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Национальные праздники - День мертвых в Мексике

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«Национальные праздники - День мертвых в Мексике»

Class 10B student Samsonova Rimma

Class 10B student Samsonova Rimma

The reckless celebration, the fun and the thousands of living dead have flooded the city - Mexico notes Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).

The reckless celebration, the fun and the thousands of living dead have flooded the city - Mexico notes Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).

Everything turns upside down. The night will be the day, the cemetery will become the most popular place in the city, the living will be dressed dead, and the deceased will come to life.

Everything turns upside down. The night will be the day, the cemetery will become the most popular place in the city, the living will be dressed dead, and the deceased will come to life.

Mexicans believe that the dead continue to live in the next world - Miktlan, and death is only a transition from one life to another. A year after the death, the deceased return to their homes to experience the joy of life, to see their relatives and friends.

Mexicans believe that the dead continue to live in the next world - Miktlan, and death is only a transition from one life to another. A year after the death, the deceased return to their homes to experience the joy of life, to see their relatives and friends.

The altar of the yellow marigold or the flower of the dead is a symbolic door between the worlds, which is designed to help the souls visit home.

The altar of the yellow marigold or the flower of the dead is a symbolic door between the worlds, which is designed to help the souls visit home.

Before the holiday of the dead, store shelves are filled with miniature skulls, skeletons and coffins, which are made of chocolate, clay or cardboard.

Before the holiday of the dead, store shelves are filled with miniature skulls, skeletons and coffins, which are made of chocolate, clay or cardboard.

Calavera Katrina  The skeleton, clothed in rich women's clothing with a wide-brimmed hat, is also one of the invariable symbols of the Day of the Dead.

Calavera Katrina The skeleton, clothed in rich women's clothing with a wide-brimmed hat, is also one of the invariable symbols of the Day of the Dead.

A visit to the cemetery is the culmination of the holiday.  The graves are put in order, they are covered with bouquets of yellow marigolds, decorated with candles, they bring their favorite food and drinks to the deceased, his photographs. Here they organize a picnic and dance to the music of Mariachi.

A visit to the cemetery is the culmination of the holiday. The graves are put in order, they are covered with bouquets of yellow marigolds, decorated with candles, they bring their favorite food and drinks to the deceased, his photographs. Here they organize a picnic and dance to the music of Mariachi.

Day of the dead is a love for loved ones, the joy of meeting with the dead. In Dia de los Muertos, death is what you need to celebrate, not fear .

Day of the dead is a love for loved ones, the joy of meeting with the dead. In Dia de los Muertos, death is what you need to celebrate, not fear .


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