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Научно- исследовательская работа по теме "Два волшебника"

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Данная работа рассказывает о различиях двух замечательных книг "Волшебник Страны Оз" Ф. Баума и "Волшебник изумрудного города" А. Волкова

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«Начно- мсследовательская работа- Два волшебника »

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2 пгт Серышево

Исследовательская работа

по английскому языку

по теме

«Два волшебника»

Работу выполнили:

учащаяся 6 «А» класса


Савгир Валерия

Научный руководитель:

учитель английского языка


Зимонина Елена Владимировна

п. Серышево

2017 г.


  1. Introduction ……………………………………………………….3

  2. The history of the book «The wonderful wizard of the Oz» by L. Frank Baum……………………………………………………………………………4

3. The history of the book «The wizard of the Emerald city» by Alexander Volkov…………………………………………………………………………..5

4. Main Differences in this books.………………….……… ……......6-7

5. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………..8

6. Literature used .………………………….. ………………………….9


Do you believe that somewhere there are lots of fairy creatures: fairies, trolls, kind and cruel witches, wizards? Most of people don’t think it’s true so I do. Frank Baum, the most famous English writer was of the same opinion. He said that all these creatures were only for guessing the main idea of fairy tales.

As for me, I think we need fairy tales. We are tired of every day routine and wonderful stories help us to relax and to take amazing adventures.

The theme of my research work is the analysis of the works of two great writers L. Frank Baum and Alexander Volkov.

My hypothesis is the following:”These books have got a lot in common, but at the same time they are completely different”.

So, I plan to achieve the goal – to find out the main differences between these exiting books.

These tasks will help me achieve the goal of my research:

  1. learn the history of the book «The wonderful wizard of the Oz» by L. Frank Baum;

  2. learn the history of the book «The wizard of the Emerald city» by Alexander Volkov

  3. find out the main differences.

I am going to use the following methods:

  1. searching for information in the Internet

  2. reading these books


In 1900 the writer Lyman Frank Baum discovered the Land of Oz - the first American fairyland. That's how it was.

Baum was an interesting person. He was a journalist, an actor, a farmer and a coach of a baseball team, a manager of his own shop at last. That’s why he was an experienced man.

When Baum had free time he spent it with his four sons and started telling fantasy tales and stories. Frank Lyman always dreamt of having a daughter, so the main character of his tales was a girl, Dorothy. Once Baum told his sons about how the hurricane brought Dorothy to the Magical land where there was her meeting with the Scarecrow, tin Woodman and Cowardly Lion and they all set off for the adventure. Not only boys but also their grandmother liked this story at once and offered to publish the tale. The writer collected his savings and published this story at his own expense. The book which was called “the Wizard of Oz” was sold out during a few first days after it had been published. The result was unpredictable! It was a success! So “the Wizard” started his triumphal procession first in America and then around the world.

On May 17, 1900, the first copy of the book came off the press. By October 1900, the first edition had been already sold out.

On June 16, 1902 the musical play The Wizard of Oz debuted. By 1938, more than one million copies of the book had been printed.


Russian readers met the heroes of Oz in 1939.

Alexander Melentyevich Volkov was a scientist and a mathematician. He didn’t know the English language perfectly, but he was sure that knowledge of foreign languages develops our mind and imagination. So he began to study English with the help of literature. It was the book by American writer F. L. Baum “Wizard of Oz”. Volkov was very surprised that such an interesting tale was not known by our children and he decided to introduce Russian girls and boys the heroes of fairy tales by Frank Baum. The translation of the tales was completed in two weeks. Something the Russian writer added, something rewrote.

After that the writer had been working during the whole year at the manuscript of the book, thoroughly reworking the plot of Baum’s tales. 
It was the first book in the series of fabulous stories, “the Wizard 
Emerald city”, so there was a wonderful Magical country.


Now it’s time to analyze the main differences in the books of great writers.

Let’s start with the main characters:

  1. Dorothy Gale is the girl from F. Baum’s tale; she is an
    orphan and lives with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in Kansas.
    The real world is grey and boring for Dorothy, only her truly friend a puppy makes her happy. The world of the Land of Oz is the world of "nice miracles and joy", that’s why Dorothy decided to stay in the magical land.

Ellie Smith from Volkov’s story is an ordinary girl. She is 8-9 years and lives in Kansas too (the USA), but she is happy with her mum and dad.
As a result, Ellie prefers to live in the real world with their parents.

  1. Toto is Dorothy’s puppy, her only friend.
    Unfortunately, Toto is not talking in the story.

Totoshka is a cute little black dog, which got with Ellie in The magical land. Totoshka begins to speak as soon as he gets to the Magical land.

  1. Straw Scarecrow hasn’t got its own name in Baum’s story. He
    received from the wizard of oz the brain, but the Scarecrow did not
    became The ruler of Oz. 

Strashila (the straw Scarecrow) dreamed about how to get brains. 
Received from Goodwin brains (a mixture of bran, pins and
needles), the Scarecrow became a wise ruler of Oz. 

In the book there are a lot of proves of brave Scarecrow. He 
offered to go the gap on the felled tree, to cross the Big river on a raft, to 
save the friends from tigers. He got an idea how to remove Lion from the poppy field and protected his friends with his straw from the bites of black bee.

  1. The Tin Woodsman is very cheerful. He is satisfied with his life and tries to persuade your friends to enjoy today, not caring about upcoming troubles.

Zhelezny Drovosyek is very sad all the time long because of the past
and distant friends. After his dreams have come true he‘s become a Ruler
of the Purple country.

  1. The Cowardly Lion gets the courage, but does not change its name, contrary to his changed nature.

Truslivy Lev suffers from its own cowardice and wants to get courage.
After a long journey which has tested a lion he began to believe in himself
and became known as a Courageous Lion.

During the journey the Lion helped friends to go through huge crevices, delayed onset of the fierce tigers, while crossing the river, dragged the raft to shore with his fellow travellers.

  1. Oz - the great and terrible. His birthplace is Omaha. In the past he was a ventriloquist, after than he became a circus balloonist.

James Goodvin the great and terrible. His homeland is Kansas. He was an actor, after he became a balloonist.

  1. The emerald city is in Oz, surrounded by impassable desert. The country itself is located on a distant unknown continent.

Emerald city is a Magical land, in the depths of North America to the North-East of Kansas.

  1. Good Witch of the South is the main character, the good fairy. She takes an active part on life of main heroes and often helps them.

Stella is a very kind and beautiful fairy, but she only observes the life of the heroes and seldom helps.


At the end of my research work, I want to add, that I’ve achieved my goal and proved the hypothesis that”These books have got a lot in common, but at the same time they are completely different”.

As we can see Volkov took a lot from the origin, but he improved the plot, the heroes got new characters.

Children in the United States of America know the stories of F. Baum. Children in Russia like the books of Volkov. I think that they all are interesting and amazing and they are worth reading!



  3. ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Волшебник_ Изумрудного_города

  4. lib.ru/BAUM/baum01.txt 

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«wizard of oz»

Исследовательская работа  по английскому языку  «Два волшебника» Работу выполнили:  учащаяся 6 «А» класса  МАОУ СОШ №2  Савгир Валерия  Научный руководитель:  учитель английского языка  МАОУ СОШ №2  Зимонина Елена Владимировна

Исследовательская работа по английскому языку «Два волшебника»

Работу выполнили:

учащаяся 6 «А» класса


Савгир Валерия

Научный руководитель:

учитель английского языка


Зимонина Елена Владимировна

The theme of the research  work  The analysis of the works of two great writers  L. Frank Baum  and Alexander Volkov .

The theme of the research work

The analysis of the

works of two great


L. Frank Baum


Alexander Volkov .

My hypothesis    “ These books have got a lot in common, but at the same time they are completely different”.    So, I plan to achieve the goal – to find out the main differences between these exiting books.

My hypothesis

“ These books have got a lot in common, but at the same time they are completely different”.

So, I plan to achieve the goal – to find out the main differences between these exiting books.

The tasks

The tasks

  • learn the history of the book «The wonderful wizard of the Oz» by  L. Frank Baum ;
  • learn the history of the book «The wizard of the Emerald city» by Alexander Volkov
  • find out the main differences.


  • searching for information in the Internet
  • reading these books
  • interviewing people
«THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF THE OZ» BY  L. FRANK BAUM   Baum was an interesting person. He was a journalist,  an actor, a farmer and  a coach of a baseball team,  a manager of his  own shop at last.


Baum was an interesting

person. He was a journalist,

an actor, a farmer and

a coach of a baseball team,

a manager of his

own shop at last.

Once Baum told his sons about how the hurricane has brought Dorothy to the Magical land where there was her meeting with the Scarecrow, tin Woodman and Cowardly Lion and they all set off for the adventure.

Once Baum told his sons about how the hurricane has brought Dorothy to the Magical land where there was her meeting with the Scarecrow, tin Woodman and Cowardly Lion and they all set off for the adventure.

«THE WIZARD OF THE EMERALD CITY» BY ALEXANDER   VOLKOV     Russian readers met the heroes of Oz in 1939.  Alexander Melentyevich Volkov was a scientist and a mathematician. He didn’t know the English language perfectly.


Russian readers met the heroes of Oz in 1939.

Alexander Melentyevich Volkov was a scientist and a mathematician. He didn’t know the English language perfectly.

So he began the study of English with the help of the book by American writer F. L. Baum “Wizard of Oz”.  The translation of the tales was completed in two weeks. Something the Russian writer added, something rewrote.

So he began the study of English with the help of the book by American writer F. L. Baum “Wizard of Oz”.

The translation of the tales was completed in two weeks. Something the Russian writer added, something rewrote.

MAIN DIFFERENCES    Dorothy Gale  is an  orphan and lives with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in Kansas.  The real world is grey and boring for Dorothy. The world of the Land of Oz is the world of


Dorothy Gale  is an orphan and lives with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in Kansas. The real world is grey and boring for Dorothy. The world of the Land of Oz is the world of "nice miracles and joy", that’s why Dorothy decided to stay in the magical land.

Ellie Smith   is an ordinary girl. She is 8-9 years and lives in Kansas too (the USA), but she is happy with her mum and dad. As a result, Ellie prefers to live in the real world with their parents.

Toto is the puppy of Dorothy, her only friend.  Unfortunately, Toto is not talking in the story.   Totoshka is a cute  little black dog, which  got with Ellie in The  magical land. Totoshka  begins to speak as soon  as gets to the Magical  land.

Toto is the puppy of Dorothy, her only friend. Unfortunately, Toto is not talking in the story.

Totoshka is a cute

little black dog, which

got with Ellie in The

magical land. Totoshka

begins to speak as soon

as gets to the Magical


Straw Scarecrow hasn’t got its own name in Baum’s story. He  received from the wizard of oz the brain, but the Scarecrow did not  became The ruler of Oz.   Strashila (the straw Scarecrow) dreamed about how to get brains.   Received from Goodwin brains, the Scarecrow became a wise ruler of Oz. 

Straw Scarecrow hasn’t got its own name in Baum’s story. He received from the wizard of oz the brain, but the Scarecrow did not became The ruler of Oz. 

Strashila (the straw Scarecrow) dreamed about how to get brains.  Received from Goodwin brains, the Scarecrow became a wise ruler of Oz. 

The Tin Woodsman is very cheerful. He is satisfied with his life and tries to persuade your friends to enjoy today.   Zhelezny Drovosyek is  very sad. After  his dreams have come  true he‘s become a Ruler  of the Purple country.

The Tin Woodsman is very cheerful. He is satisfied with his life and tries to persuade your friends to enjoy today.

Zhelezny Drovosyek is

very sad. After

his dreams have come

true he‘s become a Ruler of the Purple country.

The Cowardly Lion gets the courage, but does not change its name, contrary to his changed nature.  Truslivy Lev suffers from its own cowardice and wants to get courage.  After a long journey which has tested a lion he began to believe in yourself  and became known as a Courageous Lion.

The Cowardly Lion gets the courage, but does not change its name, contrary to his changed nature.

Truslivy Lev suffers from its own cowardice and wants to get courage. After a long journey which has tested a lion he began to believe in yourself and became known as a Courageous Lion.

Oz - the great and terrible. His birthplace is Omaha. In the past he was a ventriloquist, after than he became a circus balloonist. James Goodvin the great and terrible. His homeland is Kansas. He was an actor, after he became a balloonist.

Oz - the great and terrible. His birthplace is Omaha. In the past he was a ventriloquist, after than he became a circus balloonist.

James Goodvin the great and terrible. His homeland is Kansas. He was an actor, after he became a balloonist.

The emerald city is in Oz, surrounded by desert. The country itself is located on a distant unknown continent.  Emerald city is a Magical land, in the depths of North America to the North-East of Kansas

The emerald city is in Oz, surrounded by desert. The country itself is located on a distant unknown continent.

Emerald city is a Magical land, in the depths of North America to the North-East of Kansas

Good Witch of the South  is the main character, the good fairy. She takes an active part on life of main heroes and often helps them.   Stella is a very kind and beautiful fairy, but she only observes the life of heroes and seldom helps.

Good Witch of the South is the main character, the good fairy. She takes an active part on life of main heroes and often helps them.


Stella is a very kind and beautiful fairy, but she only observes the life of heroes and seldom helps.

CONCLUSION    As we can see Volkov took a lot from the origin, but he improved the plot, the heroes got new characters.  Children in the United States of America know the stories of F. Baum. Children in Russia like the books of Volkov. I think that they all are interesting and amazing and they are worth reading!


As we can see Volkov took a lot from the origin, but he improved the plot, the heroes got new characters.

Children in the United States of America know the stories of F. Baum. Children in Russia like the books of Volkov. I think that they all are interesting and amazing and they are worth reading!



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