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Образец описания фотографии. Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Говорение.

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Мною представлены шаблон и образец для описания фотографии в рамках задания 3 в разделе "Говорение". Данный материал позволит вам подготовить ваших учеников к сдаче устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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«Образец описания фотографии. Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Говорение.»

Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Раздел «Говорение».

Задание 3 (описание одной из фотографий в соответствии с предложенным планом).


I’ve chosen photo number … (обязательно начинаем с этой фразы!)

As you know I like taking photos. It is my hobby and I can't miss an opportunity to make photo of an interesting event. Now I want to show you one of my best photos.

I took this photo during my holidays (travelling, two years ago) when I was in …. (любой город или страну).

In the foreground of the picture you can see… (кого мы видим и что они делают)
You can’t see me because I’m taking the photo.
They are very happy because at last their dream came true (если мы видим счастливые лица на фото).
In the background of the picture you can see… (Можно также использовать конструкцию there is/are…).

I keep this photo in my album because looking at this photo makes me go back in that time. Moreover, I used this photo for my school project (название проекта в зависимости от темы, например, «My family», «My travelling», «My hobby» и так далее).

I decided to show this photo to you because it carries pleasant memories.


I've chosen photo number 1.

As you know I like taking photos. It is my hobby and I can't miss an opportunity to make photo of an interesting event. Now I want to show you one of my best photos.
I took this photo two months ago when my parents and I went to Moscow to visit my elder brother’s family. Recently they have moved into a new flat and invited us to a house-warming party. This was one of the most exciting moments in my life.
In the foreground of the picture you can see my brother Maxim, his wife Julia and their daughter Anna. You can’t see me because I’m taking the photo. They are sitting on a comfortable white sofa in the living room. They are very happy because at last their dream came true. 
In the background of the picture there is a white bookcase with open shelves. I like their decision to furnish the room in white colour because it makes the room look wider. As my brother works as a journalist for a local newspaper you can see a lot of books and magazines on the shelves.
I keep this photo in my album because looking at this photo makes me go back in that time. Moreover, I used this photo for my school project called “My Family Tree”.
I decided to show this photo to you because it carries pleasant memories.
That’s all I wanted to say.


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