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Murder in the classroom (ролевая игра)

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Ролевая детективная игра "Убийство в школьном классе". Каждый учащийся группы будет персонажем игры. И только один из них - убийца! Команде предстоит провести огромную работу, чтобы выяснить кто он. Игра будет интересна и по силам учащимся старших классов и студентам. Можно играть на факультативных занятиях, в рамках дискуссионных клубов или во время предметной недели.

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«Murder in the classroom (ролевая игра)»

Murder in the classroom

Шаг первый: объясните классу, что вы собираетесь сыграть в мистическую игру об убийстве. Каждый будет персонажем в игре, и один из них - убийца! Предоставьте им справочную информацию:

Background Information

During a school reunion a scream is heard from one of the classrooms.

It's 8:30 pm. A few minutes later the dead body of Miss Eliza McGowan, a cranky old English teacher, is found. She has been hit on the head.

Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her ex-students, Simon Donnelly, a photograph of one of her fellow teachers, a young man called Saul Sheen, and a handkerchief with the initials I.W.

At the moment these are the three main suspects but everyone who was at the party and saw or spoke to Miss McGowan needs to be questioned.

Шаг второй: для участия в игре требуется 7 учеников. Все карточки главных героев содержат ключи к разгадке тайны. Раздайте каждому ученику карточку персонажа. Им нужно прочитать и запомнить информацию. Цель состоит в том, чтобы разыграть игру, стать персонажем, а не просто зачитать информацию с карточки.

Шаг третий: объясните классу, что им необходимо собрать информацию обо всех, кто был на вечеринке, и заполнить соответствующую информацию обо всех участниках на общем листе.

На этом этапе пройдитесь по ключевым словам, которые могут вызвать затруднение у учащихся: алиби, мотив и т.д.

Мотивируйте учащихся придумать вопросы, на которые необходимо получить ответы для раскрытия убийства. Напишите их на доске для справки:

  • What is your name?

  • Why were you at the party?

  • What was your relationship with Ms. McGowan?

  • When did you last see Ms. McGowan?

  • What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Шаг четвертый: На этом этапе учащиеся задают вопросы друг другу и собирают информацию. Следите за языком, используемым на данном этапе, и исправляйте при необходимости.

Шаг пятый: когда ученики опросили всех, кто был на вечеринке, верните карточки персонажей. Используя собранную информацию, ученики пытаются выяснить, кто убил мисс МакГоуэн и почему они это сделали. Эта часть урока обычно приводит к оживленному обсуждению, большинство учащихся быстро догадаются, кто убийца, но необходимо внимательно изучить информацию, чтобы понять, почему.


Mr. Green is Saul Sheen's father; he and Miss McGowan had a relationship in college.

Miss McGowan has always kept it a secret but after the last argument with Saul she plans to tell him the truth. She tells Mr. Green about her plan and they argue. Louise King overhears them. Mr. Green is furious and it is he who follows Miss McGowan to the classroom and hits her over the head. He wasn't in his office when everyone heard the scream, that's why when Saul Sheen knocked on the door he got no answer.

Main character cards

Your name is Simon Donnelly; you are an ex-student.

Memories of Miss McGowan: She was a very tough teacher, she made you do extra writing assignments and she said you had talent but you hated all the extra work. But now you're grateful, you're a writer, you have just written a new book and you dedicated it to Miss. McGowan. Last time you saw Miss. McGowan: You saw Miss McGowan at about 7 pm, you gave her a copy of your new book and she was pleased. When you heard the scream: You were talking to Louise King, another ex-student.

Your name is Louise King; you are an ex-student.

Memories of Miss McGowan: You thought she was an old hag, you hated her class, she gave too much homework, she made you hate school so you stopped going. You didn't do your exams and now you work in a chicken factory. You think it's all Miss McGowan's fault. You're glad she's dead!

Last time you saw Miss McGowan: You went outside for a cigarette at about 8 pm, you saw her with Mr. Green, it looked like they were arguing and it seemed serious. Anyway, they were talking about someone called Paul or Raul or something…….you couldn't hear very well.

When you heard the scream: You were glad for the distraction; you were trying to

escape from boring Simon Donnelly.

Your name is Saul Sheen; you are a teacher at the school.

Opinion of Miss McGowan: She was a very serious woman, she wasn't easy to like.

Last time you saw Miss McGowan: Nobody at school knows this but Miss McGowan was your mother, she gave you up for adoption when you were a baby. You were having an argument because she wouldn't tell you who your father was. It was about 7:30 pm.

When you heard the scream: You were looking for Mr. Green, the headmaster, you

knocked on his office door but there was no answer.

Your name is Ivan Williams; you are the caretaker at the school.

Opinion of Miss McGowan: You thought that she was a very classy lady; it surprised you that she wasn't married. You wanted to invite her to dinner but you were afraid she would say no.

Last time you saw Miss McGowan: You saw her arguing with Mr. Sheen. You never liked him; he was always upsetting poor Miss McGowan. You went to see if she was okay, you loaned her your handkerchief, you always carry one because you have allergies.

When you heard the scream: You were cleaning the floor in the men's toilets.

Your name is Lily Simmons; you are an ex-student.

Memories of Miss McGowan: She was a very scary teacher, most of the students

worked hard because they were afraid of her. You did very well in English and, because of Miss McGowan, you are training to be a teacher.

Last time you saw Miss McGowan: You spoke to her briefly at about 7:45, you were telling her about your studies, she didn't seem interested, she kept looking around, then she saw Mr. Green and said she had to go. You thought she was a bit rude.

When you heard the scream: You were dancing in the Sports Hall with some of the other ex-students.

Your name is Edward Green, you are the headmaster at the school.

Opinion of Miss McGowan: You have known Miss McGowan since you were both

students in college, you thought she was a wonderful woman, you will miss her very much.

Last time you saw Miss McGowan: You were very busy this evening, you didn't see Miss McGowan.

When you heard the scream: You were in your office working on the computer.

Your name is Patricia Woods, you are a teacher at the school.

Opinion of Miss McGowan: She was a good teacher but she didn't have very many


Last time you saw Miss McGowan: She was walking to her classroom, it was about 8:15 pm and she looked upset. You think she was crying; she was wiping her eyes with a handkerchief.

When you heard the scream: You were serving drinks with some of the other teachers in the Sports Hall.


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