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Сценка "Бэмби" для учащихся среднего звена

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Сценка для учащихся среднего звена. Можно использовать для проведения Дня святого Валентина.

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«Сценка "Бэмби" для учащихся среднего звена»

Author: It was spring and the forest was alive with news. Everyone was excited.

Magpie: Have you heard? Over in the thicket! Come and see! Wake up, friend Owl! The young prince is born! Come on! You’d better hurry!

Owl: After all, it isn’t every day a young prince is born.

Bambi’s mother: Wake up. You have visitors.

Thumper: What are you going to call him?

Bambi’s mother: I think I’ll name him Bambi.

Thumper: Bambi? Yep, I guess that’ll do.

Bambi’s mother: Come along, Bambi. It’s time you learned your way outside the thicket.

Owl, Magpie: Hello, young prince!

Thumper: Hi, Bambi! Let’s go to have some fun. That is a bird. Say “bird”.

Bambi: Bird!

Thumper: He talked! He talked! The young prince can talk!

Bambi: Bird!

Thumper: That’s not a bird. That’s a butterfly!

Bambi: Butterfly!

Thumper: No, Bambi. That’s a flower. It’s pretty.

Bambi: Pretty flower!

Skunk: Oh, that’s all right. He can call me flower if he wants to. I don’t mind.

Bambi’s mother: You must be very careful on the meadow, Bambi. Out there we are unprotected. There are no trees to hide us.

Author: The next spring came

Owl: My! If it isn’t the young prince. How fine you look! And you’ve grown a pair of antlers.

Bambi: What is your name? I haven’t seen you here before.

Faline: I’m Faline. And who are you?

Bambi: I’m Bamby. Let’s walk together.

Faline: Ok! Let’s go.

Owl: They are twitterpated!

Thumper: Come quickly, everybody. To the thicket!

All the animals: Look! Twins! And a healthier pair I’ve never seen. Prince Bambi must be mighty proud!


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