mothers. She was an antiwar activist and for her Mother's Day was a way to promote global unity after the horrors of the American Civil War and Europe’s Franco-Prussian War.

Pupil 7: In Russia Mother’s Day was celebrated for the first time in the Soviet Union in 1988 in Baku. The idea of the holiday belongs to Elmira Guseynova, a school teacher. She decided to arrange a celebration in honour of mothers for the pupils at her school. The initiative was soon taken up by other schools of the Soviet Union.

Pupil 8: Officially Mother’s Day was established in Russia in 1998 by the President’s decree. The aim of the new holiday, as it was declared, was to strengthen family values and show the important role the mother plays in the life of any person.

Today Mother’s Day is celebrated mostly in schools, kindergartens and other child institutions.

Исполнение песни "I've got something special...” (учащиеся 5-х классов).

“I’ve got something special for Mother’s Day

To thank you for the love that you give me every day

It’s just a little heart, but it says all that I can say

And it’s just for you on Mother’s Day"

I put my hands together, this is how I start

I curve my fingers around so they make a heart

And I blow it like a kiss and I send it your way

And it’s just for you on Mother’s Day

I’ve got something special for Mother’s Day

To thank you for the love that you give me everyday

It’s just a little heart but it says all that I can say

And it’s just for you on Mother’s Day.

And it’s just for you on Mother’s Day.

Pupil 9: Simnel Cake.

Give your mum a delicious gift this MotherHYPERLINK "https://www.wyza.com.au/articles/lifestyle/wyza-life/mother’s-day-traditions-around-the-world.aspx"'HYPERLINK "https://www.wyza.com.au/articles/lifestyle/wyza-life/mother’s-day-traditions-around-the-world.aspx"s Day. The most favoured cake on Mother's Day was - as it still is - the 'simnel cake'.

It is a fruit cake. A flat layer of marzipan is placed on top and decorated with 11 marzipan balls representing the 12 apostles minus Judas, who betrayed Christ.

It was not eaten on Mothering Sunday because of the rules of Lent, instead it was saved until Easter.

The word simnel probably derived from the latin word ‘simila’, meaning fine, wheaten flour from which the cakes were made.

A Simnel is still made in many parts of England today, although it is now more commonly made for and eaten on Easter Day.

Ведущий 2: People in the family try to make it a day off for mother.

Ведущий 3: They help her any way they can; wash up, clean the rooms, cook different tasty things.

  1. Юмористическая сценка «Helping mum».

Pupil 10: Help your mother!

Help your mother lay the table,

Put a knife and fork and spoon;

Help your mother lay the table,

Every afternoon.

Help your mother clear the table,

Take the knife and fork and spoon;

Help your mother clear the table,

Morning, night and noon.

На сцене, которая оформлена под квартиру, делает уборку девочка в фартуке. Она подмела пол, помыла посуду, вытерла пыль…Затем, тяжело вздыхая от усталости, садится на стул. Все это время ее брат сидел и ничего не делал, а только играл на компьютере. Вдруг звонок в дверь. Это пришла мама с работы. Девочка бежит открывать дверь:

Daughter: Mummy, I’m glad to see you! How are you? Are you tired?

Mother: Hello, my dear! Yes, I’m tired.

Daughter: Give me your bag, mummy. Take off your coat. Here are your slippers.

Mother: Thank you, dear! (удивленно) What a clean flat we’ve got today!

Daughter: Sit here. I’ll bring you tea with honey.

Mother: Thank you, my daughter! (еще более удивленно)

Мама выпила чай и спрашивает:

Mother: And where’s your brother?

Daughter: He’s playing computer games in his room.

Они идут в его комнату. Мама говорит:

Mother: You’re doing nothing again! Look at your sister! She’s cleaned all the flat today!

And you?!

Son: But it’s not me who’s got a two today!

Мальчик показывает дневник своей сестры, в котором красуется жирная двойка. Мама открыла рот от удивления, а девочка, схватив голову двумя руками, побежала вон из комнаты.

Mother: Children, I hope that you help your mother not only when you’ve got bad marks at school!

Исполнение песни Sometimes Mum says...” (учащиеся 2-ого класса).

Sometimes Mom says "don't do this"

Sometimes Mom says "don't do that"

Still she loves me that I know. Why?

Because she tells me so.

Sometimes Mom says let's do this.

Sometimes Mom says "kiss, kiss, kiss!"

  1. Ведущий 1: Despite the fact that we ought to show adoration to you mother each and every day, Mother's Day is that one day when we demonstrate the most love for you, and make you feel like a Queen.

Pupil 11: Mothers pet. (учащиеся 2-ого класса).
I’m Mother’s little pet,
Yeas, that’s me.
And my hair is very black
As you can see.
I try to be as good as gold
And I nearly always do
What I’m told.
I’ve two dolls,
Lots of toys
And a brother.
And I’m very, very, very
Fond of my mother.

Pupil 12: My dear Mummy.
My dear, dear Mummy,
Let me kiss your face,
I want you be Happy
Today and always
Be happy, be happy,
Today and always.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet

And so are you!

Happy Mother’s day, mum!

Pupil 13: My dear, dear mother,

I love you so much.

I want you to be happy

On this bright day.

Be happy, be happy

On this bright day!

Mum is such a special word,

The loveliest I’ve ever heard.

These words to you, above all the rest,

Mum, you're so special,

You are simply the best! 

Pupil 14: Mother is busy
From morning to night
To keep her family
Happy and bright.

  1. Ведущий 2: As a small experiment of women’s uniqueness and the special bond between a mother and child, we meet up with 6 wonderful women, and ask them to let us blindfold their most precious loved ones.

Ведущий 1: Their children will try to find the one they believe to be their mother!

На сцену выходят женщины, дети с закрытыми глазами пытаются найти своих мам.

Ведущий 3: All women are unique in shape, personality and heart, and so is the beautiful connection and precious love we saw this day.

  1. My Mother. (учащиеся 2-ого класса).

Who said “Goodnight”,

When I was a child?

My mother.

Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay

And showed me often how to play?

My mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell

And who could funny stories tell?

My mother.

Who sits at my head when I am in bed?

My mother.

Who is so nice, who is so kind,

Another so dear you’ll never find?

My mother.

Исполнение песни Mothers say song (учащиеся 9-ого класса).

A house isn't built with boards and hammers alone,

It's not the walls or a roof that make a house a home

It's all about family, it's all about joy

The love of a mother for a girl or a boy.

She's a woman of wonder, a woman of worth

She's a woman of wisdom, a woman of work

She's a woman of worship, a woman of the Word, oh yeah

For a kid like me, full of hopes and dreams

I'll be who I'm meant to be

With a mom who loves me endlessly.

WOW oh WOW, Mom is one of a kind

WOW oh WOW, Mom is lookin' fine

WOW oh WOW, Momma's love is mine

Oh yeah!

  1. Ведущий 1: Dear Mothers!

Ведущий 2: We wish you health, happiness, and a smile that will always shine on your face! Thank you for everything!

Children (in chorus): Happy Mother's Day!


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