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Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку для 9 классов « Добро пожаловать в Великобританию»

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КВН "Добро пожаловать в Великобританию" - это внеклассное меропритие для учащихся 9 классов. Интересные задания данного мероприятия помогают привлечь внимание учеников к данной теме.

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«Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку для 9 классов « Добро пожаловать в Великобританию»»

МБОУ СОШ №98 Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку  для 9 классов « Добро пожаловать в Великобританию» Колягина Н.И. Воронеж 2017 г.


Открытое мероприятие

по английскому языку

для 9 классов

« Добро пожаловать в Великобританию»

Колягина Н.И.

Воронеж 2017 г.

Welcome to Great Britain!

Welcome to Great Britain!

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland

Wales St David Leek Daffodil


St David



Scotland St Andrew Thistle


St Andrew


England St George Rose


St George


Welcome to Great Britain!

Welcome to Great Britain!

How many lions are there on the British coat of arms? 9 lions

How many lions are there on the British coat of arms?

9 lions

Which is the highest mountain in Great Britain? Ben Nevis

Which is the highest mountain in Great Britain?

Ben Nevis

Why is Great Britain called the “Foggy Albion”? The UK is surrounded by water

Why is Great Britain called the “Foggy


The UK is surrounded by water

How many crosses are there on the British flag? 3 crosses

How many crosses are there on the British flag?

3 crosses

Which is the longest river in Great Britain? The Severn

Which is the longest river in Great Britain?

The Severn

Where was William Shakespeare born? Stratford upon Avon

Where was William Shakespeare born?

Stratford upon Avon

Who is the head of the UK? Elizabeth II

Who is the head of the UK?

Elizabeth II

Which is the most famous lake in Great Britain? Loch Ness

Which is the most famous lake in Great Britain?

Loch Ness

Where can we see wax figures of famous people in London? Madame Tussaud’s museum

Where can we see wax figures of famous people in


Madame Tussaud’s museum

Welcome to Great Britain!

Welcome to Great Britain!

Big Ben

Big Ben

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Stone Hedge

Stone Hedge

The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament

St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Tower of London

Tower of London

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Trafalgar square

Trafalgar square

National British costumes

National British costumes

Faces of Great Britain

Faces of Great Britain

Elisabeth II

Elisabeth II

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Conan Doyle

Conan Doyle

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher

Princess Diana

Princess Diana

Charley Chaplin

Charley Chaplin

Welcome to Great Britain!

Welcome to Great Britain!

Tower of London

Tower of London

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Welcome to Great Britain!

Welcome to Great Britain!

Thank you

Thank you


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