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Методическая разроботка на тему “Astana”

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The theme: Text “Astana”

The aims of the lesson:  Educational: To enrich pupils’ speech using vocabulary, knowledge, listening

                                         activities, memory.

      Developing: To develop their reading, writing, speaking skills and grammar,   

      lexical habits.

      Bringing - up: To bring - up interest to the subject, to bring - up pupils to be

     attentive to write neatly.



The equipments: cards and pictures

The type of the lesson: getting new material

The methods of teaching: interaction, presentation, explanation, question – answer, individual work, pair and group work.

Inter-subject connection: Kazakh


The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

-Good morning children?

-How are you?

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

-What day is it today?                   -What season is it now?

-What date is it today?                 - What month is it now?


II. Wharm – up.

 Some people live in the country,

Where houses are very small.

Some people live in the city ,

Where the houses are very tall.

But in the country where houses are small,

The gardens are very big.

And in the city where the houses are tall,

There are no gardens at all.

Where would you rather live?

III. Checking up the home task.


Exercise 5 page 23.  Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 4

a. I want to move to the country because it is_________and _______ in the city where I live.

b. There are a lot of tall_________in New York.

c. Our city has a_________of over 2 million people.

d. Now big cities have problems with.__                and__                     

e. We like to spend our holiday on the sea---------------


Exercise 6 page 23.  Look at the photographes on pages 24-25 and answer the questions.


Where are they?

Do you know any of its famous buildings and monuments?

Why is this city famous?

What is your opinion of big cities?


IV. Vocabulary:

Capital             [ ?kæp?tl ]        астана

Centre             [‘sent?]                        орталы?

Tourism           [‘tu?rizm]        туризм

Cultural           [ ?k?lt?? ]         м?дение

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«Методическая разроботка на тему “Astana”»

Date: 17.09 19.09 20.09

Form: 6в 6ғ 6ә,б,г,д,е

Books author: A. Ayapova

The theme: Text “Astana”

The aims of the lesson: Educational: To enrich pupils’ speech using vocabulary, knowledge, listening

activities, memory.

Developing: To develop their reading, writing, speaking skills and grammar,

lexical habits.

Bringing - up: To bring - up interest to the subject, to bring - up pupils to be

attentive to write neatly.

The equipments: cards and pictures

The type of the lesson: getting new material

The methods of teaching: interaction, presentation, explanation, question – answer, individual work, pair and group work.

Inter-subject connection: Kazakh

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

-Good morning children?

-How are you?

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

-What day is it today? -What season is it now?

-What date is it today? - What month is it now?

II. Wharm – up.

Some people live in the country,

Where houses are very small.

Some people live in the city ,

Where the houses are very tall.

But in the country where houses are small,

The gardens are very big.

And in the city where the houses are tall,

There are no gardens at all.

Where would you rather live?

III. Checking up the home task.

Exercise 5 page 23. Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 4

a. I want to move to the country because it is_________and _______ in the city where I live.

b. There are a lot of tall_________in New York.

c. Our city has a_________of over 2 million people.

d. Now big cities have problems with.__ and__

e. We like to spend our holiday on the sea---------------

Exercise 6 page 23. Look at the photographes on pages 24-25 and answer the questions.

Where are they?

Do you know any of its famous buildings and monuments?

Why is this city famous?

What is your opinion of big cities?

IV. Vocabulary:

Capital [ ˈkæpɪtl ] астана

Centre [‘sentә] орталық

Tourism [‘tuәrizm] туризм

Cultural [ ˈkʌltʃə ] мәдение

Business [‘biznis] бизнес

Cinema [ ˈsɪnəmə ] кинотеатр

Museum [ mjuˈziːəm ] мұражай

Population [ ˌpɑːpjuˈleɪʃn ] халық, халық саны

V. Our theme in our lesson is Text “Astana”

Read and translate the text about Astana.

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It's in the central part of Kazakhstan, on the river Esil. It has a population of over sіх hundred thousand people. Astana is famous for its modern buildings. The popular buildings are the monument of Baiterek, the Circus and the entertain­ment centre of Duman. Astana also has a problem with traffic. There are many cars on the streets. That's why the city is noisy and crowded.

Astana is not a centre for tourism but it’s a cultural and business centre. It has a lot of cinemas, theatres and museums. Most of wide streets are in the centre.

VI .Practice work.

Exercise 8 page 25. Comprehension check.

1. What are the popular buildings?

2. What is the name of its river?

3. What is it famous for?

4. What problems does it have?

Exercise 11 page 25. Compare the two cities. Find similarities and differences.




It lies on the river Thames

They are both Big

It’s on the Esil River

Exercise 12page 26. Complate the sentences with the words from the texts.

  1. There’s no u… in Astana. The main transport is buses.

  2. I don’t want to live in the centre because it’s n… and c… .

  3. Some years ago Almaty was f… for its apples.

  4. There aren’t many historical b… in Almaty.

  5. My parents moved from the town to the village because of t… and p… .

  6. The streets in Almaty aren’t very w...

  7. Paris is a centre for t… .

  8. Madrid is a c… of Spain.

  9. Big Ben is a famous c… .

  10. Our town has a p… of over 8 thousand people.

VII. Giving homework:

Exercise 13 page 26. Write about your city/town/village at home.

VIII. Pupils marking: your marks:_____

IX. Conclusion:

The lesson is over! Good bye!


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