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Открытый урок-презентация по теме «GADGETS OR NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN OUR LIFE. PROS AND CONS»

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«Открытый урок-презентация по теме «GADGETS OR NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN OUR LIFE. PROS AND CONS»»

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Открытый урок-презентация по теме

«Gadgets or new technologies in our life.

Pros and cons»

в 9 классе.

Провела: Савина Елена Анатольевна,

учитель английского языка.

г. Петрозаводск

2016 год

Открытый урок-презентация по английскому языку в 9 классе.

Тема:«Gadgets or new technologies in our life. Pros and cons».

Цель: формирование лексических навыков аудирования и говорения и применение их на практике.


обучающие: употребление речевых оборотов, активизация лексики по теме;

развивающие: развитие умения работать со словарем, способности в поисках нужной информации, воображения, навыков аудирования и письма;

воспитательный аспект: формировать познавательный интерес к новым электронным изобретениям, способность к мышлению.

Ресурсы: употребление изученной лексики по теме «Технологии», Модуль 4 учебника «Spotlight 9», авторов В. Эванс, Д. Дули, Ю.Е. Ваулина, О.Е. Подоляко, презентация.

Вид урока: обобщающий.

Применяемые технологии: компьютерные, информационные.

Оборудование: компьютер, компакт-диск «Spotlight 9», наглядность.

План урока.

  1. Beginning of the lesson.

  2. Warming up.

  3. Short monologues of the students.

  4. Short discussion.

  5. A role play.

  6. Student’s dialogues.

  7. Listening.

  8. Discussion: positive and negative sides of the computer.

  9. The computer addiction symptoms.

  10. Internet slang.

  11. Conclusion.

Ход урока. (Слайд 1)

  1. Beginning of the lesson.

Good morning, pupils. Today we will speak about new technologies in our life. Pros and cons. You know that wonderful inventions are created in science and technologies. People use different inventions every day. They make our life easier. Do you know what are they for?

  1. Warming up.

First of all, let’s revise the names of modern inventions that have changed our life. Look at the screen. What modern inventions do you know? (Слайд 2) Pupils name the gadgets. And now tell us what are they for?

3. Short monologues of the questions.

Vlada – about digital camera.

Olga – about laptop.

Luyda – about TV.

Yegor – about mobile phone.

Lisa - about microwave oven.

Zhenya – about E-book.

Semyon – about Games Console.

Misha – about personal computer.

Lisa 2 - about washing machine.

Thank you, pupils. I think, your stories are very interesting and useful.

  1. Short discussion.

And now I’ll give you some minutes to learn what gadget is the most popular in our class. (Pupils ask each other).

Olya, please, tell us what is the most popular gadget in our class?

    • It’s a personal computer.

OK, I see that you can’t do without this device. (Слайд 3) What do people use a computer for?

    • Pupils answer.

    • Olga: to access the information very quickly.

    • Luyda: a lot of information becomes available.

    • Misha: interaction with the world.

  1. A role play.

Let’s imagine that we are in the computer service center. Misha will be an internet service provider. Your computer has different problems. Ask him to help. Ex. 3 a p. 60. Let’s check up your answers (Слайд 4)

  1. Student’s dialogues.

Look at Ex. 4 a p. 60. I’ll give you some minutes to make your own dialogues (in pairs). Let’s listen to your dialogues. Thank you very much.

  1. Listening. Ex. 9 p. 61.

Listen to 5 speakers talking about computers and match them to state-computers A till E. fill in the table, please.

  1. Discussion: positive and negative sides of the computers.

And now let’s speak about the positive and negative sides of the computers. We split up into two groups. The first group proves the advantages of computers. The second group proves cons of computers. Look at the screen (Слайд 5). Can you add something? Thank you for your opinions.

9. The computer addiction symptoms.

You know, some people become so dependent on computers that can not imagine their life without them. Some students in our class have prepared a dialogue about it at home. Let's listen to them (Yegor, Lisa, Luyda).

Vlad, can you tell us what the computer addiction symptoms are? (Слайд 6)

10. Internet slang.

I think you are fond of sending e-mails. Let’s look at the screen (Слайд 7) and study the list of the Internet slang. In my opinion it will be very interesting and useful for you. Try to guess the meaning of these letters (Слайд 8)

11. Conclusion.

Our lesson comes to an end. I should say you are brilliant. Your work was hard and wonderful. Thank you for your excellent preparation for the lesson. You are getting good and excellent marks.

Pupils, I would like you to read the article “The Gadget Show on Five” at home. It will be ex. 1 p. 3.

Now I’d like to know how you did like the lesson. Show me your pictures with smiles and show your mood. (Гости и ученики показывают смайлики, согласно их настроению от увиденного на уроке.)


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