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Открытый урок английского языка по теме "География ( The UK and Russia)"

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Открытый урок английского языка по теме "География ( The UK and Russia)"

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«Открытый урок английского языка по теме "География ( The UK and Russia)"»

Открытый урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме «География» Учитель: Бузакина О.Б.

Открытый урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме «География»

Учитель: Бузакина О.Б.

Цели урока: способствовать формированию целостного представления о мире, расширению кругозора учащихся; систематизировать и обобщить имеющиеся у учащихся знания по данной теме. Задачи урока: 1. Учебные: Формирование лексико-грамматических навыков в форматеЕГЭ(определение временных форм), развитие навыков устной монологической и диалогической речи, навыков чтения в формате ЕГЭ (задания на точное понимание информации в тексте) и аудирования; 2.Развивать способности к сравнению, умозаключению, развивать оперативную память. Развивать способности к распределения внимания, коммуникабельности, умение выражать свое отношение к теме, способствовать развитию аналитического, критического и образного мышления через использование проблемных ситуаций и творческих заданий; 3.Воспитательные : формирование целостного представления о мире, воспитание интернационализма. Тип урока: закрепление знаний по теме. Форма урока: Урок – презентация.

Цели урока: способствовать формированию целостного представления о мире, расширению кругозора учащихся; систематизировать и обобщить имеющиеся у учащихся знания по данной теме.

  • Задачи урока: 1. Учебные: Формирование лексико-грамматических навыков в форматеЕГЭ(определение временных форм), развитие навыков устной монологической и диалогической речи, навыков чтения в формате ЕГЭ (задания на точное понимание информации в тексте) и аудирования;
  • 2.Развивать способности к сравнению, умозаключению, развивать оперативную память. Развивать способности к распределения внимания, коммуникабельности, умение выражать свое отношение к теме, способствовать развитию аналитического, критического и образного мышления через использование проблемных ситуаций и творческих заданий;
  • 3.Воспитательные : формирование целостного представления о мире, воспитание интернационализма.
  • Тип урока: закрепление знаний по теме.
  • Форма урока: Урок – презентация.
The pro с edure of the the lesson Step I. Org.moment and greeting. Step II. Phonetic exercises. Read the jazz chart “Geography Rap”  These are places in the world  These are places in the world  Some you know, some you don’t  Some you visit, and some you won’t  Some are near and some are far  Some sound exotic like Zanzibar  These are places in the world  Bombey, Care May, Mandalay, Baffin Bay,  Bagdad, Leningrad, Ashkhabad, Trinidad,  L.A., Norway, Paraguay, Manterey,  Singapore, Ecwadore, Bangalore, Baltimore,  These are places in the world… Do you know where is Zanzibar? Is it in Europe? Where is Bombey?

The pro с edure of the the lesson

  • Step I. Org.moment and greeting.
  • Step II. Phonetic exercises. Read the jazz chart “Geography Rap”
  • These are places in the world
  • These are places in the world
  • Some you know, some you don’t
  • Some you visit, and some you won’t
  • Some are near and some are far
  • Some sound exotic like Zanzibar
  • These are places in the world
  • Bombey, Care May, Mandalay, Baffin Bay,
  • Bagdad, Leningrad, Ashkhabad, Trinidad,
  • L.A., Norway, Paraguay, Manterey,
  • Singapore, Ecwadore, Bangalore, Baltimore,
  • These are places in the world…
  • Do you know where is Zanzibar? Is it in Europe? Where is Bombey?
Step 3. The development of grammar skills.  Present Perfect Active. Do you know how does the Present Perfect Active form? Put these words in order to write a sentence in the Present Perfect Active. Traditions / studied / English / has / she / a year/ for /.

Step 3. The development of grammar skills. Present Perfect Active.

  • Do you know how does the Present Perfect Active form? Put these words in order to write a sentence in the Present Perfect Active.
  • Traditions / studied / English / has / she / a year/ for /.
Step 4.Present Perfect Active   She has studied English traditions for a year. Present Perfect Passive. P(N)+have (has)+been+V(3) Put the sentence into Present Perfect Passive and ask all Possible questions to it.

Step 4.Present Perfect Active

  • She has studied English traditions for a year.
  • Present Perfect Passive.
  • P(N)+have (has)+been+V(3)
  • Put the sentence into Present Perfect Passive and ask all Possible questions to it.
Step 5.Present Perfect Passive English traditions have been studied by her for a year. 1.Have English traditions been studied ? 2.What have been studied? 3.Whom English traditions have been studied by? 4.How long have English traditions been studied by her?

Step 5.Present Perfect Passive

  • English traditions have been studied by her for a year.
  • 1.Have English traditions been studied ?
  • 2.What have been studied?
  • 3.Whom English traditions have been studied by?
  • 4.How long have English traditions been studied by her?
Step 6. Let’s speak about the countries of the world. Imagine that you are at an international conference. Say what your name (nationality) is, where you are from and what language you speak. Example: My name is Van Lee. I am from Vietnam. It is in Asia. I am Vietnamese. My language is Vietnamese. Mirey / France; Tony / Italy; Henry / England; Hans / Germany; Carmen / Spain; Olga / Russia; George / Canada; Aidar / Kazakhastan; Zita / India.

Step 6. Let’s speak about the countries of the world.

  • Imagine that you are at an international conference. Say what your name (nationality) is, where you are from and what language you speak.
  • Example: My name is Van Lee. I am from Vietnam. It is in Asia. I am Vietnamese. My language is Vietnamese.
  • Mirey / France; Tony / Italy; Henry / England;
  • Hans / Germany; Carmen / Spain; Olga / Russia;
  • George / Canada; Aidar / Kazakhastan; Zita / India.
Step 7. Copy the table and fill in it. Country capital nationality Ottawa Australia language Continent American Rome Spanish arabic

Step 7. Copy the table and fill in it.












Step 8.Comprehension check. We spoke about GB at the last lesson.  Now we are going to read the text about GB once again, but I know that there are some mistakes in it. You must correct them.  Great Britain. The UK consists of three parts. They are: England, Scotland and Wales The UK is one of the biggest countries of the world. It is twice bigger than France or Spain. The area of the UK is some 244100 square kilometres. The population of GB is over 57 million. The population doesn’t live mostly in towns and cities and suburbs. GB is rich in natural resources. Coal and oil are the most of them. The UK is one of the industrialized countries. Agriculture doesn’t take an important sector in the economy of the country. British people grow wheat, fruit, vegetables, oats. There are many rivers and lakes in GB. The Thames is the largest river, the Severn is the most important one.  The geographical position of GB gives it continental climate. It is too hot in summer and too cold in winter. It seldom rain in England.

Step 8.Comprehension check. We spoke about GB at the last lesson. Now we are going to read the text about GB once again, but I know that there are some mistakes in it. You must correct them.

Great Britain.

The UK consists of three parts. They are: England, Scotland and Wales

The UK is one of the biggest countries of the world. It is twice bigger than France or Spain. The area of the UK is some 244100 square kilometres. The population of GB is over 57 million. The population doesn’t live mostly in towns and cities and suburbs. GB is rich in natural resources. Coal and oil are the most of them. The UK is one of the industrialized countries. Agriculture doesn’t take an important sector in the economy of the country. British people grow wheat, fruit, vegetables, oats. There are many rivers and lakes in GB. The Thames is the largest river, the Severn is the most important one.

The geographical position of GB gives it continental climate. It is too hot in summer and too cold in winter. It seldom rain in England.

Step 9. We have spoken about GB, how do you think, why? And do you know what are we going to speak about? What do you know about our country? What are the main points? Where is Russia situated? What is it area? Etc. Step 10. Now we must compare the UK and our republic. You must do the diagram according to the next point 1)area; 2)population;3)the main industry;4) natural resources; 5) climate etc Find what is common and different in these two countries.

Step 9. We have spoken about GB, how do you think, why? And do you know what are we going to speak about? What do you know about our country? What are the main points? Where is Russia situated? What is it area? Etc.

  • Step 10. Now we must compare the UK and our republic. You must do the diagram according to the next point
  • 1)area; 2)population;3)the main industry;4) natural resources; 5) climate etc
  • Find what is common and different in these two countries.
Step 11 .Now listen to the text about Russia, try to understand it and be ready to write the test about the Russian Federation.  . Step 12 . Extra Task. Find the proverb. Travellingisonewayoflengtheninglife. Step XV.Our time is up. We’ve got to stop. I’m happy to say we’ve done a good bit of work during this lesson. Can you say me what have we done today? Can you make a conclusion? Do you like this theme? ….. I thank you for your cooperation. Your marks are…. Hometask: Retell the text “Russia”

Step 11 .Now listen to the text about Russia, try to understand it and be ready to write the test about the Russian Federation. .

  • Step 12 . Extra Task. Find the proverb.
  • Travellingisonewayoflengtheninglife.
  • Step XV.Our time is up. We’ve got to stop. I’m happy to say we’ve done a good bit of work during this lesson. Can you say me what have we done today? Can you make a conclusion? Do you like this theme? ….. I thank you for your cooperation. Your marks are….
  • Hometask: Retell the text “Russia”


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