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Money Matters (устная тема по английскому языку)

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Текст устной темы по английскому языку "Money Matters" является сопровождением слайдов к презентации "Money Matters & Scrooge McDuck". Автор текста, ученица 10 класса МБОУ "СОШ №50 им.Ю.А. Гагарина" Яновская Арина составила оригинальный текст для раскрытия идеи даного топика. В качестве примера приводится мультипликационный персонаж Скрудж Макдак

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«Money Matters (устная тема по английскому языку)»

Scrooge McDuck

Money is the most important thing in life. But is it so?

Money is a universal means of payment and a means of exchange. In the modern world, absolutely all people use them, since this is a basic necessity.

Well, money can give us: independence, prosperity, confidence, freedom, status.

Also, money is the material used to get your wishlist. For example, a luxury house, precious jewelry, expensive cars, payment for all services for a comfortable life. The more money you earn, the more products you can buy.

But there's a very poor fact - people roll in money like Scrooge McDuck can be robbed or even killed.

But is "money" synonymous with the word "happiness"? Using the example of Scrooge McDuck, we can see that after the arrival of his nephews, he got the essence of love, care and mutual understanding. As for me, this character has changed for the better after the arrival of his relatives.

Therefore we can't say that money equals happiness. Happiness depends on both the material and the spiritual. But still, you should not rely only on luck, you also need to use your head.


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