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Новогодние стихи на английском языке для младших школьников

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Новогодние стихи на английском языке  для младших школьников

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«Новогодние стихи на английском языке для младших школьников»

  1. It’s snowing. It’s snowing.

What a lot of snow!

Let us make some snowballs,

We all like to throw!

  1. It’s snowing. It’s snowing.

Let us sledge and ski.

When I am dashing down the hill,

Clear the way for me!

  1. Come to the garden

And play in the snow!

Make a white snowman

And help him to grow!

  1. «What a nice snowman!»

The children will say.

What a fine game

For a cold winter day!

  1. A happy New Year for me!

A happy New Year for you!

A happy New Year for everyone.

That’s what I wish – I do!

6. Oh, New Year’s Tree,

Oh, New Year’s Tree,

How green are your sweet branches

You bloom not only when it’s warm,

But also in winter storm.

7. Oh, New Year’s Tree,

Oh, New Year’s Tree,

How green are your sweet branches!

8. December comes so white and cold,

With snow it stops the rain,

It comes and draws trees young and old

On every window – pane!

9. New Year is here with us now.

Let happy be its birth.

And all the people all around

We are for peace on Earth!

10. A happy New Year!

The day is so clear.

The snow is so white,

The sky is so bright!

We shout with all might:

A happy New Year!

  1. New Year Day, a happy day,

We are all glad and very gay!

We all dance and sing and say;

Welcome, welcome New Year Day!

  1. Singing, dancing merrily

Round the New Year tree,

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Round the New Year tree.

  1. Happy New Year, my friends!

Happy New Year today!

Let us dance hands in hands,

I will show you the way!


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