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Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку с применением программы семи модулей в 10 классе на тему "Famous travelers "

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Разработка урока по английскому языку в 10 классе по теме "Великие путешественники"

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«Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку с применением программы семи модулей в 10 классе на тему "Famous travelers "»

Date: 04.10.16 Lesson: 9

Grade: 10 A

Theme: Famous travelers.


1. Review the knowledge by the geography of English speaking countries and the travelers and review “thick and thin questions”, train skills of reading, improve skills of speaking and listening

2.  To develop foreign competition, logical speech, to develop critical minding using information about famous travelers.

3. Bring up the interest to the foreign culture.

SWAT: student should know how to use knowledge and how to analyze it using critical minding.


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity






Ask general questions

Making collaboration sphere

Problem question:

“What is the date - The 12th of October?”

Phonetic drills

Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery.

Warm up

Portrait prognosis “Christopher Columbus”

Answer the questions chain by chain

Make the training “We are the same”

Students should find the answer on this questions to the end of the lesson

1. read and train pronunciation

2. translate underlined words and make word combinations or sentences

Students divide into groups using cards with the numerals

Students look at the pictures and make the prognosis who is it, where he was born.


New approach in education

Critical minding

Dialogical education

Gifted children

Genoa- Генуя

a weaver- прядильщик

tanned- загорелый

Portuguese- португальский

navigation- кораблевождение

an engine- двигатель

to recover- выздороветь



Task 1:

reading the text

Task 2: criteria of evaluation (formative)

Task 3: Work with the diagram

“Why it was important to open America?”

Students work separately: read and translate

find some words from the text

answer the questions

make the test

Students using the criteria of evaluation evaluate themselves

Students make the prognosis answers on the question


Critical minding


Massage “Draw the picture on the back”

Task 5: review types of the questions

Task 6: Problem Question

make the questions to the text

A – alternative

B- distinguish

students answer on the problem question and make small retelling of the info about Columbus

Critical thinking

Gifted children




One gifted student analyze the lesson

Home task: make the report about one of the travelers

Make the analyze and write down the home task

Leadership in education

Gifted children

Individual work

Vetsel D.

Palagutina A.

Group A: analyze the lesson, make the questions

Group B: make word combinations, answer the questions

Christopher Columbus and his Voyages

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. His father was a wool weaver who had 5 children. Christopher, the eldest child, was a red-haired, tanned boy with bright blue eyes. He dreamed about voyages and became a sailor at the age of 14.

He saw foreign countries and traveled to Africa, England and many other countries. Christopher studied Spanish, Portuguese and Latin himself and learnt navigation and drawing maps.

On august 3, 1492, three ships with 88 men sailed north from Spain. His wooden ships the Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Nina had no engines. None of sailors had ever sailed for such a long time. After three weeks the sailors were afraid, they had little food and water.

Day after day they sailed to an unknown land. At last they saw a light at the distance. When the sun rose they saw the land. Columbus thought he had discovered a new way to India. He never knew that he had discovered a new continent.

When he came back to Spain on March 15, 1493 he was met like a royal person. Christopher Columbus was made an Admiral of the Ocean. The second voyage was the voyage of colonization on September 24, 1493. That time he had 17 ships.

The third voyage was the southern voyage on May 30, 1498.

Christopher Columbus explored South America. The final voyage was on May 9, 1502. Columbus fell ill and return to Spain in 1504. He never recovered from his illness. At the age of 55 on May 20, 1506 he died.

Another man gave the name to the New World that Christopher Columbus was found. That Was Amerigo Vespucci.

True and false statements.

1. Christopher had blonde hair when he was a child.

2. There were five children in his father’s family.

3. Christopher disliked the sea and traveling when he was a boy.

4. Columbus had three wooden ships when he discovered the New World.

5. After three weeks of the voyage the sailors were afraid, because they didn’t have enough food and water.

6. Christopher Columbus was made an Admiral of the Ocean.

Choose the right answers.

1. Who was the captain of Columbus’s ships?

2. Did Columbus love the sea?

3. Where the sailors nervous about sailing too far with Columbus?

4. The name of the ship.

5. Name the Queen who gave Columbus ships.

6. What country supported Columbus’s plan?

7. What was Columbus trying to find on his voyage?


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