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"Multilinguism - a new level of education"

Категория: Всем учителям

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Certified teachers II (basic) level

teacher of Russian language and literature Ist category

KSU "High school №29 named T.Iztileuova"


"Multilinguism - a new level of education"


"Kazakhstan should be perceived worldwide

as a highly educated country whosepopulation

which use three languages. They are: Kazakh 

language - state language, Russian language- as a  

language of international communication and

English - the language of successful integration

into the global economy. "


(From the Message "New Kazakhstan in a New World")


Republic of  Kazakhstan is the -multinational state. All the peoples who inhabit it, and develop their national culture and language. After all, the fate of the nation depends on the language.

  I had never thought about the significance of the native language in the life of Kazakhs, the fate of his past, present and future, has not yet become a teacher of Russian language and literature. But this is one of the most important state problematic issues of the native language.

Learning the state language of the state in which we live - a necessary fact of life, as the culture of a nation is manifested language and cultural values ??of the people.

The language that I teach - is the language of friendship and mutual understanding. Even the great Kazakh poet Abay fairly priced Russian language: "Learn Russian art and culture. This is the key to life. If you get it, your life will be easier. "

Russian language is one of the official languages ??of the UN. All of us are clear integration functions of the Russian language. "Who does not know foreign languages, he knows nothing about and in their mother tongue" - said the German poet I.Gete.

The main essence of the strategic objective of  polylinguism is the development of the Kazakh language to the level of the world's languages, so in our sovereign country has created all conditions for the equal and full use of the three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.

The younger generation, studying the language, to develop spiritual and moral values, adapted to all the changes taking place in the world.

Our school in this model, traditionally holds various events dedicated to celebration of the Day of languages ??of people of Kazakhstan, the language competitions, contests, festivals. We have conducted circles of the Kazakh, Russian and English languages. Students working on research work. I want to note the achievement of the student 10 Grade "A" Mataeva Eldos. He deservedly won the I-st place in the international project competition works "Science City" and was awarded a Diploma of I-st  degree and a medal.

The idea of  language   polylinguism is very actually. Mean while, our students realise their patriotic duty to know Kazakh language, they understand that the state language is a factor in the competitiveness of the personal career advancement in any field.

I and my students are proud of our president and our country, exactly where are the vital changes taking place in education. And as a teacher of the "language of interethnic communication and friendship",  I sincerely and with all my  soul to support them. From here the rhetorical question: "I go I keep up with the times? Are the requirements of the epoch of globalization? " To which I  myself and say, "Yes! I am a teacher of the future. I am confident in their knowledge and skills, communicative, skillfully use a variety of teaching aids".  These required time. But at what time we would live, the teacher remembers about his mission: to train and educate the younger generation.

Kyzylorda oblast

Karmakshy region

Turmagambet village

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