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Открытый урок на тему "Kazakhstan is my country?"

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Kazakhstan is my country, open lesson, for eight class

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«Открытый урок на тему "Kazakhstan is my country?"»


Form: 8thА

The kind of the lesson: mixed lesson.

The type of the lesson: new lesson.

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: give more information about Kazakhstan, speak about its sightseeing.

Bringing-up: discuss Kazakhstan geography, understand and love nature.

Developing: develop critical thinking, logical speech, reading skills.

The methods of the lesson: question-answer, individual work, reading and speaking.

Technical aids: the video film about Kazakhstan and Astana on the computer, postcards, textbooks and a map.

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment: a) the lesson begins with singing the
anthem of Kazakhstan; b) the talk with a pupil on duty.

II. Checking the home task. Project works: prepare information
about Kazakhstan population.

  1. Introduction of the new lesson. “My country”

Present Simple

T: I want to begin our lesson with an

English proverb: "East or west, home is best". Do you agree with it?

Answer the questions.

  1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

  2. What is the population of Kazakhstan?

  3. What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?

IV. T: Look at the computer screen and listen to me.

The Republic of Kazakhstan was established in December 1991. Our countn is the second largest of the former Soviet Union with a total land area of over 2.724 million square kilometers.

Our republic borders with the Russian Federation on the north and north-west, with China on the east, with Kirgyzstan. Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan on the south.

The Ural river flows to the Caspian Sea. The central region of the country includes the Kazakh steppe and deserts of Central Asia. Our country is rich in mineral resources such copper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, uranium, zink. there are large deposits of oil and natural gas.

Kazakhstan's largest city is Almaty. Almaty was the capital until December 1997. when it was moved to Akmola. In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana. the Kazakh word for "capital".

Today, our country is famous for Alatau mountains with Medeu skating-rink. Kapchagai artificial reservoir on the Hi river, also Kazakhstan is famous for the lakes and pine forests of Kokshelau. town of Turkistan where Akhmed Yassaui Mausoleum is situated.

Our country is the ninth largest" country in the world: it has many beautiful places and rich culture. The official language is Kazakh, and Russian is the language of international communication. The President of Kazakhstan is Nursultan Nazarbayev.

V. Vocabulary work.

Share - ортактасу Desert - күмды дала

Resources –байлық Uranium - ypaн

Deposit' — жерасты қоры Gas – газ

Rename - жаңа ат беру Reservoir – кор

VI. Work in pairs.

Find the antonyms in the text.

Ugly - beautiful Poor-rich

Small - large Unknown - famous


Make up the sentences.

  1. Is the largest second country Kazakhstan

  2. Ural river the to the flows Caspian sea

  3. Borders Kazakhstan China with

  4. Capital of Kazakhstan Astana is

  5. Country our has total area land is over square kilometers 2.724

  6. Our is country rich mineral with resources

  7. Kazakhstan many has places beautiful

  8. Country's our language official is Kazakh

IX. Conclusion of the lesson.

Home task: write a letter to your friend about Kazakhstan.


The lesson is over. Good-bye!


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