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Modular Test 7, Spotlight 7

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Modular test 7, Spotlight 7 содержит задания по чтению, грамматике  модуля 7.

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«Modular Test 7, Spotlight 7»

Modular test 7, 7th class

Task 1. Read the text and choose the right options to complete the sentences.

Bolivia’s New Jazz Sensation Is Just Seven Years Old and Blind.

Bolivia’s Andre Montano Baina is taking the world music scene by storm. How about the fact that Jose is just seven years old and is blind (слепой). The young musician began to show signs of his great talent at the age of four when he started playing the drums. After mastering them, he quickly moved on to the piano and by the age of five formed a jazz trio! And, while the young know every jazz song in the book and can play them all with great ease it is not the only kind of music he enjoys. He also loves listening to blues, heavy metal, tango, bolero and anything in between!

His extremely proud father says that he has nothing to do with his son’s unusual talent. In fact he didn’t know much about jazz until Jose started to play. He believes the young boy is born with a ‘music chip’ inside him! As for the young superstar he leads a normal life despite his fame. Just like other children he goes to school, does homework and helps about the house.

1. The Bolivian young genius is a---------

a).singer b).a musician c).a dancer

2. Jose is only seven and he can’t -------

a) .move b). hear c). see

3. By the age of five Jose Andre could play ------------

a). several instruments b). the drums c). the piano

4. The young genius plays --------

a). only jazz b). heavy metal c). all types of music.

5. His father is proud of him and is sure the boy -----------

a). takes after him b). has an inborn talent c). had good teachers.

6. The talented boy -----------

a). is very proud of his fame b). lives an ordinary life c). gives interviews day and night.

Task 2. Grammar. Choose the correct option.

1. We (saw/ have seen/ was seeing) the film two days ago .

2. Football (became/ has become/has becoming) part of cultural life in England.

3. They (went/have gone/go) to the cinema yesterday.

4. I (stopped/have stopped/stopping) playing the guitar last summer.

5. He ( not read/ has not read/ has not reads) the book yet.

6. Tom is the (tall/taller/the tallest) boy in the class.

7. Mark is as (clever/cleverer/the cleverest) as Jim.

8. That is the (bad/worse/worst) film I’ve ever seen.

9. Betty is (as beautiful/more beautiful/ most beautiful) than Eva.

10. She runs (quicker/quickly) than Jack.

Task 3. Vocabulary. Form new words.

1. It is a (fun) film.

2. Yevgeni Plushenko is one of the most (success) figure skaters.

3. I don’t know what to say. I am (speech).

4. At the castle Shrek and Donkey have to fight a (danger) dragon.

5. Tom Cruise is a (fame) American actor.

Task 4.Fill in the prepositions: into, off, on, in.

1. Turn ( ) the lights when you leave the room.

2. Please, turn ( ) the radio. I want to hear the news.

3. In Shrek, Fiona turns ( ) an ogre at midnight.

4. I am very tired. I think I will turn ( ).


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