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Modular Test -2 for Spotlight 9, Module 2

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Данная контрольная работа разработана как форма контроля по модулю 2, учебника Spotlight  для 9 класса.

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«Modular Test -2 for Spotlight 9, Module 2»


A Match the words:

1. extended a) matters

2. household b) village

3. tree-lined с) family

4. easily d) next door

5. isolated e) gravity

6. live f) space

7. family g) house

8. airless h) chores

9. detached i) streets

10. lack of j) annoyed 5 points

Use too / enough to complete the sentences:

1. The boy was __ (clever) to solve the problem. 2. If she doesn’t get __ (sleep), she’s bad tempered all day. 3. This room isn’t ___ (big) for the two of us. 4/5. I can’t help you with this this project as I’m not ___ (creative) and I haven’t got __ (time).6. The music was __ (loud) for the neighbours. 6 points

C Choose the correct word:

1. I’ll be waiting for you at /in/on/to the corner of the street.

2. Janet’s house is at /in/on/to the suburbs.

3/4. She’s at /in/on/to home today because she doesn’t go at /in/on/to school on Saturdays.

5. The picture was so small that we couldn’t make off with/out/up/up for what was in it.

6. I have to do some dusting/cleaning/washing/brushing – I’ve got no clean clothes left.

7. Some employees make off with/out/up/up for excuses when they arrive late for work.

8. Mrs Finch is very arrogant/helpful/nosy/caring; she always peeps at us from behind the curtains to see what we’re doing in the garden. 8 points

D. Put the verbs in the brackets into the to-infinitive or the -ing form:

1. I can’t stand __ (do) the ironing. I find it really boring.

2. After doing her chores, Meggy went on __ (make) some phone calls.

3. Our teacher makes us __ (do) our homework every day.

4. It was silly of you __ (forget) to lock the door.

5. I’m sorry__ (tell) you this, but I think we’ve just missed the train.

6. Would you prefer __(live) in the city or in the countryside?

7. I can’t help __ (laugh) at his jokes.

8. Sam suggested __ (go) to the beach on Sunday.

9. I let other members of my family __ (borrow) my things. 9 points


A Match the words:

1. narrow a) family

2. daily b) gravity

3. corner с) pitch

4. next-door d) house

5. solve e) streets

6. football f) shop

7. vacuum g) routine

8. semi-detached h) cleaner

9. nuclear i) the conflict

10. zero j) neighbour 5 points

Use too / enough to complete the sentences:

1. He isn’t __ (strong) to lift that box. 2. I earned __ (money) to buy a new phone. 3/4. This room isn’t __ (spacious) for the two of them as they are both __ (active) and need more private space. 5. She’s __ (talkative). After 5 minutes I’ve got a headache. 6. There are not __ (parking places) for all the cars. 6 points

C Choose the correct word:

1. Janet’s house is close at /in/on/to the city centre.

2. Zack grew up at /in/on/to a farm.

3/4. If you go at /in/on/to the direction of that park, you’ll get to the castle which now lies at /in/on/to ruins.

5. Madam Estrea was a selfish/helpful/nosy/caring old woman who’d walk around, listen to people’s stories and tell them to everyone.

6. Students can make off with/out/up/up for thousands excuses about the reasons of their being late.

7. Please brush/comb/sweep/water the floor in the kitchen.

8. It was so foggy that we couldn’t make off with/out/up/up for the number of the house. 8 points

D. Put the verbs in the brackets into the to-infinitive or the -ing form:

1. Would you mind __ (share) your room with your brother?

2. After doing the washing-up, Sally went on __ (iron) her clothes.

3/4.I can’t stand __ (do) household chores, but mum makes me __ (help) her all the time!

5. It’s worth __(visit) the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

6. My parents don’t let me __ (stay) up late.

7. It was silly of you __ (tell) Megan all your secrets as everyone knows she’s a terrible gossip.

8. Steve wants __ (become) an astronaut when he grows up.

9. I don’t remember __ (meet) you before. 9 points

Критерии оценивания к модульному контролю № 2


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