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«Написание личного письма в формате ЕГЭ по английскому языку»

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Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 11 классе.

«Написание личного письма в формате ЕГЭ по английскому языку»

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««Написание личного письма в формате ЕГЭ по английскому языку»»

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 11 классе.

«Написание личного письма в формате

ЕГЭ по английскому языку»

Целью данного урока является обучение иноязычному письму. Среди четырех основных видов речевой деятельности (говорение, аудирование, чтение и письмо), обеспечивающих общеязыковую подготовку и формирование языковой личности обучающихся, письмо наименее осмысленно и недостаточно разработано. Однако письмо является надежным способом межкультурного взаимодействия людей друг с другом, а также важнейшим условием совершенствования устной формы общения (говорения). Кроме того, задания по письму включены в ЕГЭ.

Практические задачи урока:

  • Учить находить дифференциальные признаки писем личного характера разных видов.

  • Учить создавать собственные творческие тексты аналогичного жанра на иностранном языке.

  • Обогащать словарный запас учащихся, обращая внимание на владение специфической лексикой для написания личного письма.

  • Совершенствовать умение аудировать и читать с извлечением информации.

  • Совершенствовать устную форму общения.

  • Развивать языковое (абстрактное) мышление учащихся.

  • Развивать учащихся интеллектуально.

  • Способствовать развитию личности учащихся.

  • Формировать знания о культуре, языке, реалиях страны изучаемого языка.

  • Воспитывать положительное отношение к культуре англоязычных стран.


Презентация Power Point компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал с рекомендациями к заданиям, карточки-задания для групповой работы, учебник УМК « Happy English.ru» 11 класс, К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман. «Титул» 2012 год

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

Good morning, girls and boys! Nice to see you. How are you?

II. Речевая разминка

Традиционная речевая разминка проводится в виде ответов на вопросы. Это задание направлено на активизацию словарного запаса по данной теме.

1.Teacher (with some letters in her hand): I have got a pen- friend. Her name is Ann and she lives in London. We phone and e-mail very often but we still write letters to each other.

Answer my question, please.

  1. Have you got a pen friend?

  2. Do you write letters to friends?

  3. Do you write letters to relatives?

  4. What do you write about?

  5. What would you want to know?

  6. What do you prefer writing letters or e-mail?

  7. How often do you write letters or e-mail?

2. Look at the screen. I would like you to watch a video and listen to the song.(Приложение 1. Текст песни R. Kelly - Love Letter.)

While listening find the answers to the questions:

- What is the song about? (It is about love letter of a young man to his girlfriend)

-Who is the author of the song? ( A young man)

What does he want to know? (He wants to know if the girl got his love letter; if the letter touched her heart)

-What moments of his life does he remember? (He remembers their good time together, their love making history)

III. Постановка цели и задач урока.

Teacher: Can you tell me what we are going to speak about? (Pupils: About writing letters).

( Слайд1)

IV. Основная часть урока

  1. What do you think about when you see a letter? Write down as many words as you can which are connected with this word letter.

(Приём «Кластер» или «Ассоциации»)

Types of letters


Verbs of sending letters

People’s feelings and emotions

  1. There are three more letters for you to read. (Приложение 2)

( Слайды2,3,4)

Read the letters and answer the questions:

  • What kinds of letters are they?

  • What phrases or sentences are used to express the types of letters?

  • Are they formal or informal letters?

Letter of apology (I’m terribly sorry that I couldn’t come; I apologize)

Thank you letter (Thank you for your help; your help was invaluable)

A letter to Santa Clause (Dear Santa, I was a good girl)

(All the letters are informal)

  1. You know writing an informal letter is one of the tasks of English State Exam. There are definite rules of writing informal letters in English. Here is the article “GUIDE TO INFORMAL LETTERS”. ( Приложение 3)

While reading the article make notes in the following table: ( Приложение 4)

( Слайд 5)

(Прием «Инсерт»)




You should put a tick if you knew this fact before.

(то, что вы читаете, соответствует тому, что вы знаете или думали, что знаете)

New information

(то, что вы читаете является для вас новым)

Don’t understand, have questions

(то, что вы читаете, непонятно, или вы хотели бы получить более подробные сведения по данному вопросу )

  1. Let’s sum up.

  • Which facts did you know before?

Did you know the main parts of the letter?

  • If, Yes, arrange the parts of the letter in the right order. (Приложение 5)

Check your work. (Слайд 6)

  • Now re-arrange Parts of the Letter and check your answers.

( Слайды 7,8)

You know how to write an address in English, don’t you?

  • Write down the following Russian address in English. Mind the rules of writing the address. ( Слайды 9,10)

-Was there any new information?

(Difference in writing a date in British English and American English was new)

  • Do you have any questions?

Would you like to learn more phrases and sentences for introduction, the main body and for closing?

You can find all necessary information in your textbooks, page 42.

Write down new phrases. Work in groups.

The 1st group - for Introduction. The 2nd group - for Main body of the letter.

The 3d group – for Closing.

  1. Here is the letter. Some words or phrases are missed. Fill in necessary words and read the letter. Then exchange the letters and check. (Приложение 6)

( Слайды 11, 12)

V. Информация о домашнем задании, инструкция по его выполнению.

Do you remember the words at the end of the song?

“Letters….For some people they are just sheets of paper, but for others they are part of their life.” ( Слайд 13)

What about your part of life called happy childhood? Was it really happy? Your school years are coming to an end. What feelings do you have? What is there in your mind?

(We’ll never forget our school, our teachers and school friends)

You are part of my life, hardworking, creative, so kind boys and girls. I wrote a letter to each of you. I would like you to write me your letters about school years according to rules of writing letters. You may ask me any questions you like. I’ll try to answer your letters.

VI. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

(Приём «Синквейн» или «Пятистишье»)

( Слайд 14)

Try to make up a sinkwein on the topic of our lesson. Work in groups.



Informal, private

To get a letter, to read a letter, to send a letter

Letters are part of people’s life.


Read your sinkweins.

Take the cards and continue the sentences:

-The lesson was….

My work was….

- I felt myself….

I’ve learnt … information.

Thank you very much for your work. (Слайд 15)


Приложение 1

R. Kelly - Love Letter ( lyrics)

Did you get my card?
Did you read my love letter?
Did it touch your heart?
When you read my love letter

Sunny days, smiling face
Spirit filled, heaven praise
Memories in my mind
Reminiscing of good times
Miracles, so amazed
Soldiers far away
It makes me ask the question baby

Did you get my card?
Did you read my love letter?
Did it touch your heart?
(Yeah yeah)
When you read my love letter
(When you read my love letter)

Weekends and birthdays
Celebrations, holidays
Love making history
A toast to our victories
Sweet dreams, butterflies
Holding hands, side by side
Best friends, families
Reminds me

Did you get my card? (my card)
(Did you get my card girl?)
Did you read my love letter?
(Tell me did you read my love letter?)
Did it touch your heart?
(Did it touch your heart?)
When you read my love letter
(Girl when you read my love letter)

Cocktails, happy hours
Wedding bells, baby showers
Vacation, sail boats
With the ones you love the most

Long time no see
Back together, you and me
Write me back when you receive this here

Did you get my card? 
(Did you get my card)
Did you read my love letter?
(Tell me did you read my love letter?)
Did it touch your heart?
(Did it touch your heart?)
When you read my love letter
(Girl when you read my love letter)

I hope these,
Hope these words find you in the perfect mood
I wrote this letter according to my love for you
So I hope this paper will travel safely to where you are
Because the melody is custom made for your heart
Though near or far I will find a way to send my love
Only pray that it don't come back return to sender
If you are reading this I hope that things are well
And you can text me back, you can write me back
Just check your mail

Did you get my card?
(Did you get my card?) (yeah)
Did you read my love letter?
(Girl tell me)
Did it touch your heart?
(When you read)
When you read my love letter
(My love, love)

Приложение 2. Letters.

January 5, 2013

Dear Jane,

I’m terribly sorry that I couldn’t come last night. My sister fell ill and I was obliged to stay. I felt awful about letting you down and there was no way I could phone you.

However I would be very pleased if I could still help you in some way. I do hope I can still help you.

Once again I apologize for letting you down and wish you every success with your research.

Your friend,


68, Pine Zaggat Lane
Hampervile, NE 25385
January 15, 2013

Dear Uncle Paul,

Thank you very much for all the help you have given me with my job search.

I especially appreciate the information and advice you have provided, and the contacts you have shared with me. In fact your help has been invaluable to me during this process.

Again, thank you so much. I greatly appreciate your generosity.

With lots of love from

Sally Smith

123, Maple Lane

Cleveland, OH 44124

November 24, 2012

Dear Santa Claus,

        My name is Sally and I am 5 and 1/2 years old. I have been a very good girl this year. I help Mommy wash the dishes every night, and I listen to Daddy when he tells me to clean my room. I am also nice to my little brother, even though he can be really annoying sometimes.

        Thank you for all the presents last year. They were all really nice, and I played with all of them a lot. This year I would like a jump rope, a kitten, and a new bike. I really really want the bike.

        Please give my love to Mrs. Claus, the elves, and all the reindeer, especially Rudolph. I will leave some carrots for the reindeer next to your milk and cookies.




Приложение 3.


Structure Elements


Language expressions which are commonly used or social formulas

  1. The return address

In the top right-hand corner. It is not necessary if the sender of a letter knows the person very well.

Full variant:

 flat number,

house(only number) , name of the street,

city (town, village),




 Short variant:

city (town, village),


  1. The date.

It is placed under the return address.


date/month/year (Br. Eng.)

month/date/year (Amer. Eng.)



9 February 2013

February 1 , 2013

  1. The greeting

In the top left-hand corner.

You should put a comma( запятая)

after the greeting.


Dear Sally,

Dear Mum,

Dear Uncle Bill,

  1. Introductions

( First lines of the letter)

-You may thank the person you are writing to for his / her letter, postcard, invitation, etc. :

Thanks for…

-You can make reference to previous contacts:

How are you?

I hope you are all right.

-If you haven’t written to the person for a long time, you should apologize for this in the first lines of your letter:

I must apologize for not writing you at once…

  1. The main Body

You should reveal all aspects specified in the task.

-Give positive or negative information:

I’m afraid, …

Luckily, …

-Respond(реагировать) to information:

I was glad / sorry to hear that…

-Make a request(просьба):

I’d like to ask you…

-Answer the questions or requests:

I will be happy to…

  1. Conclusion

You should write about

further contacts:

Send my love to…

Hope to hear from you soon.

  1. The close

It depends how well

the author of the letter and the addressee know each other.

It is on a separate line and there is a comma after it.

Lots of love,


Best wishes,

All the best,


  1. The signature

The writer’s name should be in his own handwriting( if the letter is typed) and should be placed below the close without any dot.(точка)



Приложение 4.




You should put a tick if you knew this fact before.

(то, что вы читаете, соответствует тому, что вы знаете или думали, что знаете)

New information

(то, что вы читаете является для вас новым)

Don’t understand, have questions

(то, что вы читаете, непонятно, или вы хотели бы получить более подробные сведения по данному вопросу )

Приложение 5.





The Main Body




Приложение 6.

Fill in necessary words and read the letter.



9 February 2013


...................... I got it yesterday………………….. I was very busy getting ready for my exams.

……………………..you got a new job. I tried to get through to you on Tuesday, but the line was always busy.

I’ve already been in London for three weeks. …………… I made a lot of new friends and we’re having a great time together.

…………………………………last week I caught a cold and felt very bad. I’m just getting over it and I’m feeling better now.

I know you are very busy, but …………………….send me the photos from Mike’s party. I hope Nick was there, wasn’t he? If you see him, tell him I haven’t received any letters so far.





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