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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме: "Seasons and weather"

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Урок закрепление по теме "Seasons and weather" в 6 классе.



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«Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме: "Seasons and weather"»

6 класс

Teмa: Seasons and weather

Цель: организовать познавательную деятельность учащихся по формированию и совершенствованию знаний.

Задачи: 1) повторение и закрепление грамматического и лексического материала;

2)формирование и развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи;

3) формирование лексических навыков говорения, умение понимать на слух с целью извлечения информации;

4) воспитание дружбы между членами коллектива;

5) умение работать в группе и получать знания от других участников группы

Ожидаемый результат: владение грамматическим и лексическим материалом, умение работать в группе, умение извлекать нужную информацию из текста, умение правильно строить высказывания на заданную тему.

Дидактический материал: картины времен года, картины изучаемых слов, раздаточный материал предложениями о временах года и погоде, пословица «Everything is good in its season», оценочные карточки красного, зеленого и желтого цвета.

План урока

  1. Greeting.

Good afternoon, children! Today we’ll finish our theme “Seasons and weather” and we’ll work in small groups of four people. Each group will get cards of different colours for each answer (red-5, yellow-4, green-3). At the end of the lesson we’ll count them and you’ll get marks.

  1. Realization

1. Warm up. Answer my questions, please.

What date is it today? Is it cloudy today? Is it windy? Is it rainy or sunny? Is it snowy? Is it cool or cold? What season is it now?

  1. Let’s learn the proverb “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.” Give me the Russian equivalent, please.

  1. Let’s review our words on the theme “Seasons and weather”. Look at the screen, please. Name the pictures. Each group will name only one picture. If the group doesn’t know the word, the other group will have the opportunity to answer.

  1. Let’s check how you can translate the sentences from Russian into English. I’ve got many sentences on the sheet of paper. Some sentences are difficult (orange paper), some not (pink). If you choose pink, you’ll get a yellow card, if you take orange, you’ll get a red card. If you need a help of your group, you’ll have 10 seconds. Let’s go!

Pink paper

1) Я очень люблю весну. 2) Летом очень жарко. 3) Зимой небо часто облачное.

4) Весной трава зеленая. 5) Дети играют в снежки зимой. 6) Я люблю купаться летом.

7) Я люблю дождливую погоду. 8) Дождь теплый летом. 9) Осень красивое время года.

10) Листья осенью желтые. 11) Мы гуляем в лесу каждый день. 12) Он умеет кататься на коньках.

Orange paper

1) В году четыре времени года. 2) Летом я и мой брат любим купаться в реке или в озере. 3) Я люблю весну, потому что тепло и дождливо. 4) Летом люди носят легкую одежду, потому что жарко. 5) Зимой дни короткие, а ночи длинные. 6) Летом дети играют в разные игры. 7) Я не люблю осень, потому что она грустная. 8) Листья становятся красными, желтыми и оранжевыми осенью. 9) Он не любит ветреную погоду. 10) Мы празднуем Новый год зимой. 11) Весной много птиц, цветов и зеленой травы. 12) Дети любят зиму, потому что они могут играть в снежки, кататься на санках и лепить снеговика. 13) Летом много бабочек в полях и лесах. 14) Они любят играть на свежем воздухе весной.

5. Now I’ll give you texts about 4 seasons. Each pupil in your group will get one season. You should read it for 3 minutes, put a tick near those sentences which are true and put a minus near the wrong sentences. Then change the texts with your partners. After all readings you’ll read the correct sentences and translate them.


There are four seasons in a year.

They are winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Summer comes after winter.

Summer comes after spring.

Summer months are June, July, August.

Summer months are March, April, May.

Summer is warmer than spring.

It is very hot.

The sky is blue.

The sun shines brightly and people wear light clothes.

Sometimes it is rainy and cloudy.

Rain is warm in summer.

Rain is cold in summer.

There are many birds and butterflies in summer.

The days are short and the nights are long in summer.

The days are long and the nights are short in summer.

Children don’t go to school in summer, they have summer holidays.

In summer all people like to swim in the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

In summer children like to play snowballs and make the snowmen.

In summer children like to play different games: football, basketball, hide-and-seek.

Summer is a beautiful season.


There are four seasons in a year.

They are winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Autumn comes after spring.

Autumn comes after summer.

Autumn months are September, October, November.

In autumn the weather is hot.

In autumn the weather is cool.

The sky is usually blue in autumn.

The sky is grey in autumn.

It often rains and it is cloudy.

Sometimes it is windy.

People wear warm clothes in autumn because it is cool.

Birds fly away into the warm countries.

The leaves are green in autumn.

The leaves turn red, orange and yellow.

The leaves fall down from the trees on the ground.

The grass is yellow.

There is usually a lot of fruit and vegetables in autumn.

In autumn on the first of September children begin to go to school.

In spring on the first of March children begin to go to school.

Autumn is a beautiful season.


There are five seasons in a year.

There are four seasons in a year.

They are winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Winter comes after autumn.

Winter months are December, January, February.

Winter months are September, October, November.

Winter is the coldest season of the year.

In winter people wear very warm clothes because it is cold outdoors.

In winter people wear very light clothes because it is cold outdoors.

There is a lot of snow in winter.

It often snows and it’s windy in winter.

Sometimes it is sunny but cold.

Forests and fields are green in winter.

Forests and fields are white with snow and look wonderful.

In winter the days are shorter than in summer.

And the nights are very long.

Children like winter because they can swim in the rivers, lakes and oceans.

Children like winter because they can ski, skate, sledge, play snowballs and make the snowmen.

We celebrate the New Year in winter.

It is a great holiday for all people.

Winter is a beautiful season.


There are three seasons in a year.

There are four seasons in a year.

They are winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Spring comes after winter.

Spring months are December, January, February.

Spring months are March, April, May.

It is usually warm in spring.

It is usually cold in spring.

Sometimes it rains and it is cloudy.

Sometimes it is windy in spring.

It often snows and it is cloudy in spring.

Usually the sky is blue and the sun shines brightly.

The leaves turn red, orange and yellow.

The leaves on the trees are small and green.

The grass is green.

There are many flowers and butterflies in spring.

There are no flowers and butterflies in spring.

Many birds fly in the sky.

People wear not very warm clothes in spring because the weather is warm.

Children like spring because they can play outdoors for a long time.

Children don’t like spring because they can play outdoors for a long time.

They play different games with their friends: football, leap-frog, hide-and-seek.

Spring is a very beautiful season.

  1. Reflection

You’ve worked very good today.

Let’s look how many cards we’ve got during the lesson. That group will have “5” which have more red cards.

Your marks …..for the lesson.

  1. Homework

Retelling of the text about season you like best of all.


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