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ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык (английский), Конспект урока, Тема урока: "Crimes and offences around us"

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Данное занятие является заключительным уроком по теме «Преступление и наказание». В рабочей программе этой теме отведено 18 часов. Урок «Преступления вокруг нас» представляет собой урок-повторения и обобщения полученных знаний, усвоенного теоретического материала, закрепления речевых образцов и отработки речевых навыков.

Разработка включает: план урока, презентацию к уроку, приложение, работы студентов.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Приложение 1диалог»

I’m the police officer. Yesterday a murder happened. We have found a body in the garden. We know that the crime happened at about 11 o’clock . Our task is to find out the murderer.


police officer- What is your name?

Peter- My name is Peter.

police officer- Where were you at the moment of crime?

Peter- I was in the kitchen with my wife Sue. We were cooking a snake.

police officer- Was anybody with you in the kitchen?

Peter- Yes, Alice. He was making drinks.

police officer- Is this true, Alice?

Alice- Yes, it is. I was making cocktails for the friends at about 11 o’clock.

police officer- What is your name?

Tim- My name is Tim.

police officer- Where were you at 11 o’clock?

Tim- I was in the living room. I was singing my new song to my friends Beth and Mark. Mark is my producer. It was quite in the living room and I used a chance to present him my song.

police officer- Beth, do you approve Tim’s words?

Beth- yes, I do. I like Tim’s songs a lot. And I was sitting on the sofa with Mark. He is my boyfriend.

police officer- Introduce yourself, please.

Anne- I’m Anne. I’m a designer. Sue wants to make repairing in the dining room and she asked me to prepare a repairing project. At 11 o’clock I, looking the room, was in the the dining room with my husband John.

John- Yes, my wife tells true. And some time later Ben came to the dining room.

police officer - What is your name?

Ben - My name is Ben.

police officer- Where were you at the moment of crime?

Ben- at about 11 o’clock I was in the hall. There were my friends Dan, Pat. I was going to go out because I wanted smoking. Pat decided to come with me.

Pat- Yes, it’s true. We went out the house together.

Ben – Yes, we went out the house together but I returned home alone. Dan and Pat stayed outside, and they were discussing something very loud I heard it. And I returned to the living room to listen the Tim’s song.

A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











A person

A kitchen

A living room

A dinning room

A hall

A garden











Просмотр содержимого презентации

crimes and offenses in animated films Let’s begin our report. We are going to discuss a very serious problem Crimes and offenses in animated films. You can think “Why is this a problem? But we trust the animated films? Little children watch them. They have their lovely characters? They may copy their behavior/ And we don’t expect that these films contain some illegal actions.

crimes and offenses in animated films

Let’s begin our report. We are going to discuss a very serious problem Crimes and offenses in animated films. You can think “Why is this a problem? But we trust the animated films? Little children watch them. They have their lovely characters? They may copy their behavior/ And we don’t expect that these films contain some illegal actions.

Winnie-the-Pooh Let’s discuss some characters’ actions in the cartoon “Winnie-the-Pooh”. We hope you remember the cartoons.


Let’s discuss some characters’ actions in the cartoon “Winnie-the-Pooh”. We hope you remember the cartoons.

Article 139. Illegal penetration into the dwelling made against the will of the person living in. Punishment:- a penalty to 40000 rubles;   - corrective works for a period up 1 year;   - detention for 3 months. Статья 139.  Нарушение неприкосновенности жилища. Незаконное проникновение в жилище, совершенное против воли проживающего в нем лица. Наказание: штраф в размере до 40000рублей ; исправительными работами на срок до одного года; арест на срок до трех месяцев. Winnie-the-Pooh masks under a cloudlet and tries to ingratiate with bees and to get into a beehive.

Article 139. Illegal penetration into the dwelling made against the will of the person living in.

Punishment:- a penalty to 40000 rubles;

- corrective works for a period up 1 year;

- detention for 3 months.

Статья 139.  Нарушение неприкосновенности жилища. Незаконное проникновение в жилище, совершенное против воли проживающего в нем лица.


  • штраф в размере до 40000рублей ;
  • исправительными работами на срок до одного года;
  • арест на срок до трех месяцев.

Winnie-the-Pooh masks under a cloudlet and tries to ingratiate with bees and to get into a beehive.

Article 151 . Involvement of the minor in commission of illegal actions. Punishment: - obligatory works till 480 hours; - corrective works for a period up 1-2years; - detention for 3-6 months; - imprisonment 1-4 years. Cтатья 151. Вовлечение несовершеннолетнего в совершение антиобщественных действий.  Наказание: обязательные работы до 480 часов;  исправительные работы 1-2 года ; арест на срок 3-6 месяцев; лишение свободы на срок до 4 лет.
  • Article 151 . Involvement of the

minor in commission of illegal actions.


- obligatory works till 480 hours;

- corrective works for a period up 1-2years;

- detention for 3-6 months;

- imprisonment 1-4 years.

Cтатья 151. Вовлечение несовершеннолетнего в совершение антиобщественных действий.


  • обязательные работы до 480 часов;
  • исправительные работы 1-2 года ;
  • арест на срок 3-6 месяцев;
  • лишение свободы на срок до 4 лет.

Winnie-the-Pooh goes on a crime not alone. He takes Piglet with him which is a minor according his appearance.

Article 158. Theft by a group of persons by previous concert. Punishment:- a penalty to 2000 rubles  -corrective works for a period up 2 years   - detention for one year  Статья 158 . Ч.2 подпункт а).Кража группой лиц по предварительному сговору . Наказание: штраф в размере до 2000 руб ;  исправительные работы на срок до 2  лет; ограничение свободы на срок до 1 года.
  • Article 158. Theft by a group of persons by previous concert.

Punishment:- a penalty to 2000 rubles

-corrective works for a period up 2 years

- detention for one year

Статья 158 . Ч.2 подпункт а).Кража

группой лиц по предварительному сговору .


  • штраф в размере до 2000 руб ;
  • исправительные работы на срок до 2


  • ограничение свободы на срок до 1 года.

As all of us remember Winnie-the-Pooh with his friend Piglet tried to steal honey from bees . But this offence is the theft. it is punished by a penalty to two hundred thousand rubles. or

Article 222 . Illegal acquisition, transfer, storage, carrying and use of firearms. Punishment: -detention for 3 years; -corrective works for a period up 4 years; - imprisonment till 6 months; - detention for 4 years and a penalty 80000rubles. Статья 222. Незаконное приобретение, передача, хранение, ношение и использование огнестрельного оружия. Наказание: ограничение свободы на срок до 3 лет; принудительные работы срок до 4 лет; арест на срок до 6 месяцев; лишение свободы на срок до 4 лет со штрафом в размере до 80 000.
  • Article 222 . Illegal acquisition, transfer, storage, carrying and use of firearms.


-detention for 3 years;

-corrective works for a period up 4 years;

- imprisonment till 6 months;

- detention for 4 years and a penalty 80000rubles.

Статья 222. Незаконное приобретение,

передача, хранение, ношение и использование огнестрельного оружия.


  • ограничение свободы на срок до 3 лет;
  • принудительные работы срок до 4 лет;
  • арест на срок до 6 месяцев;
  • лишение свободы на срок до 4 лет со штрафом в размере до 80 000.

as it was already told, Piglet is a minor, therefore the gun is acquired and is stored by him illegally.

Article 118. Causing heavy harm to health on imprudence. Punishment: -penalty to 80 000 rubles; - obligatory works for up to 480 hours; corrective works up to 2 years; detention for 3 years; Imprisonment for a period up 6 months. Статья 118. Причинение тяжкого вреда здоровью по неосторожности. Наказание:  штраф до 80 000 рублей; обязательные работ на срок до 480 часов; исправительные работы на срок до 2 лет; ограничение свободы на срок до 3 лет; арест на срок до 6 месяцев.
  • Article 118. Causing heavy harm to health on imprudence.


-penalty to 80 000 rubles;

- obligatory works for up to 480 hours;

  • corrective works up to 2 years;
  • detention for 3 years;
  • Imprisonment for a period up 6 months.

Статья 118. Причинение тяжкого вреда здоровью по неосторожности.


  • штраф до 80 000 рублей;
  • обязательные работ на срок до 480 часов;
  • исправительные работы на срок до 2 лет;
  • ограничение свободы на срок до 3 лет;
  • арест на срок до 6 месяцев.

Then Piglet shoots the gun and gets firstly in the balloon then to Winnie-the-Pooh causing damage to his health.

We have just considered several offenses for which the characters of the animated film could be punished according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

We have just considered several offenses for which the characters of the animated film could be punished according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thank you for attention

Thank you for attention

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«волк и 7 козлят»

A wolf and seven kids let's examine the Russian national fairy tale on existence of crimes and offences.

A wolf and seven kids

let's examine the Russian national fairy tale on existence of crimes and offences.

Character The goat Firstly, we would like to present you the characters of the fairy tale that we want to accuse. Seven kids


The goat

Firstly, we would like to present you the characters of the fairy tale that we want to accuse.

Seven kids

The code of the Russian Federation about administrative offenses. Article 5.35 parents don’t execute obligations for contents and education of minors.  Punishment : an administrative penalty 100- 500 rubles.   The code of the Russian Federation about crimes. Article 125. Leaving of a person is in a life-threatening or health state.  Punishment: - a penalty to 80000 rubles;   -corrective works for a period up 360 hours;   - detention for 3 months;   - imprisonment 1 year.      КоАП РФ, Статья 5.35 . Неисполнение родителями или иными законными представителями несовершеннолетних обязанностей по содержанию и воспитанию несовершеннолетних - влечет предупреждение или наложение административного штрафа в размере от 100 до 500 рублей . УК РФ, Статья 125. Оставление без помощи лица, находящегося в опасном для жизни или здоровья состоянии и лишенного возможности принять меры к самосохранению по малолетству. Hаказывается штрафом- до 80000 рублей, либо обязательными работами - до 360 часов, либо арестом -до 3 месяцев, либо лишением свободы до 1 года. We accuse the goat in committing an administrative offence such as leaving children without supervision. According … she is accused . Punishment may be from 100 till 500 rubles. More… she may be accused in offence of the criminal +

The code of the Russian Federation about administrative offenses. Article 5.35 parents don’t execute obligations for contents and education of minors. Punishment : an administrative penalty 100- 500 rubles. The code of the Russian Federation about crimes. Article 125. Leaving of a person is in a life-threatening or health state. Punishment: - a penalty to 80000 rubles; -corrective works for a period up 360 hours; - detention for 3 months; - imprisonment 1 year.

КоАП РФ, Статья 5.35 . Неисполнение родителями или иными законными представителями несовершеннолетних обязанностей по содержанию и воспитанию несовершеннолетних - влечет предупреждение или наложение административного штрафа в размере от 100 до 500 рублей .

УК РФ, Статья 125. Оставление без помощи лица, находящегося в опасном для жизни или здоровья состоянии и лишенного возможности принять меры к самосохранению по малолетству.

Hаказывается штрафом- до 80000 рублей, либо обязательными работами - до 360 часов, либо арестом -до 3 месяцев, либо лишением свободы до 1 года.

We accuse the goat in committing an administrative offence such as leaving children without supervision. According … she is accused . Punishment may be from 100 till 500 rubles. More… she may be accused in offence of the criminal +

The code of the Russian Federation about crimes. Article 139, part 1 . Illegal penetration into the dwelling made against the will of the person living there. Punishment: - a penalty to 40000 rubles;   -corrective works for a period up 360 hours;   - detention for 3 months. Article 139, part 2. The illegal penetration into the dwelling made against the will of the person living there, made with use of violence. Punishment: - a penalty to 200 000 rubles;   -corrective works for a period up 2 years;   - 2 years imprisonment.   УК РФ, Статья 139. п. 1. Незаконное проникновение в жилище, совершенное против воли проживающего в нем лица, Наказывается: штрафом- до 40000рублей, либо обязательными работами -до 360часов, либо исправительными работами - до 1 года, либо арестом - до 3 месяцев. П. 2. То же деяние, совершенное с применением насилия. Наказывается: штрафом - до 200 рублей ,либо исправительными работами - до 2 лет, либо принудительными работами- до 2 лет, либо лишением свободы - до 2 лет.

The code of the Russian Federation about crimes. Article 139, part 1 . Illegal penetration into the dwelling made against the will of the person living there.

Punishment: - a penalty to 40000 rubles; -corrective works for a period up 360 hours; - detention for 3 months.

Article 139, part 2. The illegal penetration into the dwelling made against the will of the person living there, made with use of violence.

Punishment: - a penalty to 200 000 rubles; -corrective works for a period up 2 years; - 2 years imprisonment.

УК РФ, Статья 139. п. 1. Незаконное проникновение в жилище, совершенное против воли проживающего в нем лица,

Наказывается: штрафом- до 40000рублей, либо обязательными работами -до 360часов, либо исправительными работами - до 1 года, либо арестом - до 3 месяцев.

П. 2. То же деяние, совершенное с применением насилия.

Наказывается: штрафом - до 200 рублей ,либо исправительными работами - до 2 лет, либо принудительными работами- до 2 лет, либо

лишением свободы - до 2 лет.

The code of the Russian Federation about crimes. Article 167. Deliberate destruction or damage of property. Punishment: - Penalty to 40 000 rubles; - obligatory works till 360 hours; - corrective works for a period up 2years; - detention for 3 months; - 2 years imprisonment. УК РФ, Статья 167 . Умышленное уничтожение или повреждение имущества. Hаказываeтся: штраф - до 40000 рублей, либо обязательные работы - до 360 часов, либо исправительные работы - до 1 года, либо принудительные работы - до 2 лет, либо арест - до 3 месяцев, либо лишение свободы - до 2 лет . The wolf burst a ball. This is also an administrative offence.

The code of the Russian Federation about crimes. Article 167. Deliberate destruction or damage of property.


- Penalty to 40 000 rubles;

- obligatory works till 360 hours;

- corrective works for a period up 2years;

- detention for 3 months;

- 2 years imprisonment.

УК РФ, Статья 167 . Умышленное уничтожение или повреждение имущества.

Hаказываeтся: штраф - до 40000 рублей, либо обязательные работы - до 360 часов, либо исправительные работы - до 1 года, либо принудительные работы - до 2 лет,

либо арест - до 3 месяцев,

либо лишение свободы - до 2 лет .

The wolf burst a ball. This is also an administrative offence.

УК РФ, Статья 116 . Нанесение побоев или совершение иных насильственных действий, причинивших физическую боль, но не повлекших временную нетрудоспособность. Наказание: обязательные работы - до 360 часов, либо исправительные работы - до 1 года, либо принудительные работы-до 2 лет, либо арест- до 6 месяцев, либо лишение свободы -до 2 лет. The code of the Russian Federation about crimes. Article 116 . Beating or violent acts causing physical pain, but didn't entail temporary disability . Punishment : -obligatory works till 360hours, -corrective works till 1 year, -compulsory works up 2 years, - detention up 6 months, -2 years imprisonment. As if it didn't seem strange we accuse kids of commission of illegal actions

УК РФ, Статья 116 . Нанесение побоев или совершение иных насильственных действий, причинивших физическую боль, но не повлекших временную нетрудоспособность.

Наказание: обязательные работы - до 360 часов, либо исправительные работы - до 1 года, либо принудительные работы-до 2 лет, либо арест- до 6 месяцев, либо лишение свободы -до 2 лет.

The code of the Russian Federation about crimes. Article 116 . Beating or violent acts causing physical pain, but didn't entail temporary disability .

Punishment :

-obligatory works till 360hours,

-corrective works till 1 year,

-compulsory works up 2 years,

- detention up 6 months,

-2 years imprisonment.

As if it didn't seem strange we accuse kids of commission of illegal actions

The code of the Russian Federation about crimes. Article 126. p.1. Kidnapping . Punishment : -corrective works till 5 years, -5 years imprisonment. Article 126. p.2. Kidnapping the minor. Punishment : imprisonment from 5 till 12 years with restriction of freedom for a period up 2 years.  УК РФ, Статья 126 . п.1. Похищение человека. Наказание: принудительные работы - до 5 лет либо лишение свободы на 5 лет . п.2 . То же деяние, совершенное в отношении заведомо несовершеннолетнего. Наказание: лишение свободы – от 5-12 лет с ограничением свободы на срок до 2 лет. As we remember a wolf caught and took away kids. This action can be considered as kidnepping.

The code of the Russian Federation about crimes. Article 126. p.1. Kidnapping .

Punishment :

-corrective works till 5 years,

-5 years imprisonment.

Article 126. p.2. Kidnapping the minor.

Punishment : imprisonment from 5 till 12 years with restriction of freedom for a period up 2 years.

УК РФ, Статья 126 . п.1. Похищение человека.

Наказание: принудительные работы - до 5 лет либо лишение свободы на 5 лет .

п.2 . То же деяние, совершенное в отношении заведомо несовершеннолетнего.

Наказание: лишение свободы – от 5-12 лет с ограничением свободы на срок до 2 лет.

As we remember a wolf caught and took away kids. This action can be considered as kidnepping.

Thank you for attention we didn't think that children's fairy tales may contain so many illegal actions/ Thank you for attention/

Thank you for attention

we didn't think that children's fairy tales may contain so many illegal actions/ Thank you for attention/

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«открытый урок»

Crimes around us .

Crimes around us .

Which of the people in the list are law-breakers? Judge, thief , security guard, culprit, neighbor, police, passer-by, victim, bank robber, shoplifter, witness, fraudster. __________________________________________________ thief culprit bank robber shoplifter fraudster

Which of the people in the list are law-breakers?

Judge, thief , security guard, culprit, neighbor, police, passer-by, victim, bank robber, shoplifter, witness, fraudster.




bank robber



Match the words from columns and make up words combinations .

Match the words from columns and make up words combinations .

  • Made
  • Find somebody
  • pay
  • do
  • prison
  • got off
  • break
  • go to
  • sentence
  • guilty
  • a fine
  • the law
  • court
  • community service
  • with a warning
  • off
Made off, found guilty, pay a fine, do community service, prison sentence, got off with a warning, broke the law, went to court   found guilty 1. She was _____________of the murder of Jessie Roberts. 2. Anyone caught speeding will have to ______________of $60. 3. Yesterday my Mum ____________to give evidence in a criminal trial. 4. The young shoplifter ___________________because it was his first offence. 5. The burglar was given an 11-month ___________________ . 6. Jane __________________ by illegally downloading music. 7. The judge told the vandal he would have to ___________________in the area he lived. 8. The robbers broke into shop and ______________ with $100.000 pay a fine went to court got off with a warning prison sentence broke the law do community service made off

Made off, found guilty, pay a fine, do community service, prison sentence, got off with a warning, broke the law, went to court

found guilty

1. She was _____________of the murder of Jessie Roberts.

2. Anyone caught speeding will have to ______________of $60.

3. Yesterday my Mum ____________to give evidence in a criminal trial.

4. The young shoplifter ___________________because it was his first offence.

5. The burglar was given an 11-month ___________________ .

6. Jane __________________ by illegally downloading music.

7. The judge told the vandal he would have to ___________________in the area he lived.

8. The robbers broke into shop and ______________ with $100.000

pay a fine

went to court

got off with a warning

prison sentence

broke the law

do community service

made off

A) I was terribly frightened and called the police.  B) But they caught him red-handed in the neighbor house.  C) Last week my parents travelled on their business and left me home alone.  D) I was shaken up but it could have been a lot worse.  E) By the time the police arrived the burglar had gone.  F) I was sleeping upstairs when I heard a noise.  G) A burglar broke into our house through the open window.

A) I was terribly frightened and called the police. B) But they caught him red-handed in the neighbor house. C) Last week my parents travelled on their business and left me home alone. D) I was shaken up but it could have been a lot worse. E) By the time the police arrived the burglar had gone. F) I was sleeping upstairs when I heard a noise. G) A burglar broke into our house through the open window.


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