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Методическая разработка открытого урока по теме "Мы любим яблоки" в рамках проведения осенней декады по английскому языку.

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Открытый урок был проведен в рамках  предметной осенней декады. Учащиеся продемонстрировали умение применять полученные на уроках знания в новой неожиданной для них учебной ситуации.

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«Методическая разработка открытого урока по теме "Мы любим яблоки" в рамках проведения осенней декады по английскому языку.»

Открытый урок по теме «Я люблю яблоки» в рамках проведения общешкольной осенней предметной декады.( 4б класс, английский язык, учитель Мовель М.М.)

Цель урока: обеспечить условия для сохранения и развития мотивации учащихся к изучению английского языка, к участию в дополнительных мероприятиях во внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку: в предметных декадах, олимпиадах и конкурсах.

Планируемые результаты:

Предметные: активизировать употребление видовременных форм глагола Будущего простого времени и Настоящего простого времени; активизировать употребление в речи числительных количественных и порядковых; активизировать навыки всех видов речевой деятельности.

Коммуникативные: развивать умение сотрудничать с учителем и одноклассниками в процессе учебного общения, умение понимать речь учителя и отвечать на вопросы учителя и одноклассников без предварительного заучивания материала.

Регулятивные: внимательно слушать учителя и одноклассников; сохранять учебную задачу до конца урока; планировать свое речевое поведение; адекватно оценивать свои учебные действия и осуществлять необходимую коррекцию, тактично относиться к ошибкам и успехам товарищей.

Познавательные: активизировать умение использовать английский язык в различных условно-речевых ситуациях; решать ребусы и кроссворды на английском языке, быстро считать в уме, производить анализ и сравнение.

Личностные: самоактуализация, осознание своей социальной роли обучающегося, формирование и/или развитие мотивации к обучению на эмоциональном уровне.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационно-мотивационный этап.

Good morning, children! Nice to meet you!

How are you today? I think everybody is fine. The autumn holidays are over. Do you remember any English words? Let’s see.

What season is it now?

How many months has autumn got?

What month is it now?

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

What is the weather like today?

What can you do in such weather?

What can you do at school?

OK, we will speak English at our lesson.

I like to speak English. And you, Ann? And you, Dima? Great! Let’s go on.

What else will we do at our lesson? Try to guess. Ask me questions according to the model.

На доске – модель вопросительного предложения и картинки со словами-загадками.

Well, you are right. We’ll read, write, count and listen in English.

2.Определение темы урока и ее обоснование.

But what we will speak about? Try to guess. Look at the blackboard. It’s a secret code.







It’s red and sweet, and it’s good to eat.

Who will guess the first? (What will help us? OK, the ABC will.)

You are right. We’ll talk about APPLES. A is for apples and apple-trees. And where can you see apples? You сan see apples on apple-trees. (возникает картинка яблони с яблоками). (There are apples on the apple-tree and under the apple-tree.) OK. There is a lot of apples on the apple-tree and under the apple-tree.

And why will we talk about apples? (Because all children like apples). Why do children like apples? Read one more poem and answer.

“Yellow apples, brown and red

Are good for my teeth”, says little Fred.

So, we like apples because they are good for our teeth.

3.Этап выполнения заданий

Would you like to know more about apples? I’ve got an interesting song about apples. Let’s listen to it and find out some information.

You have got the sheets of paper. There are some tasks there. If our task is well-done you may take one of your apples out from your envelopes. OK?

Now it’s time to count. You’ll have a poem. Will you read it and count apples? Clear? Let’s start.

One little apple on a tree, two apples for you and me,

Three apples by the door, and four apples on the floor.

The apples are good and sweet. Can you count them all, Pete? (Ten apples) But you must not only count the apples but also write your answer down correctly by letters.

Well done, children, take an apple from the envelopes.

Let’s count more.

One apple, two apples, three apples, four.

Five apples, six apples, seven apples more.

Now tell me, little Paul, can you count them all? (28 twenty-eight apples)Write your answers down by letters.

Do you like to count? Would you like to count and write more? Let’s do one more task. You are to count apples and write down missing words. No numbers, just only words.

How many are there?

How much is one plus one? - __________apples growing in the sun.

How much is two plus two?- ___________apples for little Sue.

How much is three plus three?- ________ apples on the apple-tree.

How much is four plus four?- ________________red apples and no more.

Ok. Well done, take an apple from the envelope.

Now I want you to meet a girl. Her name is Ann. She is little, but very smart. Read the short story about her and find 1) the correct answer and 2) the funny answer. Then answer the question.

A grandfather gives Ann an apple. “What must you say?” asks her mother. “__________________________” says Ann.

  1. Thank you. b) Give me one more. c) No, thank you.

Does Ann like apples? - _____________________________

Would you like to have an apple? If yes, do the “Apple Crossword”.

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1. You can sit on it. 2. It helps you to see when it is dark. 3.There are apples on it. 4.You can eat it in autumn. If you write so, take an apple from the envelope.

Ann is not only smart, but also very funny. She likes to chat very much. She likes to chat at school. Would you like to listen to a funny story about her? Then listen and answer the questions.

Do you like Ann’s answer? When is the best time for apples?

Puzzle 7.Расположение черешков у яблок поможет вам прочитать зашифрованный здесь вопрос. Answer it.

















4.Рефлексия. Do you like our lesson? What do you like the best? Show me the smiling faces or the sad faces.


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