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МОНИТОРИНГ сформированности УУД. Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса

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«МОНИТОРИНГ сформированности УУД. Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса»

Итоговая контрольная работа

(мониторинг сформированности УУД по английскому языку в 7 классе)

Задание 1.

Read the text.*

Scotland is one of the countries that make up the UK. Until 1707 it was an independent state. It appeared a long time ago – in 843 ad. Scotland has got the national motto. It sounds in Latin and means “No one will touch me with impunity.” The population has always been very independent. Moreover, they even have their own national animal – a unicorn.

The territory of this country occupies 78.7 thousand square kilometers. As for religion, the majority of the population – adherents of the Church of Scotland Presbyterian type.

More than 5 million people live in Scotland. Their characteristic features are independence and originality. Scots are quite friendly and sociable, but often suffer from attacks of melancholy. Scots are quite practical and very proud.

By the way, Scotland is one of the few countries where there are three official languages.

The climate is relatively warm, in summer the temperature is around 20 degrees. In winter, the temperature reaches only 3 degrees. Scotland is the coolest of weather in the UK. Scotland is famous for its music, traditions, legends and Loch ness. While Wales and England give the impression of modern countries of progress, Scotland is associated with history and traditions.

Read the sentences and choose: T - if the sentence is truе, F - if the sentence is false or N/s - (if it is not stated).

  1. Scotland is not part of the UK.

  2. The Scottish motto says that the scots are very aggressive.

  3. The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.

  4. Some Scots are Muslim.

  5. The local population is friendly.

  6. Scotland is the coldest country in Europe.







Ключи: 1- F, 2- F, 3- T, 4 – NS, 5- T, 6- NS


Подсчитывается количество ошибок

Уровни сформированности:

0 – повышенный уровень

1-2 – базовый уровень

3-4 – низкий уровень

Задание 2.

Choose the right word to complete the sentence. There is an example at the beginning (A)

The Dog and the Donkey

A___ in a small town there lived a baker. He had two pets — a dog and a donkey. The dog kept watch over the house. The donkey carried the bread and the cakes that the baker made. One night a thief B____ into the house. The baker C____ soundly. The dog too was fast asleep, he did not bark at the thief. The donkey saw the thief and wanted to awaken D____ master, so he began to bray loudly. The thief ran away. The baker E ____ not sleep. He came out. He could not understand why the donkey brayed so loudly and he beat the stupid but dutiful donkey very badly. But the F____ house was saved. It was the duty of the dog to keep watch and not of the donkey. However, the donkey turned out to be a G____ guard than the dog.


A 1) one 2)once 3)first

B 1) broken 2) was breaking 3) broke

C 1) sleeps 2) was sleeping 3) slept

D 1) him 2) her 3) his

E 1) should 2) can 3) could

D 1) bakers’ 2) baker’s 3) bakers

E 1) more good 2) best 3) better









Ключи: B – 1, C – 2, D – 3, E – 3, F – 2, E - 3


Подсчитывается количество ошибок

Уровни сформированности:

0 – повышенный уровень

1-2 – базовый уровень

3 – низкий уровень

Задание 3.

Find and correct the grammar mistake in the sentences. Check yourself using an example.

1. Sunday is the most best day of the week.

2. Anns 13.

3. Shes got a pet.

4. We like playing in football.

5. How often does he feed her pet?

6. Where do your parents living?


1. Sunday is the best day of the week.

2. Ann is 13.

3. She has got a pet. /She’s got a pet.

4. We like playing football.

5. How often does he visit his pet?

6. Where do your parents live?


Подсчитывается количество ошибок.

Уровни сформированности:

0 – повышенный уровень

1-2 – базовый уровень

3 – низкий уровень

Задание 4.

Tell your friend about your last birthday. Your friend wants to know:

- when your birthday is;

- if you have a birthday party every year;

- when you had your last birthday party;

- what presents your family gave to you;

- if you liked their presents and what your favorite was;

- how many friends you invited for your party and who they were;

- if your friends said “Happy birthday to you!” when they came;

- what presents they gave you;

- what you ate and drank at the birthday table;

- if you made a wish at the birthday cake;

- what games you played with your friends;

- if you liked your party.


Подсчитывается количество cказанных фраз:

Уровни сформированности:

11-12– повышенный уровень

8-10 – базовый уровень

5 фраз и менее – низкий уровень

Пояснительная записка к контрольной работе

Познавательные УУД

Задание 1.

Цель: выявление у учащихся уровня сформированности умения поискового чтения

Вид задания: альтернативный выбор - с выбором одного правильного ответа (верно/неверно/не сказано).

Задание 2.

Цель: выявление у учащихся уровня сформированности использования модальных глаголов, степеней сравнения прилагательных, времен английского глагола, притяжательного падежа, местоимений

Вид задания: множественный выбор (учащиеся выбирают единственно правильный ответ из трех предложенных).

Регулятивные УУД

Задание 3

Цель: выявление у учащихся уровня сформированности самоконтроля.

Вид задания: фронтальный письменный опрос (нахождение и исправление ошибок с последующей проверкой по эталону)

Коммуникативные УУД

Задание 4

Цель: выявление уровня сформированности построения монологического высказывания с использованием опоры.

Вид задания: письменное высказывание

*Данный текст: https://eng911.ru/beginners/teksty-na-anglijskom-yazike.html


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